A list of
affirmations which support women in thinking of themselves in stronger and more positive
I can trust
my own feelings and perceptions.
I am not to
blame for being verbally abused.
I am not
the cause of another's irritation, anger, or rage.
I deserve
freedom from mental anguish.
I can say
no to what I do not like or want.
I do
not have to take it.
I am an
important human being.
I am a
worthwhile person.
I deserve
to be treated with respect.
I have
power over my own life.
I can use
my power to take good care of myself.
I can
decide for myself what is best for me.
I can make
changes in my life if I want to.
I am not
alone; I can ask others to help me.
I am worth
working for and changing for.
I deserve
to make my own life safe and happy.
I can count
on my creativity and resourcefulness |