Pregnant after IVF BB
~ Frequently Asked Questions~

This list of FAQ and Answers are compiled from the PG after IVF archives.
The answers are the opinions of our members and should not be construed as
expert medical advice

Calculate due date

Calculate trimesters

Fetal development

HCG levels

Morning sickness relief

Pediatrician - interview

Perineal massage

Premature survival rates

Progesterone levels


Wives tales


Q.  Does my HCG level indicate multiples?

A.  HCG levels are NOT an indication of multiples but I've compiled this listing of HCG levels from our present and past members. 


7dpt = 69;  9 dpt = 181 (misdamanda - delivered ?)
9dpt = 45;  12dpt = 153;  15dpt = 554;  22dpt = 5673 (lydsand2 - EDD 11/14/00) 3 day transfer
9dpt = 106;  11dpt = 146;  13dpt = 258;  17dpt = 1486 (texas2 - EDD July 13, 2000) blast transfer
10dpt = 10 (kareneb - delivered December 22, 1999)
10dpt = 16;  13dpt = 38;  15dpt = 68;  17dpt - 163 (janete1 - delivered May 3, 2000)
10dpt = 45.5;  11dpt = 65.7;  14dpt = 237;  16dpt = 753; 19dpt = 2531 (lisal_2000-EDD 01/26/01) 3 day transfer
10dpt = 57;  12dpt = 145;  17dpt = 871 (mbhca - EDD 11/22/00) 3 day transfer
10dpt  = 58;  12dpt = 104;  14dpt = 418  (careh - delivered July 13, 1999)
10dpt = 178;  13dpt = 1700 (jraq - EDD 01/27/01) 3 day transfer
11dpo = 74;  13dpo = 265;  15dpo = 2,960;  17dpo = 7,240 (thaylond - delivered October 28, 1999) IUI
12dpt = 57;  14dpt = 131 (rainbow00 - EDD 09/04/00) 3 day transfer
12dpt = 89;  14dpt = 215 (danielle_13 - delivered June 14, 2000)
12dpt = 90;  14dpt = 181 (ibbecca - EDD 02/21/01) 3 day transfer
12dpt = 112;  14dpt = 336 (jenngomez - EDD 03/12/01) 3 day transfer
12dpt = 273;  16dpt = 1858;  20 dpt 7269 (yippie - delivered November 11, 1999)
12dpt = 462;  14dpt = 953 (franciep - delivered December 30, 1999) 5-day blast transfer, vanishing twin
13dpt = 244;  15dpt = 507 (rubyred08 - delivered November 27, 1999) vanishing twin
13dpt = 359;  20dpt = 7000, 27dpt = 33000 (rastiv - EDD 12/19/00) 3 day transfer
14dpt = 58;  16dpt = 186 (babyforus_2000 - EDD 12/05/00) 5 day transfer
14dpt = 398 (frodob - delivered December 31, 1998)
16dpt - 155;  23dpt = 14,000  (franston - EDD 02/05/01) 3 day FET


9dpt = 29;  11dpt = 67 (liz0099 - delivered February 4, 2000)
9dpt = 151;  11dpt = 335 (julie 621 - delivered January 25, 2000)
9dpt = 224;  16dpt = 4175 (mparke - EDD 02/01/01) 5 day transfer
10dpt = 246 (lynnb28 - delivered April 30, 1999)
11dpt = 137, 13dpt = 302, 16dpt = 898, 25dpt = 14,950 (lorzz - EDD 03/27/01)
11dpt = 247;  13dpt = 531 (stacey416 - delivered February 15, 2000) vanishing triplet
11dpt = 262;  18dpt = 4725 (jeaniekate - EDD 11/23/00) - 3 day transfer
11dpt = 303;  13dpt - 773;  16 dpt = 3,000 (ciscokidd - delivered August 4, 1999) vanishing triplet
12dpt = 111;  18dpt = 1272 (kitcat2 - EDD August 22, 2000)
12dpt = 161; 14dpt = 466; 19 dpt = 3244 (cl-ibbecca - delivered January 12, 1999) vanishing triplet; 3day transfer
12dpt = 177;  14dpt = 506 (flowerchild - EDD 02/21/01) 2 day transfer
12dpt = 362;  15dpt = 1812 (lisapass - delivered April 23, 2000)
12dpt = 254; 19dpt = 3428 (rockylane943 - delivered May 4, 1999)
12dpt = 650;  14dpt = 2,122 (janosh's surrogate - delivered February 24, 2000)
12dpt = 669;  19dpt = 10500 (tkopel - EDD 03/13/01) 5 day transfer
12dpt = 826;  23dpt = 43,000 (jenros - delivered September 17, 1999)
12dpt = 1079;  14dpt = 2746;  17dpt = 5756 (sellgood - delivered January 6, 2000) vanishing triplet
13dpt = 202; 17dpt = 1381 (mermaid56 - delivered March 22, 2000)
13dpt = 440;  15dpt = 862 (roundabout - EDD 02/15/01) 3 day transfer


8dpt = 62;  11dpt = 141;  18dpt = 1200;  25dpt = 6750 (tamaraf - delivered ?)
13dpt = 1358;  15dpt = 2968 (csequine - delivered ?)

Read more about HCG levels at:
Creighton University Medical Center
HCG levels in early pregnancy

Q.  How do I calculate my due date after IVF?

A.  Opinions differ but here are the two methods:

(1)  Calculate from the date of retrieval.  Using this method, you would take your retrieval date and count backwards 2 weeks.  That date would be considered your "LMP".  Now it's 40 weeks from that date.

(2)  Calculate from the date of transfer.  Same as the method above except you start with your transfer date.

Q.  How do you calculate trimesters?

A.  Information found at Baby Center

        Month 1 = Wk 1-5 (5 Wks)
        Month 2 = Wk 6-9 (4 Wks)
        Month 3 = Wk 10-13 (4 Wks)
        Month 4 = Wk 14-18 (5 Wks)
        Month 5 = Wk 19-22 (4 Wks)
        Month 6 = Wk 23-27 (5 Wks)
        Month 7 = Wk 28-31 (4 Wks)
        Month 8 = Wk 32-36 (5 Wks)
        Month 9 = Wk 37-40 (4 Wks)

        =9 Months, or 40 Wks!!

Q.  Is my Progesterone level normal?

A.  Here's an example of a healthy pregnancy's levels:

11 dpo = 35.3;  13 dpo = 48.9;  10wks = 32.8 (thaylond)

Q.  How can I relieve my morning sickness?

A.  Here's what some of our members have suggested: 

  • I found "seasickness bands" in my pharmacy (next to the Dramamine). You wear them on your wrists - they helped me some, but they have to be positioned properly. 2 finger widths from your wrist & put the "button"
    between the 2 tendons that kind of stick out under your wrist.
  • Sips of freezing cold Coke (don't worry about the caffeine, lots of girls do this), vitamin B6 (400mg), ginger tablets (the tea isn't as effective because the heat destroys the active ingredient), ginger biscuits, cinnamon tictacs, taking sips of water all the time, eating (lightly) every 90 minutes or so, hot black tea with sugar. For goodness' sake stay away from cooking and food smells. Eat cold things rather than hot, they don't smell as strong. Eat everything you can between slices of bread, it cuts the smell. Ask your husband to stop wearing cologne. Lie down as much as you can. And the seabands are really good. If you're really bad the doc can give you an injection of Maxolon quite safely. I'm suffering with you, not that it's any help.
  • Ginger ale..not regular ginger ale from grocery store, but "Jamaican Ginger Ale" from health food store
  • You need to separate your solids and liquids and Ginger tea really helps. Also my RE suggested I try a vitamin called Nestrex ( which is Vit B6 with glucose). The glucose helps regulate your blood sugar. You get it from a pharmacist but don't need a prescription. The m/s is generally caused by your blood sugar being low and that is why you need to eat but don't feel like it and the vitamin helps regulate your glucose a little better.


Q.  What can I expect in terms of fetal development?

A.  There are several great sites on fetal development.  The best I've found so far is,3375,12290,00.html   It gives amazing details on fetal development as well as animation.  It's a definite MUST SEE!

Q.  What can I expect during routine ultrasounds?

A.  This and just about any other ultrasound question you may have is answered at :  Obstetric Ultrasound

Q.  Interviewing a pediatrician, what questions should I ask?

A.  Here is what one of our members suggested:

  • What is the MD call schedule, who covers when he/she is off?
  • What is their philosophy regarding whatever your issues/concerns are, (i.e. vaccinations,circumcisions, etc.)
  • Do they have a "well baby" waiting room.
  • Do they have a special time when newborns can be brought in and not be exposed to sick kids.
  • If you have an emergency and the MD is off and you are uncomfortable w/ on call MD, what is the policy?
  • Will the MD be available to check baby shortly after birth?
  • Is MD an advocate of breastfeeding?
  • Is MD one who is too quick to tx w/ antibiotics?
  • Talk w/ others and what their experience has been w/ various MD especially regarding after hour
    calls etc.
  • How quick was the MD to return calls?
  • How available are they when you go in for appt.?
  • Do they take the time to listen and answer questions or is it fast food medicine?
  • Where did they train, how long have they been in practice, just get a feel for who they are and what their attitude is like.
  • Do they have kids, how old??
  • How many RN do they have, any pediatric nurse practitioners available??
  • Look at the lay out of the office, is it a clean, cheerful a place you would feel comfortable bringing your child to??
  • Does the MD seem relaxed and have the energy you would want your child exposed to??  

You can also check out this website:  Ten Questions to Help You Choose a Baby Doctor 

Q.  How do you do a perineal massage?

A.  Check out these great links:

Q.  What are my baby's chances of survival if born prematurely?

A.   General estimates of survival for live born infants who receive neonatal intensive care in the USA in the 1990's are:



21 weeks


22 weeks


23 weeks


24 weeks


25 weeks


26 weeks


27 weeks


30 weeks


34 weeks


For more information please visit Baby Data

Q.  What are some old wives' tales for determining the sex of my baby?

A.   I gathered these from surfing the net:

  • From Susan . . . Have the mother-to-be pick up a a single key. If she picks it up by the round part it will be
    a boy. If she picks up the long narrow part it will be a girl. If she picks it up in the middle she is supposedly
    having twins. According to this I will have a son come May.
  • From Renee' . . . We told our ultrasound technician that we don't want to know in advance, but that we're
    having fun guessing. She told us to take a poll among 5-year old children. She says their accuracy is uncanny. If you can't trust the US Technician, who can you trust?!
  • From Shannon . . . If the expectant mother is eating and coughs, ask her to pick a number, then match the
    number to the corresponding alphabet letter, eg: A=1, B=2, C=3 etc, then ask her to pick a name starting with that letter. If the name she picks is a girls name, it will be a girl, boys name, boy. I should have a girl.
  • From Candy . . . I was told just today that with subsequent babies, the sex is determined by the previous
    child's first word. If s/he says mama first, it will be a girl and if s/he says dada first it will be a boy. I have
    more research to do but this worked for my cousin. I want a girl but according to this, I guess when we get
    pregnant with our second, we will have another boy!
  • From Beth . . . Here's another one for you... I found this when I was preparing my sister-in-law's shower.
    The Mayans determined the sex of the baby by taking the mother's age at conception, and the year of
    conception. If both are even or both are's a girl. If one is even and one odd it's a boy. This worked for most everyone in the group. I have tried it several places.
  • From Kate . . . Before conceiving my fourth child (after 3 daughters), I tried the salty diet and it
    worked!!!! Baby #4 was a boy. I have never been one to eat salty foods or to use salt when cooking, but 3
    months before conception I started eating everything salty I could get my hands on. This diet must be started before conception (but do not do this if you are on a salt restricted diet). If you want a girl eat lots of sweets.  My daughter, who is in her 9th month, ate lots of salty foods before conception and my grandson is due March 7!!!!!! Good luck.
  • From Vicky . . . Well I don't know if this fits just yet. But I am planning on a pregnancy and have tried
    many old wives tales to try and ensure that this child will be a girl. (I already have a beautiful boy). I have put a wooden spoon and a pair of scissors under my bed, and a pink bow under my pillow. I went as far as buying a book of old wives tales. I hope they work! Regardless of the outcome I will be happy with whatever I get! :o)
  • From Christie K . . . When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was told by an old man I work with to eat a
    clove of garlic. If the smell of garlic seeped out of my pores, it was a boy. If it wasn't detected at all, it was a girl. I never tried it because. . . well, would YOU eat a clove of garlic?
  • From Maryann . . . Go by your parents history. What did your mother have? What position are you in the
    children. . . 1, 2, 3rd. If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with the second, then third, then first. If you are the middle child, you will have 3, 2, 1. But if you are the last child, you will have exactly what you mother had. Now add your hubby or the father. I will use my family. My mother had John (26), Pam (25), and Maryann (24-me). My mother-in-law had David (37), Laura (36), and my hubby Michael (26). You have to go by which side of the family you followed closer to. You won't know this till after the second child. Since my hubby and I were the last ones born in our families, we would have 1, 2, 3. Since both sides had a boy, we had a boy first, then a girl (and both sides had girls within a year). Now we are pregnant again, and since I didn't wait 10 years, I would be following my mother more closely so this one will be a girl, like my mother had. I hope this made sense.
  • From Pearl . . . I heard that whoever is more aggressive at the time of conception, the child will be the
    opposite of that sex . . . might be true, we have two boys!!
  • From Kally . . . One wives' tale I heard when I was pregnant was if your legs resemble tree trunks, it's a
    boy. If they are trim and fit, it's a girl. Well this was wrong . . . my legs got huge and deformed, and I have a
    beautiful little girl.
  • From Debbie . . . After a week camping with my 76 year old grandmother she told me she knew I was going to have a girl for this reason: when a woman is pregnant with a girl she will be crabby (to put it nicely) because all women are crabs and if you have one inside you are twice so. If you are pregnant with a boy you are happy and smiling because you have a little peter inside you for 9 months (her exact words)! She cracked me up she was embarrassed while she told it. We'll see in April, it agreed with the Drano test.
  • From MZ . . . One, if you crave the heels of bread, you will have a boy; if you like the middle, a girl is on
    the way. If your hands start to get dry and chapped, it will be a boy; but if your hands are softer now, it will be a girl. You eat more if you are pregnant with a boy. You are more nauseated with a girl. I haven't had my baby yet, and we are not going to find out what the sex is until due date!
  • From Sheri . . . I am five months pregnant with my third child. I have two boys, and I carried them both
    differently. Trevor was low and all out front. Jacob was in the middle and wide. The one thing that I had in
    common while pregnant with both boys was I loved being pregnant. I was barely sick and never moody. I loved it.  This time, my third, I am 22 weeks along and still sick. I am so moody that I could cry at a comedy if I wanted to. I am tired and not enjoying this pregnancy at all. I have heard that if you are sick more and moody, it is a girl.  We hope so, but only time will tell.
  • From Lisa C . . . I don't know the gender of my unborn baby but if I took all the old wives tales I've heard
    into consideration, I'd have to conclude it will be a boy. The first one I heard was, "I can't tell you're pregnant from the back so it must be a boy; with a girl you'd be pregnant all over!" The next one I heard was, "You are carrying low; it's a boy, girls are carried high" and my favorite one was, "Do you crave sweet foods or salty foods?" and when I replied,"salty" the response was again, "It's a boy, if it was a girl you would crave desserts." All this leads me to believe I'll be delivering a girl!!!
  • From Kim . . . This is my second child, and I am always amazed at how fun it is for others to guess at the
    gender of my new baby. It can be fun hearing all of their rationale for their decisions. One of the more
    interesting stories that I have run across is the "Ancient Chinese Gender Chart." I was so curious I found one on the is a link: It is based on the female's age at conception and the month conceived. I checked it out and it was accurate for my first child, so who knows?
  • From SPust . . . I will not be finding out the sex of my baby for another week. However since my pregnancy
    I have had a terrible acne break out on my face and chest. I have been told that this means I am having a girl and creating a larger number of hormones for a female.
  • From Bettina . . . We've heard the OWT that a girl will "sap" her mama's beauty . . . or a girl will make you
    more nauseous. For the life of us, we can only come up with boys' names, although we would love either a boy or a girl. Somehow the name thing seems like it's telling us something.
  • From Stefanie . . . A friend of my mother's told me to urinate in a glass or jar with a tablespoon of Drain-o
    in it. If the mixture was green, it meant a girl; if the mixture turned blue, it was a boy. I tried this, and it turned green. I did have a girl, and so did my mom's pregnant friend (her mixture was green, too) but I'm still skeptical of this OWT!
  • From Lisa H . . . I've also heard about carrying boys low and girls high . . . which was right on both of my
    children. There is also the ring test where you suspend the woman's wedding ring on a chain over her belly. If it swings back and forth, it's a girl. If it swings around in circles, it's a boy. I tried this on four pregnant friends a few years ago and all but one was right.
  • From Nancy (mother of two *daughters*) . . . Both times, everyone seemed to know I was having a boy. The way I was carrying, the baby's heart rate, how big I was, how big they expected the baby to be . . . The only thing that was to the contrary were my (very few) dreams - always about baby girls.
  • From Johna . . . I heard that if the mother-to-be trips or falls over her own feet during pregnancy, it's a boy.
    If the mother is graceful, it will be a girl. I don't see how it's true since my mother has two girls and one boy,
    and she tripped with the girls only.
  • From dsandey . . . I've heard that if the heartbeat is high it will be a girl, and if it is low it will be a boy.
  • From Michelle . . . My mother-in-law shared an old wives tale with my husband and I since we are expecting our first baby. She claims that if you hold a gold chain with a medallion, over the expectant mother's palm, you can determine the sex of the baby. If the medallion moves in a circular motion, it will be a girl. If it moves back and forth in a line, it will be a boy. She tested her theory on me, and it predicted that I will have a boy. Today, my doctor said that the sex of our baby is 95% sure to be a boy. Neat! She claims that this theory also works on women who already have children. The first time will show the sex of the first born; the second time, the second born . . . and so on. Try it and see if it works for you!!
  • From Kristina . . . I've heard that if you're carrying more of the baby in front, it's a boy. If you're carrying
    the baby in your hip and rear area, it's a girl.
  • From Olivia0317 . . . I heard that if a toddler boy shows interest in a pregnant woman, the mom-to-be is going to have a girl. If he ignores the pregnant woman, she will have a boy. My nephew had shown very little interest in me until I became pregnant. Then once I was pregnant, he began to follow me around whenever he saw me. I have a 3 month old girl, and my nephew adores her, but alas he ignores me once again. Coincidence?

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