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Pregnant after IVF

2001 Birth Stories

Girls (15) vs. Boys (31)

Singletons (23)
Twins (11 sets)
Triplets (1 sets)

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July 25, 2001

Hannah Rose
6lbs 10oz

Tyler Craig
6lbs 2oz

Birth Story

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July 20, 2001

Nicholas Brennon
7lbs 1oz
8:03 AM

Birth Story
Home Page

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July 19, 2001

Aidan Jack
6lbs 14oz

Birth Story

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July 18, 2001

Colby Keir
5lbsounds 1oz

(born @ 36 wks)


Birth Story

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July 15, 2001


Bailey John Stephen
6lbs 4oz

Jacob Andrew Issac
5lbs 10oz

(born @ 36w2d)

Birth Story

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July 7, 2001

Andrew Phillip
4lbs 4oz

Ricardo Miquel, Jr.
2lbs 14oz

Laney Marie
4lbs. 4oz.

(born @ 32w5d

Birth Story

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June 28, 2001

 3 lbs. 7 oz.

5 lbs.

(delivered @ 34 wks)

Birth Story

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June 21, 2001

Emily Elizabeth
4lbs 8oz

(delivered @ 33 wks)

Birth Story

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June 6, 2001

Luke Daniel
7lbs 10oz

Birth Story

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May 17, 2001

Katelyn Hannah
8lbs 12oz

Birth Story

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May 9, 2001

Matthew John, III
7lbs 12oz

Birth Story

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May 4, 2001

Noah Alexander

Birth Story

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April 24, 2001

Lachlan Matthew

Birth Story

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April 10, 2001

Jason Hamilton

Birth Story

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April 5, 2001

Brianna Celine
6lbs 10oz

Birth Story

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April 4, 2001

Paige Madison
6lbs 12oz

Birth Story

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April 3, 2001

Daniel Joshua
6lbs 6oz

Thomas Langdon
6lbs 10oz
5:01 am

Birth Story

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March 29, 2001

Alec Nikolas
9lbs 4oz

Birth Story

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March 26, 2001

Laura Ellen

Jacob Alexander

Birth Story

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March 25, 2001

Katherine Grace
7lbs 12oz

Birth Story

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March 17, 2001

John "Jack"
6lbs 3oz

Patrick Gerard
6lbs 1oz

Birth Story

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March 8, 2001

Saoirse (SEER-sha) Isabel
8lbs 3.6oz

Birth Story

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February 13, 2001

Karl Friedrich
9lbs 8oz

Birth Story

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February 12, 2001

5lbs 4oz

4lbs14 oz

Birth Story

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February 6, 2001

Andrew Trillin
7lbs 5.4oz

Birth Story

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January 30, 2001

John Harrison Hester Entwistle
10lbs 12oz

Birth Story

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January 24, 2001

Vell Colin
8lbs 1oz

Birth Story

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January 23, 2001

Patrick Thomas
8lbs 9oz

Birth Story

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January 22, 2001

Jacob "Jake" Austin

Birth Story

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January 22, 2001

Severin Justice
5lbs 14oz
7:04 am

Serentiy Jenasis
6lbs 6oz
7:11 am

Birth Story

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January 22, 2001

Adrian Jacob
6lbs 5½oz

Keegan Tyler
4lbs 7½oz

Birth Story

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January 11, 2001

Kelsey Ann
6lbs 4oz

Born @ 34½ wks

Birth Story

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January 5, 2001

Andrew Harrison
9:55 p.m.

Birth Story

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January 3, 2001

Abigail Elizabeth
4lbs 10oz

Liam Allen
5lbs 1oz

Birth Story

January 3, 2001

Had my 34 week OB appt on Jan 3rd and was very swollen - was really hoping that Dr would set the c-sect for the next week. My OB took one look at me and announced I'd be checking into the hospital because I had PIH. Then she took a second look and said I'd be having the c-sect in a few days. So DH and I march over to the hospital and then OB says we'll be having the c-sect that night. When my bloodwork came back she said I was having the c-sect as soon as the team could be assembled! Apparently my kidneys were failing and my liver was on the verge of following suit! Yikes. It all happened so fast and got pretty scary. Thankfully the babies were doing well and not in any distress. By 4:08pm - Abigail Elizabeth was born - she weighed 4 lb., 10 oz and was 17 1/4 inches. Her Apgars were 8 & 9. Liam Allen joined his sister at 4:10pm and weighed 5 lb., 1 oz. His Apgars were 9 & 9. They both did very well from the start and didn't need any assistance. WOW - we were parents!

While the babies had no problems - they had a very hard time stabilizing me and it took till Jan 7th for me to be able to get off strict bedrest at the hospital and go see the babies for any length of time. The NICU nurses finally resorted to bringing the babies to me - IV's and all because I was so ill. I've lost over 20 lbs. in just fluid and am so thankful that everything has turned out well and the babies are flourishing! I still have a long way to go but at least I've been released from the hospital now and can recover at home. Babies are still in the NICU and will be for at least another week or so.

Now the hard part of running between the hospital and home begins!

Sue - very happy mommy to Liam and Abby - 01/03/01

January 4, 2001

On Thursday, January 4th, I had appointments with both the perinatologist and the OB. Andrew's weight was estimated to be 6 lbs. 9 oz. and the doctors felt that he was alot of baby for me to deliver (I am quite petite). My OB said that on Tuesday, I was to come back and he would either induce me that night, if I wanted to attempt labor or we would schedule a c-section. Thursday evening I felt terrible, but didn't think anything of it since I had been experiencing pre-term since 24 weeks. Didn't sleep a wink that night and woke up Friday in pain. Long story short, I was in labor despite being on Brethine and off to L&D we went. The doctors tried minimally to stall the labor, but were unsuccessful. Despite all of my contractions, my cervix was still closed tight as a drum and so a decision was made to deliver Andrew by c-section. He was born at 9:55 p.m. on January 5th and weighed a healthy 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 19 1/4 inches long. He experienced what they refer to as difficulty transitioning, which means that he was having trouble expelling fluid from his lungs and was having some difficulty breathing, so he spent about 3 hrs. in the NICU ... which was quite upsetting and very scary. Thank goodness, he was fine and was with us in the room after the initial 3 hrs.

All is going very well ... we are a bit sleep deprived and very busy, but loving every minute of it! At his 4 week appointment, Andrew weighed in at 9 lbs. 3.2 oz and 22 1/4 inches!!! If you would like to take a peak, you can visit Andrew's web page at

I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for helping me through my IF journey and what was for me, a difficult pregnancy. I wish all of you a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies ... I look forward to seeing you all in the playgroup!!

I will continue to lurk when I can!!

Fondly, Lisa and Andrew

November 11, 2001

Kelsey decided to come into the world a little early. I went to the doctor on 1/8 and he said that all was well. Didn't even check my cervix. I told him that I loved being preggers but it was time for her to come out. Little did I know that three days wish would come true. I woke to contractions at 3:30 am and went to the bathroom. The contractions were about 8 minutes apart. I decided to take a warm bath and drink lots of water. I told DH what I was doing and he went to get the book that we got in childbirth class. While the bath water was running, I felt water dripping down my leg. I thought to myself, gee...I just went to the bathroom, I don't need to go again!!!  So I jumped in the tub and soaked. Mike was timing the contractions and they started coming every 5 minutes. I got out of the tub and felt a gush. Turns out that my water broke!! I called the hospital and they told me to call my doctor. So I did. This was at 5 am. He said to get to the hospital he wanted me on monitors. Of course, Mike had to take a shower and pack my bags, etc... Just as we were leaving our bedroom, the weatherman was on t.v. saying that many women give birth during a full moon, which it was. Mike and I laughed and said that we won't be coming home for awhile. So we get to the hospital at 6:45 am and my doctor showed up at 7:15 am. He took a look and said that I was fully effaced but only dilated 1 cm and my water had definitely broken. He then told us that we were going to have a baby today...6 weeks early. Yikes!!

So we get to our LDR room and monitors are put on. I got my IV and since I wasn't progressing, they started Pitocin. That was at about noon. I had friends of mine stop in and my parents stopped by while in labor. The nurses kept increasing my dosage until it hit the max at about 3 p.m. I was having bad back labor and the nurse called the doc and he said that I could have some Nubane and an enema. Let me tell you that both were great!! I got to poop everything out (from a big dinner the previous night) and I could care less about what was going on. I was so worried about going to the bathroom while pushing. Poor Mike was in the room when I had to go to the bathroom. We have a new understanding in our marriage!! The nurses even had to come in with air freshener, but I could care less. At 3:45, the new nurse came in to check me and she couldn't even find my cervix (it is up high above the pubic bone). Two other nurses came in to see if they could find it. They called my doc and the nurses told him that I was either fully dilated or not dilated at all. They couldn't tell. My doc was laughing with his partner and said that he would be there in 30 minutes. Well a fourth nurse came in to check and they also said that someone was on their way to give me my epidural. The nurse checked and barely got her hand in there and said "I feel the baby's head!!" They ripped the monitors off of me and called the doc. He literally had to run to the hospital. The nurses rushed me off to the delivery room since Kelsey was a preemie. I asked about my epidural and they said that it was too late!! OMG!!!  I didn't want natural childbirth!! I had already started pushing and we heard my doc running down the hallway. He threw on a gown and got into position. The first set of three pushes were kind of practice pushes. I was practicing my trucker mouth!! The second set of pushes even more so I practiced my trucker mouth even more. Then Kelsey's heartrate dropped!! The doc and nurses threw my legs up into stirrups, put a blue drape over me, injected Litocain (sp?) and gave me an episiotomy (sp?). He had to use forceps to deliver her. I gave one more set of pushes. On the second push, her head came out and then on the third push, Kelsey was out. They rushed her to the NICU area and made sure she was ok. I never even saw her, but I did hear her wailing!! Mike was so interested in what was going on "down there", he and the doc were talking about the placenta and everything else. This coming from a guy who pukes at the sight of cleaning up after the dog gets sick! I was just laying there asking to see Kelsey. Her Apgars were 7 and 9. The doc was very surprised that she was 6 lbs. 4 oz. He started laughing and said that it was a good thing that we went early! The nurses were laughing when they put me back in my room. They wheeled me out after the Oprah show started and I was back in my room before the Oprah show ended. Talk about a quick delivery!! I finally got to see Kelsey about 2 hours later. Her lungs were great and her coloring was good. Kelsey spent one week in NICU. She had some jaundice and had to stay under lights for 2 days. They put her on some oxygen and she pulled it off after 2 hours!! That's my girl!! She was the biggest preemie down in NICU and after looking at some of her station mates, I felt so lucky that she was ok. Many babies were going to be there for upwards of 3 months.

As I write this novel, Kelsey is in her bassinet right next to the computer just cooing away! She is a true miracle, just as all of your babies are true miracles. I have enjoyed just sitting, holding her and gazing into her little face. She is exactly what I had imagined, a little angel!

Many thanks for letting me share our joy with all of you! I look forward to reading many more birth stories this year and seeing many new graduates from the IVF board. I will be lurking over here and wish all of you the best of luck. Time to go to the playgroup, I'll see you all over there!!

Love, Krista, mom to Kelsey Ann born 1/11/01

January 22, 2001

I went into labor just 12 hours after my last dosage of Brethine and enjoying a couple of hours of shopping. I was sitting in my recliner around 3:00pm chatting away to several of my bedrest friends online and my contractions, which had been 10 minutes apart and not regular, all the sudden became very regular at 3 minutes apart! I endured an hour of contractions at home, called the OB and she said get to the hospital. I got there an hour later and was 3.5 cm dilated and 75% effaced. By 5:30, I was contracting every 2-3 minutes and they were about 1 1/2 minutes long. By 6:15, I really wanted an epidural because it was awful back labor. Finally, at 8:00pm, I got the epidural. I was 5 cm dilated and my water had just broken. I rested for a good 2 hours and was getting ready to nap for awhile. DH, the nurse, and I thought they wouldn't make it before midnight. The OB comes in at 10:00pm and checks me out thinking it would be OK for me to nap and start some Pitocin. After he checks me, he tells me to get my glasses on and tells the nurse to move me to OR because we were going to have babies!! I was 9.5 cm dilated and 100% effaced! We get all set up in the OR and find that we have to wait because the anesthesiologist and the pediatrician were at the other local hospital doing an emergency c-section. So the OB said since I was comfortable with the epidural and my contractions were nice and strong, he would just let me hang out and have the contractions do the work. And boy did they do what they were supposed to because I was at -3 station at 10:15pm and was at +1 station at 11:25pm. At that time, the rest of the crew was here and I started pushing. At 11:45pm, Adrian Jacob Mosher made his appearance, weighing in at 6 lbs. 5 1/2 oz and was 18 1/4" long. The next baby was a challenge because he was transverse, stuck in my rib cage. The OB kept working at getting the baby, but was getting a hand and a foot. Then his heartrate started fluctuating too much and they turned up the oxygen mask I had. OB starts talking emergency c-section and was asking David to leave. David comes over to say goodbye and OB figures out that baby has his foot stuck around his neck and was able to grab two feet! 7 minutes after his big brother, Keegan Tyler Mosher made his appearance. Keegan wasn't breathing after being suctioned, so he was rushed over to the pediatrician. After about a minute or so of bagging, Keegan let out a cry that silenced the room! He was 4 lbs. 7 1/2oz and 18" long. Adrian's Apgar scores were 8 and 9. Keegan was 5 and 9. Both had a little trouble staying warm, so they were put in isolets while I was resting, so I didn't get to see them much for the first 12 hours. Keegan needed a feeding tube because eating was difficult. But after 2 days, both were out of the isolets and Keegan lost his feeding tube. Adrian is being watched closely for jaundice because his bilirubin level is rising a little, but not enough to be put under lights. Both are home now, after 4 1/2 days in the hospital.

We are so blessed to have such beautiful and healthy babies!!

Mom and Dad are very tired, but don't care at this point, we are so smitten with these cute little guys!

Thank you so much for the support over the past 8 months!! I am so much loving motherhood and feel that I have been so incredibly blessed!

-Mary Mommy to Adrian and Keegan 01/22/01
3.5 years TTC, 3 IVF cycles, 10.5 weeks of bedrest

January 22, 2001

Well, everything started around 3:45 a.m. I woke up having to go to the bathroom and contractions started. Being unsure of the "realness" of the situation I made sure they were "real" and boy were they! They started out at about 10 mins. apart so I timed them for an hour, and decided to wake DH and get him moving. He got going called my sister (to sit with the other kids) called both grandparents and we were off to the hospital. By the time we got there it was 5:45 a.m. When the nurse checked me I thought she was going to throw up by the look on her face. Needless to say I was 5-6 cms. I think she practically took off running down the hall to call the doctor. She checked me again 30min. later and I was at 8 cms. with a bulging bag ( the dr. still wasn't present!!) sometimes I could kill him!! Anyway he finally showed up at 6:45 a.m. broke my water and we were off to the delivery room. After a few good pushes little Severin Justice entered the world! He was born at 7:04, weighing in at 5lbs. 14ozs., measuring 19 1/2inches long, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is absolutely precious! The doctor had to "go in" if you know what I mean and find our daughter. She kept wiggling away from him. He finally got one of her legs and pulled it out then the other after a couple good pushes she entered the world , our precious angel from heaven. Serenity Jenasis was born at 7:11 a.m., weighing in at 6lbs. 6ozs., measuring 19inches long. These are my 5 & 6 children and I still can't believe the miracle of birth, what precious memories I hold in my heart. Well, that is our birth story. Hope it wasn't too long for you.

Take Care, Stacie, Severin & Serenity

January 22, 2001

Well, Jake is now 2 wks 5 days old and I can't believe it. We are doing fine. He is a real eater which
is keeping me pretty tied down. Breastfeeding is working fine, what a challenge though. It'll all be worth it!!

So here goes, on Sunday the 21st I had some bloody show and called the dr. They said that could mean labor was hours away or still days. I was pretty disappointed but at 9 that night I started having real contractions. By 11:00 they were 4-5 minutes apart and definitely hurting. So we called and went to the hospital. I was 2.5 dilated and fully effaced. Labored till 6 in the am when they finally gave me the epidural. Yeah!! It was so great. I was having bad back labor. I started pushing at about 11:15 and had Jake at 12:29. The epidural tube had come unplugged from the machine and I did feel the whole birth. Luckily it didn't take too long, and I have really already forget the real bad pain at the end.  Just to see him and his perfect little nose, toes, fingers...etc...could make me forget anything. He had a little trouble for a few minutes getting his own breath, turned real blue and they had to give him some oxygen but after a few minutes all was great and I had him in my arms! He was nursing within the hour and doing great.   We feel so very blessed and still can't believe he is ours to keep! Although the long nights are making it much more believable!!  This has been such a wonderful group and board to go through this pregnancy with. Congratulations to all the new mommies, all the new mommies to be...

I'll see you on the Playgroup board!!

Love you all, Raquel and Jake

January 23, 2001

I was due Jan 5 and induction was started Jan 22. I went to the hospital around 1:30 PM and was still only 1 cm dilated. They connected me to a fetal monitor and around 3, the OB put a Cervadil suppository at my cervix. After an hour of monitoring me, they let me get up and walk around with my IV pole for an hour. DH and I walked around the maternity area several times, would come back and get monitored for a while and then we would be off and walking again. At some point I asked for pain medication but I wasn't dilated enough for an epidural so they gave me some other drugs. I think my DH was relieved because I was crushing his fingers (two at a time) with every contraction.

At midnight my water broke and then they needed to remove the Cervadil. They then put me on Pitocin and gave me an epidural. At 6:00 am, I was 4 cm dilated and at 6:45, I was 5 cm. The shift changed and the new OB checked me at 8 and I was still only 5 cm and my cervix was thickening. OB said this was a sign that the baby was probably not going to come out on his own. He suggested that we wait an hour, see if the cervix changes, and if not do a C-section. Well at 9:30, there were no changes so we agreed to a C-section.

Patrick was born Jan 23 at 10:52, 8lbs 9 oz, 21.5 inches, with dark hair and blue eyes. Everything seemed to be going well with him. The pediatrician detected a heart murmur and he was given tests to check this out. We were told it was nothing to worry about and the hole will probably close on its own.

We were in the hospital until I was discharged Jan 27 but unfortunately Patrick did not get discharged. It seems he had run a fever for a short time two nights in a row. I was waiting for DH to pick us up when the Dr. from NICU told me that Patrick could not come home with us. Fortunately, the hospital had a parental room that no one was using so I stayed at the hospital with Patrick from the 27th to the 31st, while he was undergoing testing. Patrick was treated with antibiotics just in case any of the tests were positive and he was also placed on an IV because he was dehydrated.

To get Patrick off the IV, the Drs. had us supplement with formula (which we really didn't want to do). Feeding became a real chore because I would breastfeed him, then feed him formula and/or pumped breast milk and then pump. My milk supply was very inadequate (probably because of the stress and possibly because of age/infertility). Drs. gave me Reglan to increase the milk supply but it didn't increase very much. Finally we have given up on the breastfeeding since Patrick would scream every time I put him to the breast and it just became too much for me emotionally and physically.

Patrick was released from the NICU with a clean bill of health on Feb 1 weighing 8lbs even, had his first pediatrician appt on Feb 2 and went for a weight check on Feb 9 where he had gained 11 oz. This was a great relief to me knowing that he was gaining weight. Because of the de-hydration he already suffered I must be very aware of number and frequency of wet diapers. (Is this one of the joys of motherhood?)

Patrick is a wonderful baby who so far only cries when he is hungry or wet. He sleeps a lot and I'm usually sleeping when he is. I'm still trying to catch up from his time in NICU and my C-sect. (But not being able to drive is going to make me crazy soon!)

Sorry that this got so long but thanks for reading.

Kathy and Patrick

January 24, 2001

Well Colin decided he wanted to make his grand entrance on his own and not via induction. I woke up at 1am Wed and was having terrible cramping, 3am I started having contractions 4-5 minutes apart so off we went to L&D. We were checked on arrival and hadn't progressed at all. We walked a lot all morning and progressed to 4-5cms by 1pm then had some nubain to take the edge off so I could get some sleep. Boy did that help I slept through 2hrs of contractions-it put me right out. By 6:30pm I was 10cms and ready to push. I started pushing at 8pm and once I got the hang of it Vell Colin arrived at 9:37pm. We did have a little scare at first since he had some meconium and had to be checked right away by the NICU who were on hand for the delivery. Everything worked out fine and Colin was very alert. We gave birth at a teaching hospital so our room was full of people including two of the nicest 4th year residents who were so attentive and did most of the work. The ironic part in all of this is that the Reproductive Endocrinologist who wanted to cancel our cycle was the attending physician and played a role in our delivery and he actually was a big help in moving me along at the end! I can't believe I was able to do it. I will never forget that moment when our little angel was born. He is the exact replica of my DH but he has my long fingers and toes! Thanks for reading my story and being there along the way for support. Best of luck to everyone still waiting on their bundles of joy.

Erin --Mom to Colin

January 30, 2001

Announcing the arrival of John Harrison Hester Entwistle! He was born 1/30/01 at 4:34pm via scheduled c-section.
He weighed 10 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches long.  Both mommies and baby are fine!



February 12, 2001

Had a scheduled c-section on the 12th and the whole thing couldn't have gone smoother. Hannah was 5lb4oz...Samantha was 4lb14 oz.... they are absolutely beautiful with full heads of hair and eyes now turning to deep blue. One looks like me and the other like my husband when we were babies. Things at home have been great so far... they breastfeed every 2-3 hours and that keeps me busy. Think residency training prepared me well for the nights and I still function pretty well during the day. To see pictures go to and the username is TKopelman and the password LNPD-XLCJ.

Thank you all for your support on the IVF board and this board. You all answered tons of questions and kept me sane when I had silly questions. This board was a godsend.


February 13, 2001

Baby Karl Friedrich (family name, Daddy's side) arrived via C-section last Tuesday the 13th of Feb at 10:13 am. I never did go into labor. He is a whopper - 9 lbs, 8 oz, 21 inches! The surgery was great - rather a breeze compared to what I was prepared for. We got home from the hospital on Saturday. Feeling reasonably well and shocked to find myself already down 25 lbs.

Karl is absolutely beautiful, light hair and almost hazel eyes (like daddy's) - no consensus yet as to whether he resembles Mom or Dad...kind of a combination. Breastfeeding every 2-3 hours (sometimes more frequently) leaving me delirious but also deliriously happy! We are totally in love with him!

Will write more later- this has been worth every moment of waiting and working for - three plus years!!

Dee and Baby Karl

March 8, 2001

Saoirse (SEER-sha) Isabel Gomez was born on Thursday, March 8, 2001 at 9:58am.
She weighed 8 lbs 3.6 ounces and was 22 inches long!

We went in on Wednesday, March 7 to be induced and after 18 hours of labor she finally arrived. When I was hooked up to the monitors I was surprised to see that I was already having minor contractions every 2-3 minutes. They were kind of on my side and would have assumed they were the baby moving. They did not feel like anything that "contractions" are supposed to feel like. After 2 hours they gave me Pitocin to kick start the contractions a bit more. I was already dilated to 3cm.

A couple more hours went by and they decided to do an internal monitor on the baby to get a more accurate reading on her heartbeat. By doing this, my water broke and I had no idea how much water there could be! Every time I moved around more water came out. One nurse made a reference to Niagara Falls! I thought I was going to short out the equipment since it was running off of the bed and onto the floor!!! I am just relieved that my water did not break at home or in public....what a mess!

Anyway, as the evening approached my contractions got a lot stronger and I lasted for about 1.5 hours before I needed the epidural. They increased the Pitocin throughout the night since I had not continued to dilate, but I was finally ready to push by 7:30am on March 8. We decided to wait a little longer however since the baby could still drop a bit more on her own and not have me waste a lot of energy pushing. If I remember correctly I started pushing around 8:30am and she was in my arms by 10:00am. I was surprised that the delivery did not hurt. After going through labor and delivery the most pain I experienced was when they were pulling tape off of my back from where the epidural was! Not kidding!!! I was nearly off of the bed as they peeled it from me! Well, I guess that is our story. DH put pictures on our family website, so be sure to check it out!

Jennifer, Chris & Saoirse

March 17, 2001

First, let me apologize for the total lack of contact during the last few weeks of my pregnancy and since the birth of my babies. To say that being pregnant with twins was a challenge both mentally and physically is the understatement of the millennium, but now that I am sitting here watching my precious angels sleep (thank you God!) I can honestly say that it was all worth it.

The last three weeks I developed edema and hypertension, not to mention constant Braxton hicks contractions and frequent gallbladder attacks that were so severe that I was on Demerol almost constantly; so, it was strict bedrest for me and I couldn't get to the computer. I begged for the OB to go ahead and take the babies at 36 weeks since the 33 week point and he steadfastly refused to even consider anything short of 37 weeks.

AT 35w6d I went to the OB with my poor hubby in tow, hoping that he could persuade the Dr. to have mercy, and my blood pressure had started to rise and I had protein and ketones in my urine. I was instructed to go home and lie on my left side and when I went to the hospital for the usual NST the next day they would start an IV to rehydrate me (not an unusual occurrence by this time). At the NST the next day my BP was even higher and I was told to go to the OB the next day for a recheck. Friday I went to the OB again and once again my BP was high. I was told that if the DR. wanted to intervene he would call me. I waited around until 4:00pm and then went upstairs and took a nap. When I awoke at 7:30pm there were 3 messages on the answering machine. The OB was going to do the c-section the next morning. So after weeks of begging I was finally getting what I wanted and I was TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!

We checked into the hospital at 9:00am on St. Patrick's day, those of you who remember know that it was my fantasy to have my twins on St. Pats. I was so very happy and then the staff pediatrician came in and started telling me all the complications that the babies could have b/c they were going to be "premature." WHAT??????? I thought 36 weeks was full term, but I was wrong. She said that the suck swallow breath reflex develops between 34 and 38 weeks and boys tend to develop slower than girls. I was told that we had a 75% chance that they would have to spend the night in the special care nursery. I looked at the OB and my husband and announced that "I just wont have them then" and was then informed that I had no choice b/c my pressure was too high.

The c-section was a breeze. Just a word of warning, I wasn't prepared for the sensation of the spinal. When my DH came into the room I could feel the OB touching me. I saw DH put the camera up to his eye and I started saying don't let them start I can still feel them, I can still feel them, I can still feel them. Then the anesthesiologist said that they were already at the uterus and if I wanted to see my baby born I had better look. I could feel everything, but there was absolutely NO PAIN. It felt like they were just doing everything with their fingers. It was really bizarre.

John Francisco "Jack" Vazquez was born at 12:28pm and Patrick Gerard Vazquez followed at 12:34pm. It took so long for Patrick to be born b/c he was wedged up under my ribs and was entangled in his cord. It was wrapped around his neck, chest, and leg.

They did exhibit some preemie behavior, feeding problems, poor sucking and difficulty maintaining their temperatures, but by the end of our 4 day hospital stay they were well enough to come home with us.

Nursing isn't working out very well. Jack latches on but won't suck for long and it takes Patrick 30-45 minutes to latch on, but he will nurse for 20 minutes. It was taking over 2 hours to feed them, but I was persisting. The gallbladder attacks have unfortunately continued and I am scheduled to have surgery to have it removed on Monday 4/23. The surgeon put me on some medicine that isn't compatible with bf so I am weaning right now. I am still pumping and dumping but I don't know how long that will last. I am sad about it, but the babies are doing well on the formula.

This turned into a novel. Thanks for reading this far. If you are having a hard time please remember that it really will all be worth it. I can say that now.

I love you all and look forward to seeing you on the IVF playgroup board.


Kristi, Jack and Patrick 3 weeks.


March 25, 2001

I'm so excited to post the announcement of our daughter's arrival. I was scheduled for a c-section, first on Monday 3/26 and then rescheduled for Tuesday 3/27 due to OB's schedule. Needless to say, Katherine has already shown us she has a mind of her own. Labor started at 12:45AM on Sunday, March 25th. Since this was my 2nd pregnancy I knew I was having real contractions, not Braxton Hicks. The contractions were about 4 minutes apart, not painful. I woke DH up at 2:30 and told him I was getting in the shower. My mom lives with us, so I woke her up to let her know we would be leaving for the hospital soon. She was responsible for our 4 1/2 yr. old DS, Daniel.

We got to the hospital at 4AM. I was hooked up to an IV for fluids and the contractions started coming on fast, 1 min. - 2 min. apart. They were so painful but not productive, I had only dilated to 1cm. Even though I was in labor we were still going ahead with the c-section, due to the baby's size. My DS was 8lb.13oz. and I wasn't able to deliver him after 40 hrs. of labor! My last u/s with Katherine had her measuring at 10lbs.2oz. so we decided to go ahead with a c-section.

I wasn't allowed any pain meds. since I would be receiving a spinal for the c-section. I was not happy! I was wheeled into the operating room at 9AM, prepped and given the spinal. I have to be honest, I completely freaked out. I was so scared, I couldn't feel my legs due to the spinal and I freaked out. I think I scared the poor anesthesiologist! Luckily my OB is the picture of calm and just kept talking me through the procedure. Katherine Grace was born at 9:36AM. So much for u/s, she weighed 7lbs.12oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long. She is so beautiful and I still can't believe she is here and already a week old. She has taken to breastfeeding, no problems at all and seems to be a great sleeper. DS nursed every two hours so that's what we were prepared for. So far Katherine sleeps for a 5 hour stretch, from 10PM-3AM, nurses once, and then wakes up again at 7AM for another feeding. We took her to the pediatrician on Friday and she's already back up to her birth weight.

I could go on and on...we are deliriously happy. I can't believe I have been so lucky and so blessed. Our family is now complete. I wish all of you newcomers a healthy and easy pregnancy. Enjoy every moment of it, we have all been blessed haven't we?!

Kerry, mom to Daniel 4 1/2 and Katherine, 1 week


March 26, 2001

Now I understand why new mom posts are always short! (Except Becca's). We were discharged yesterday after 4 days post c-section. I started getting us ready to leave at 5 am and we got home at 5 pm --- coordinating two infants feeding, etc., is the most challenging thing I have done, and I've done a lot!

Their birth was relatively easy. The c-section went quickly, and although I was scared, it went smoothly. I didn't do well with the spinal anesthesia, and didn't really stabilize until late at night. Went they were born, I had about a half an hour of delight, then was a little shaky until the next day.

They are the most beautiful people on earth, two very different people already. Laura is named after my grandmother. She has a shock of black hair and almond shaped eyes. She sometimes looks like a little kitten. Jack is all boy, looks just like DH already. Blondish hair, big hands and feet. He is assertive and demanding, but sooo sweet. I couldn't be more in love. DH has been a hero, and was with me at the hospital almost all the time.

We had the twins with us to establish breastfeeding, but had a lot of difficulties: problems latching, inverted nipples, resulting in cracked and bleeding nipples and frantic baby and mommy. We've turned the corner on breastfeeding, but it's much harder for me than I thought it would be.

Doctors pronounce mom and babies in perfect health. Now I just have to figure out when I sleep.

Thinking of all my due date buddies. I hope you are all well.

Lyn and DH and Laura and Jack

March 29, 2001

I am thrilled to Announce the long awaited arrival of my Son, Alec Nikolas. He was born on Thursday March 29th 2001, at 8:00 PM and weighed in at a hefty 9lbs 4 oz. Here is his birth story as written by my husband and very proud new father. I have done some editing to add my input. The Arrival of Alec Nikolas. On our Due Date, Tuesday March 27/01 we had a Appointment with our Dr. It was decided that we would schedule an induction for Thursday March 29/01. Although I would only be 2 days overdue, Our baby was measuring big throughout the pregnancy, and we were already 80% effaced and 2 cm dilated. Definitely ready to go! Thursday March 29/01,

7:15am - We arrived at the hospital and proceeded to admitting. After the paper work was done we continued up to the 7th floor, to the Labor and Delivery wing. We ended up in one of the birthing rooms that we really liked during our previous tour of the hospital. Judith A. would be our nurse for the day. She got us settled in.

8:30am - Dr. Bernstein takes an internal examination and tells us things have progressed to 3 cm dilated. Judith connects the contraction and fetal monitors. Things look good. I am already having contractions and the baby's heart rate is very strong and steady.

9:00 am - The IV line is administered and my blood pressure is taken.

9:15am - Pitocin is administered at level 2. Contractions continue, But I don't really feel anything more than just tightness in my abdomen.

9:30am - Pitocin level increased to 4, and a blood test is taken.

10:00am - Dosage of Pitocin is now put up to 6 and contractions are starting to be felt. My blood pressure is taken again and is a bit higher than last reading.

11:00am - My Mom and sister arrive to sit with me a while. They bring me some flowers. Judith once again takes my BP and it is up even more. She suggests that I try to get some rest, and dims the lights. Contractions were being felt but not painful at this point.

12:15pm - My Mom and sister leave and wish me luck and an easy labor. We promise to call them when something is happening.

1:15pm - Another internal exam is done by the resident Dr. I am fully effaced and dilated to 5-6 cm. My water is broken and contractions become fast and furious.

2:00pm - Pain becomes unbearable. Pitocin tends to boost labor pains to a higher level than in natural labor. Level is up to 8 now. I decide to have an Epidural at this point. Realizing that I can not bear that intense pain for the next 4-5 hours. The anesthesiologist comes in and preps me for the walking epidural. It is administered easily and will still allow me to walk if needed.

2:30pm - I have about 4 more contractions while the epidural takes effect, each being more comfortable than the last. Pain has completely gone away, and my blood pressure is back to normal.

3:00pm - Lorzz decides to sleep a bit.

5:40pm - Another internal indicates that I am fully dilated and head is at station +2. Baby is ready to come into this world. Epidural is turned off, and we are waiting for me to feel something to start pushing.

6:30pm - I begin pushing. First when the monitor indicates a contraction, I am told to push. I don't feel any pressure yet, but will very soon. I first start by pushing on my back, then onto the right side, then the left side, then to the back position again. I don't feel a whole lot of progress but Judith and Roy say I'm doing great.

7:45pm - The head of the baby is crowning. Dr. B is paged. He arrives quickly and is prepped to deliver our baby. Intensity and pain is unbearable but Lorzz carries on. Baby's head is delivered and suctioned, and Lorzz is told not to push.

8:00pm - Episiotomy is performed and out comes our baby! Introducing to the world "Alec Nikolas" a 9lb 4oz. and 54cm (21.25") baby boy. Roy cut the cord. Baby is evaluated, and passed to his proud father to hold, and admire.

8:15pm - Placenta is delivered and medication is administered to stitch episiotomy and 2 2nd degree tears. Drugs are given to take away Lorzz' pain.

9:15pm - Breastfeeding lessons begin.

10:00pm - We are moved from the birthing room to the 10th floor Maternity wing. Where we spent the first night as a new family of three.

April 3, 2001

My surprise ?/? twins are surprises no more. I delivered 2 beautiful baby boys at 37.5 weeks on April 3rd. Here's what happened.

Monday April 2nd. Water broke at 5:15 am. Right after DH's alarm went off--how convenient. We got to the hospital around 7:30 am, not too panicky and no pain yet. Watched the Red Sox opening day game and NCAA title game. (Guess who had the clicker.) Asked for and go the epidural at 10 pm and then went from 5 cm to 10 cm in a mere 2 hours. Yay! Doc decided to let me rest and let the contractions continue to move Baby A down the birth canal for a while. Started pushing around 2:00 am. Kept pushing for almost 3 hours!

At 4:58 am on Tuesday April 3rd, 18-inch tall Daniel Joshua arrived (weighing 6 lbs. 6 oz.). His brother Thomas Langdon, 19-inches tall and weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz. arrived (feet first) at 5:01 am. (I'll spare you the details but I didn't leave the delivery room for another hour and a half: both placentas were STUCK.)

Everyone is doing great and slowly but surely I'm feeling better (I think). We're all exhausted and exhilarated!

Best of luck to everyone on this board!

Kristen (33), a mom after 1 failed IVF and 1 very successful FET!

April 4, 2001

The proud parents of Paige Madison Patricia Sweitzer wish to announce her birth on April 4th, 2001 at 12:02pm. Here is her birth story.

After 41 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy everyone agreed to induce the birth on Wednesday April 4th. We were to arrive at the hospital at 7:30 am. We can never get anywhere on time (go figure Paige being late) and we arrived at Good Sam at 7:50 am. My OB had been there at 7:30 to break my water but we missed out because of our tardiness. She had office hours in the morning and told the nurses, who would be in charge of me, she would come back later. I already had my admission paperwork completed but for some reason I had to answer all the questions again. By the time that was done, my IV was in place and my Aunt Margie (RN in post-pardum care) came down to joke with us. I was having mild contractions as I had been having for weeks. Finally my OB, Dr. Gardner came in to break my water at around 10:20 am. I was still 3.5 cm dilated as I had been for the last few weeks. She told my nurses to start the Pitocin drip (to cause contractions) at 11:00am.

Dr. Gardner told my nurses to call her with any progress. She joked that she had to be in the OR at 12:30pm and inevitably it would be at that time. After she left Tom (DH) said in a rather irritable tone that we were going to be there all night. He didn't eat breakfast and I suggested that he go pick up a bite to eat and run home to get the Camcorder that we had forgotten. He wanted to go at noon but I convinced him to leave right then.

Almost immediately I began to feel contractions that were more menstrual feeling than the Braxton Hicks I had been having for 4 or 5 weeks. I decided to rock in the rocking chair for awhile, then I stood and did some belly moves like a belly dancer thinking maybe that would progress things and I wouldn’t need the Pitocin. It seemed to be working because the contractions were getting steadily stronger. Walking to the bathroom I felt a major shift which really hurt. I knew it was happening.

One of my nurses came in at 11:00 to start the Pitocin drip. I told her I didn't think I needed it and could we wait a little longer to see how things progressed. After checking with Dr. Gardner I was allowed to wait another half hour to an hour but no longer than noon. My parents arrived and I was really beginning to feel some pain. I just tried to breathe through the contractions without letting on that I was really in pain. My Dad was timing the contractions; sometimes they were 5 minutes apart and sometimes 2 or 3 minutes. I even had some contractions right on top of each other. I unplugged myself from the monitors and sat on the toilet for awhile. It was the most comfortable place during the contractions.

My nurses came in and said they would start the Pitocin at noon and they would be going to lunch then. This was at about 11:25 am. My husband returned just as they left. At that time my Mom and Dad thought they better grab a bite to eat downstairs. I had a gut feeling I was close but because no one seemed impressed with what I thought were pretty severe contractions I didn't stop my Mom and Dad from going because I wasn't sure.

After my Mom and Dad left I was having contractions back to back and severe immediately. The fill-in nurse was a big burly woman who came in to check on me. I told her calmly that the contractions were really strong and painful and I thought I needed my epidural at that time. She said "Honey that's how you birth a baby". She asked how many cm's I was dilated. I told her at 10:30 when the OB broke my water I was at 3.5 but no one had checked me since. She seemed unimpressed and left the room. I got the feeling she figured my regular nurses would be back from lunch at noon and they could deal with me.

After she left I told Tom I'm going back to the bathroom to sit on the toilet. I wanted to start bawling a few times but I knew if I lost my composure I would turn into a crying mess and would not be able to re-gain my composure so I stayed strong. On the toilet I had two severe contractions and my whole body began to shake. Tom yelled are you okay? I can't remember if I answered him but he came to the door of the bathroom. Just then I had another major contraction and this wave of heat started at my head and flushed through my body. I got lightheaded and my thoughts were, "I am going to die I am in so much pain". I knew from everything I had read that my body was going through the transition phase of labor. I was sweating profusely and I grabbed my Tom's shirt. Tom said would you let go of my shirt. I yelled, "No, I NEED THE EPIDURAL NOW". Immediately after that I had another major contraction with the urge to push. I told him I have to PUSH.

Just then the fill-in nurse walked in the room. Tom told her I said I had to push. The big burly women said, "Oh no you don't come back to bed". I told her I was staying right there; thinking I was in so much pain I couldn't move. She didn't accept that and grabbed me like a sack of potatoes and dragged me to the bed. She immediately checked me and yelled "She's ready, she's ready" She told me, "Honey you can still have your epidural but you can have this baby natural". All I wanted to do at that point was push the baby out. I also didn't think I could hold still for the epidural. I yelled, "Natural".

She had no time to prep the bed or me. My nurses who were at lunch came running in. The next contraction I pushed and my husband could already see the crown of Paige's head. The big burly nurse was telling me to push with the urge to the count of ten then blow it out. The head was beginning to come through. I could feel the Ring of Fire but it wasn't that bad. My body just took over. Tom said I can see her head your doing great!! It was so incredible feeling her head and body coming through the birth canal. The head was almost completely out when Dr. Gardner came running in. She yelled, "Gloves, gloves". One more push and the head was completely out. Dr. Gardner suctioned Paige and I pushed the rest of her out. Dr. Gardner laid her on top of me and Paige and I locked eyes together. I will never forget that first moment of bliss when we finally got to meet each other. Her eyes looked blue to me and my first reaction was that I believed she looked like Tom and so alert!! I was totally in love with her and on a major high.

Paige began to cry, I am talking some major wails. LOL, I thought newborns had little meek cries. Tom and I were in shock that it all happened so fast. Paige was born at 12:02pm. Weighing 6 lb. 12 oz. and 20" in length. Dr. Gardner had shook my hand about 6 times and congratulated me at such a great job and giving birth naturally. The worst part was the stitches afterwards. I was given some numbing shots but I could still feel everything. I had 2nd degree tearing but that was much better than the 4th degree tearing with Ashton. Admittedly, if I had been in hard labor longer than I was I would have gotten the Epidural so it was really neat that it worked out how it did.

Paige was late but when her amniotic fluid was taken away from her she came out like a speeding bullet. Unfortunately my Mom and Dad missed the birth but luckily Tom thought I wanted the birth video-taped and he had it set up on a tri-pod and got it all on tape. It is really neat watching it from that angle.

We are so smitten and in love with her. Ashton and Paige are a dream come true!! Both births were so different but the end result was the same. Two beautiful babies that were long awaited!!

Paige is nursing pretty decently and at her 6-day check-up she had already re-gained the 6 ounces she lost in the hospital plus 2 more. She weighed in at 6-lbs. 14 oz. It is quite an adjustment to having 2 kids. It seems I'm either nursing her, changing her diaper or trying to appease Ashton. I don't know where the past 2 weeks have gone. I forgot how tired one can feel but thankfully the nights have gotten much better!! I have been trying to get back into normal life and catch up on everything!

If you read all of this thanks for being a trooper!!

I have pictures to post but I don't know how to do it. I can e-mail them to Becca (need address) or if someone could give me some advice on how to post them I would greatly appreciate it.

Love, Sharon with Paige 4/4/01 and Ashton 5/1/98

April 5, 2001

As some of you may know, I had some anxious days right before her birth. The last Non- Stress test I had was abnormal & they sent me for a Biophysical Profile Ultrasound the day before my due date. The tech told me( she wasn't supposed to), that she thought she saw slightly elevated fluid levels around the heart. Well, working in nursing homes, I know that isn't a good thing... so I spent a couple of hours very freaked out. The OB called back to say she spoke with the perinatologist( who is very conservative, suggested I terminate my non-viable twins) and he thought the levels were acceptable, but would I like to move my induction back one day to my due date? I had had to delay it for one day due to a hospital strike which ended up not happening until now. I jumped at the chance to get my baby out, although my OB was on vacation, so it would be done my the other two women OB's in her office- one I knew well from the twin pregnancy, the other I had a bad phone impression of from my spont. m/c, until I met her recently. I went in Weds. a.m the 4th. The Swedish OB (#2) started my on an IV of Pitocin. A mild drip wasn't bad until Weds. afternoon- I spent hell going through moderately severe contractions, without making observable progress. I did get off to go to the bathroom & walk the halls. I remained at 80% effaced & 1 cm dilated. I was really depressed & expected to spend all of Thurs like this. But she had the Pitocin turned off for Weds. night & I got to eat dinner & take a bath. She said it could have a delayed effect. Tom spent the night on the couch. I got Morphine & another drug to help me sleep. Good thing, because they told me I had strong contractions on the monitor Thurs a.m. which I didn't feel at all! OB #3- the one I previously thought I didn't like, checked me Thurs. a.m & sure enough, I made slight progress- 90% effaced & 1-2 cm. dilated! She decided to break my water. She told me it would bring on strong contractions. I thought a had a few hours, or at least a few minutes before this happened! Wrong! At soon as the OB left the room, I immediately experienced a ride like the logjammer at an amusement park! I gushed uncontrollably & went through such killer contractions I had to hang on to the bedrails. I was panting & had a b**chy nurse who was quickly replaced by a wonderful one that really coached me in breathing-(Dh got too nervous & kept quiet). It turns out that my baby was initially in back labor, then wrapped her arm around her umbilical cord, stopping the blood flow. That's why the NST's were abnormal. It only took just over 3 hours from the time she broke my water to the time I delivered. Never got to put on the CD's I brought of soothing music. The contractions were the worst part. After about an hour, I got an epidural (highly recommended) and the pushing wasn't bad, I only had to do it for just over a hour. Just hard work like diving underwater & being constipated at the same time, alot of bearing down with breaks in-between. I did burst a blood vessel in my eye from pushing! They did end up doing a vacuum extraction to get the baby out- I think they were worried about the heartbeat, & I ended up tearing, rather than getting an episiotomy, but Brianna Celine Knapp entered this world kicking & crying at 12:21 p.m. on April 5th, the day after her due date. It was worth all the shots & regimens the minute I saw her. It's still unreal after all my miscarriages & infertility that I am finally a mother! (Sorry this has taken so long to post, today is the first day I haven't had any pain from stitches, hemorrhoids, or sore nipples/breasts. We have had a difficult couple of weeks with breastfeeding- my milk has been slow to come in, plus lots of diaper changes & not much sleep). Although I may not be here much in the future, this is my board is my home, I wish all of my luck! You can view Brianna at:

April 10, 2001

Well, I am not completely rested, but my in-laws are here so I thought I'd take advantage of the time to post.

As many of you know, I was scheduled to be induced last Tuesday (4/10) at 6:30pm. Little Jason had his own ideas. At 12:26pm my water broke. I wasn't really having contractions yet, but was told to go to labor and delivery to be checked. Good thing!!

We got to the hospital just after 1:00, still feeling good. They hooked me up and I was able to tell that I was having contractions, but nothing painful. That changed quickly...

Once the contractions started they were fast and furious. I immediately went from comfortable to miserable. The contractions were coming only 2 minutes apart and were painful. So much for the breathing techniques we learned! :) I did try to shower (for the back pain I was having) and that distracted me through 2 contractions. I was ready for some pain med. Stadol did nothing that I could tell. The good news is that all this pain was productive. I went from 3 cm to 6 cm in about 1 1/2 hours. Not bad for a first baby.

The epidural was perfect. I was afraid that my labor would slow down, but that didn't happen at all. I shot from 6 cm to 9 cm very quickly. Before we knew it, I could push. Unfortunately, the babies heartbeat would drop too low with each push, so the doctor wanted me to wait. He was in a c-section and I wasn't in any pain, so we waited for him to come out. Pushing is work, but went very well. Jason needed some help out - they had to use the vacuum to help him (ouch!), but he was born healthy at 8:50 pm. What a relief!! He looks adorable (I will find a way to get a link to some pictures) with his fuzz of light brown hair and big blue eyes. He's taken to nursing without much trouble and is just a joy to have. We are so blessed.

So, we're now home from the hospital and adjusting to our new life as parents. It's everything and nothing that I expected (does that make sense?!). Computer time is becoming few and far between (Becca - how do you do it!??!). But, I do wish all newbies a great big CONGRATULATIONS! We are so glad you are with us. And all of you who are waiting for your bundles of joy, it's worth every second as soon as you hold them in your arms.

Thanks for reading this long post!!!!

Michelle and Jason (1 week old today!!)

April 24, 2001

Lachlan Matthew born by c-section on 24th April, Home and all doing wonderfully well.

I still can't believe we got this far.

He is just so gorgeous, couldn't ask for anything more.

Mary(33)DH(36)DS(almost7) DS 5days old .

May 4, 2001

May 9, 2001

May 17, 2001

My little princess was born May 17 at 10:10 am via c-section. She weighed 8lbs 12 oz and was 20 1/2 inches. She is so precious! She is breastfeeding like a champ! I'm doing good but am very tired so I'll wrap this up quick. Love to all the mommies waiting! Jen mom to Megan 23 months and Katelyn born 5-17

June 6, 2001

Wow, my first time back as a new mom! It brings tears to my eyes!

My EDD was 6/1/01. On Tuesday morning 6/5, my water broke (conveniently in the shower). I thought, wow, after a wonderful pregnancy, this baby is going to be thoughtful to the end. Little did I know...

We got to the hospital at about 8:30 a.m. Water definitely broke, but I was still only 80% effaced, no dilation, and no contractions. Not a great place to start from. They waited a few hours to see if anything developed, but it didn't. Then they gave me two doses (4 hrs. each) of a cervix ripening pill. That did ripen the cervix, but still didn't bring on contractions. So then about 7 p.m. they started Pitocin. Long story short is that it was a nightmare with increasing dosages, but no good dilation, but lots of pain. By noon the following day (more than 24 hours after rupture) I was still only at 7 centimeters and was showing signs of not progressing. And I was in so much pain from the baby being low that no amount of epidural was helping. I actually ordered the doctor to do a c-section (she was willing to wait a bit longer because the baby was not showing signs of distress -- just me!).

They took me right into surgery and at 2:47 pm, Luke Daniel was born weighing in at 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches. He scored two 9's on his Apgars. I was so exhausted and drugged that I wish I could have been more involved in the birth, but I do know that my husband and I cried tears of joy before I fell asleep.

In hindsight the doctors told me that I made the right decision because Luke had his cord wrapped around his head not once, twice, or three times...but FOUR times. It would have definitely caused a problem with a vaginal birth.

In any case, he is beautiful and we are ecstatic (if not exhausted). Thanks for the wonderful support this board has been and best of luck to all in-waiting moms.


June 21, 2001

June 28, 2001

Thank you all for all the congratulations above! I just got home today from the hospital - what a ride!

On Wednesday night, about 1/2 hour after I posted a question on c-section recovery, my water broke. I had been feeling crummy and really achy all day long. I started having some contractions, enough to watch, at about 9 pm. So I was laying in bed on my left side, guzzling water when I felt that trickle. I knew immediately what it was, but the water was also really bloody (probably from my cervix), but the blood freaked me out big time. I called my OB who told me come in ASAP and we called friends to stay with Isaac who was already asleep for the night.

Got to the hospital still trickling blood (nothing like it to get attention - LOL) and had about 5 nurses all descend on me at once. They were expecting me and were all ready for me which was very reassuring. I got completely prepped for the c-section, the OB scanned me just to be sure that Maya, baby A, was still breech (she was) and then I got the spinal. What a feeling of relief - I have to say. My DS' birth was unmediated and a very positive experience which I hoped to replicate, but I was just so glad to get some relief from the pain and the uncertainty.

The c-section was weird. That's about the only way to describe it. I was awake, but just scared for my little babies. One of the nurses was telling me what was going on & what to expect which was great so I knew when they were being born - I couldn't feel a thing. I was listening for their cries and was very relieved to hear them both cry immediately. Their cries were just so small though that I started to cry. The nurse who was keeping me informed, started dabbing my eyes - which was actually pretty funny.

I got to see both babies right away and Mike got to cut Elias' cord. He got to hold them right away too. They both got Apgars of 9 and have been breathing on their own from birth. I was quite lucky to have had the PTL episode the week before because I had gotten steroid shots for their lungs.

Maya was 3 lbs 7 oz and Elias was 5 lbs 0 oz. It was her sac that broke, so we conjecture that she was ready to break out since Elias had been stealing all the food!

I checked out of the hospital today, but they'll still be in for some time. Most optimistic guess is another 10-12 days for both, more likely it will be longer for Maya.

They're both getting all their food by bottle. Maya was supplemented with an IV for the first 48 hours, but now she's all bottle too. They've got to get the amount that they're eating up, gain weight, show they can maintain their own body temp and keep their heartbeats steady & then they can come home. Both have had brief episodes of lower heartbeats (bradys), but nothing serious enough to require intervention.

Overall the neonatologist seems very pleased with their progress for their age. (They were born at 34 weeks exactly.) The nursery people are great and we're going to be back in to see them 3 times daily. We get to the do the feedings and hold them while we're there, but Maya is still on limited time outside of the isolette (because of her size) so we can only hold her outside of it once every day.

I'm recovering pretty well and happy to be home again with Isaac. When I got him, he said "Mommy, I miss you." which is pretty amazing for someone who's just discovered sentences! He knows both their names and has seen them through the nursery windows.

And, yes, the names. We told our whole family that they were named Maya & Simon, but Mike just felt that our boy "looked like Elias." So we called everyone back the next morning to let them know of the name switch. Now they're on the birth certificates so no more changes!

Hope all is well with everyone else.


mom to Isaac (8-99), Maya & Elias (6-28-01)

July 7, 2001

I last posted that I was having a rough week last week. I was hospitalized last Monday/Tuesday for PTL. They stopped the contractions and I was sent home. On Thursday night I started getting a sore throat and by Friday morning it was worse and I didn't feel well at all. We went in for our scheduled BPP and they couldn't get Baby C to practice his/her breathing. My doctor sent me for an NST and this showed everything was perfect so they let me go home.

Well, that night I came down with a fever and some BH contractions started up again. We headed to L&D triage again and by the time I got there my fever was 102.4. My blood pressure was also up so they started to worry about pre-eclampsia. A small pill took care of the contractions, but they admitted me b/c of the fever which was still above 100.4.

The next morning, the doctor came in and told us that everyone had discussed our case and decided that it was time to deliver me. I had made it to 32w5d...not bad for a triplet mom! The c-section was scheduled for less than 6 hours away! Before the delivery, they were calling me borderline pre-eclamptic, but by the time I was being prepped for the surgery they were calling me severe pre-eclamptic. I'm still not sure why they decided my case was severe. I ended up being put on Magnesium Sulfate for 24 hours after the delivery to make sure I didn't have any seizures.

There were over 20 people in the OR and it was pretty overwhelming. At 2:10p.m. on July 7, Andrew Phillip came into the world crying and weighed in at 4lbs. 4oz. I burst into tears when I heard his cries. It finally hit home that I was a mom and these were our children coming into the world. DH got all of this on film and I cry every time I watch it. Drew was quickly followed by Ricardo Miguel Jr., who was our little peanut Baby C. He weighed in at 2lbs. 14oz (DH's b-day is 2/14) and was also a screamer. Last, but definitely not least, our daughter Laney Marie arrived also weighing in at 4lbs. 4oz. I got to hold Laney and Ricky before they were taken away. Drew had a lot of fluid in his lungs so he was taken straight to NICU.

Laney spent her first night in the extended care nursery but she was transferred to NICU b/c she got tired of breathing on her own. She's now off the ventilator and C-PAP and is breathing room air. We should be able to hold her tonight. Drew is also off the vent and C-PAP and is just on a nasal canula now. Ricky, our smallest, is paving the road for his brother and sister. He never needed the vent and was the first to go on room air. They all started eating today so hopefully they will start to regain any weight that they have lost and will continue to grow and gain.

Things are going well so far, but we're taking things one day at a time. We know that things can change quickly in the NICU so our fingers are crossed right now. We would appreciate any positive thoughts and prayers for our little ones.

My stay here seemed so short and I can hardly believe I'm a mom now...a mom of three! I'm so happy to read of all the recent positives! Congratulations to all of you!

We're headed back to the hospital soon so I'd better get pumping. Good luck to all of the soon-to-be moms!

Tammy, mom of Drew, Ricky and Laney, 7/7/01

July 14, 2001

Well, I will try to keep this short.....(haha) On Friday the 13th July (about 7pm) I was sitting at home on the net (surprise surprise, lol!) and had a few belly pains which I thought was just my skin stretching still. I was telling Andrew (DH) and he said well call the hospital and I was like, yeah, yeah in a minute. So I stayed on the net and called from my mobile and they said come in. I think I was just very afraid of having the babies on Friday the 13th so I held off as long as I could. When we got to the hospital they put me on the fetal monitor and the babies were doing great and it showed I was having contractions about 2-3 minutes apart. They weren't painful and just wanted to watch me for a while as I hadn't dilated at all. Andrew went home and I spent the night in Birth Suite. During the night my contractions got stronger and they gave me pethadine for pain and it slowed things down. I spent the next morning sleeping (and relieved that nothing happened on the 13th. At about 2pm on the Saturday the contractions started again 2-3 minutes apart and I had started to dilate so they watched for a while and it started to speed up a bit. I never imagined at all that this would be the day I had my babies but they just said then and there this is it, we will call your husband and tell him to get here ASAP for a c/s. (He was at home with our daughter. I instantly felt sick as I was still in shock that it was all about to happen, I was about to meet my babies. Andrew made it there as I was about to have my spinal block and we got about 5 minutes to sit and talk before everything started to happen.

Once we went into theatre it all went fast. At 4.24 pm on Sat 14th July Bailey John Stephen was born and weighed 6lb4oz and 50cm long then at 4.25 pm his brother Jacob Andrew Issac entered the world weighing 5lb10oz and 48.5cm. They were taken to the delivery suite in a humidicrib as they needed to stay in there for a while to get warm. Andrew went back and forth from them to me giving me updates. He watched them and decided which was going to get which name by their characteristics they showed soon after birth. I was happy with that. Once we went up to the ward I was exhausted but we had to introduce Chloe to her new baby brothers. The look on her face when she looked at them was priceless, she just reached out her arms with the biggest grin and said hello my babies and kissed them both on the forehead!!

After a visit from the rest of the family I was absolutely buggered! The night nurses decided to keep the boys out at the staff station as I was still a bit numb and because they were preemie (born at 36.2 weeks) they wanted to watch them. And THANK GOD they did because twice Bailey stopped breathing and went blue from having mucous stuck in his throat/airway. They had to suction him and give him oxygen and then he was ok. I had been laying in bed and heard the code blue pediatrics call over the loud speaker and just knew there was something wrong, sure enough the door to my room opened and I cannot explain the fear I felt before they told me what was happening. They sent him to the special care nursery to monitor him for the next day and he had to go on antibiotics for 3 days following to clear him up. The poor little bugger had a drip in his arm that looked so uncomfortable. He came good and has been very alert since. Jacob had a bit of mucous but was able to bring it up. He too is doing great. I wasn't getting much sleep in hospital as I have been breast feeding and comping with a bottle then expressing. They (the hospital) want me to keep doing this until they reach their term date to help them grow stronger but it is very time consuming and tiring doing all three things and trying to look after a 3 yr old. I hope I can stick it out or it will be bottles for us. We came home on Thursday night and I had the best sleep ever. The boys feed every 4 hours and are so very happy and content all the time. I just can't believe how lucky we are to have our beautiful children.

Sorry this got so long. I will post some photos as soon as I download them onto my online album.

I hope you all continue to have very happy and healthy pregnancies and beautiful healthy babies. The one thing I will miss about being pregnant is spending everyday with you wonderful ladies, I am glad to have shared it with you all.

Good Luck and take care.

Love,  Lucy

July 19, 2001

As most of you know, on Tuesday evening (7/17), I began having contractions. The Dr. had me take a final dose of Brethine, to see if that held off the contractions or not. It didn’t, although it did keep them from getting worse. So, all night Tues., and all day Wed., contractions every 7 minutes or so. Wed. night about 9 pm, the contractions increased to about every 4 ½ minutes. I called the Dr., and she sent me to L&D. Called in a babysitter to take care of the twins, and off we went. They monitored my contractions, and they were back to about 7 minutes apart. I was still only dilated about 3. Said I wasn’t in labor, and sent me home. Got home about 1 am (after a side trip to Wendy’s for a chicken sandwich!) They had given me a sleeping pill at the hospital, so off to bed I went, for 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep! (First time in a couple of months!!!)

At 6 am on Thursday (7/19), I awoke to my water breaking! Called the Dr., made breakfast, took a shower, changed the bed, and called the babysitter about 7 am (poor thing, she got less sleep than I did.) Babysitter arrived around 7:30, and we headed to the hospital (with a “last” cup of coffee in hand for a while!).

As happened when they broke my waters with the twins, my labor stopped. Contractions about every 15 minutes, nothing else going on. So, on to Pitocin at about 9 am. I knew that it didn’t work for me immediately before, so I had some time. We listened to some music, and just basically enjoyed the time. Around 9:30, the nurse said if I wanted an epidural, the anesthesiologist was free, so would like to do it now, since he had a lot of C-sections coming up, and he might not be available when I wanted it. Well, wasn’t really comfortable with that, as I wasn’t sure I wanted one at all. Finally got the anesthesiologist to come in and talk to me, and he and I agreed that he would put in the catheter, in case I wanted it later, but wouldn’t turn it on until I wanted it. Now, ladies, I suggest this method! I was very relaxed when they put in the catheter, so it was far less invasive feeling, but I didn’t have to make a decision I wasn’t prepared to make. I could also still be up and around.

Finally, around 12:30 pm, the contractions starting getting just a little stronger. They were about 5 mins. apart. Still not really painful, although I did have some back labor. At about 2 pm, I was feeling some pressure. The nurse checked me, and I was 6 cm. The contractions started to get fairly painful then, so I told them they could send for the anesthesiologist to turn on the epidural. They did so at about 2:30 pm. At 3 pm, told the nurse I was feeling more pressure. They checked me, and I was at 10 cm! Show time!!! They had me start pushing. At 4 pm, they called the Dr. in. She showed up about 4:20 pm. After pushing through 2 more contractions, Aidan Jack was born at 4:30 pm weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz., 19 ½ inches long. He got “stuck” because he came out sideways, and his heart rate dropped, so the Dr. said we have to get him out now! 1 push, and out he came. He had some arrhythmias during labor, and was 5 weeks early, so they had NICU staff in the room with me. They checked him, and he was having some breathing problems, so he did end up going to NICU. His Apgars were 4 and 8. After 2 days in NICU, he came home right on time with Mommy on Saturday.

We are all doing very well. I feel terrific, and everyone says you can’t even tell I just had a baby! Aidan has a little jaundice, but nothing serious. His big brothers Sean & Liam are good with him, but also I think a bit jealous.

Best wishes to everyone. Thanks if you made it through this epic story! By the way, you can see a picture of Aidan at:


July 18, 2001

Hi everyone, it's been so long (you don't know how much I missed you guys) I almost feel like I have to reintroduce myself.

Before I start my birth story I just wanted to say Welcome to all the new members there seems to be so many new names which is fantastic. Hello to everyone else, I feel like I have missed so much (I will try and catch up with the archives but I would be so grateful if anyone can fill me in on what has been happening while I have been gone as well). Also a big Congratulations to anyone who has had their babies too.

My story seems so long so I will keep it short, but basically it started on June 26th (I was 33weeks pg) when I woke up at 4.30am covered in blood. I had previously been diagnosed with a Complete Anterior (slightly posterior) Placenta Previa so I knew that this was a possibility but it was still a shock. The nearest hospital that could deal with this complication is about 35 minute drive from us (my dh made it in about 15 -20 min and he is renowned for his slow driving).

When I got to the hospital the bleeding had slowed down (I think someone was listening to my prayers) but I started having contractions. I was given pethidine to stop the contractions but it only slowed them down and one the pethidine wore off they started back up again, so eventually I was moved into the labor ward and given Ventolin to stop them. The Ventolin was awful, I was tachycardic (spelling?), violently sick, shaking but after a few hours the contractions stopped which was fantastic.

I was then placed on very strict hospital bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy, I wasn't even allowed to use the bathroom until a few days later when I had a massive tantrum (I hate bedpans) and I was then allowed to quickly go. Being in hospital was the worst experience for me, having to leave my 2 year old DD (the longest I had ever left her was for one night only a few times) I spent most of the first week in tears every time I thought of her. As we don't have any family anywhere near us (we only moved here at the beginning of the year) Skyla had to go to full time daycare whilst my dh was at work. But basically it was awful as I was very lonely as my dh and DD could only come to visit every 2 days and on the weekends (I spoke constantly to them on the phone).

I got through the next few weeks by focusing on my baby, I kept saying to myself when it all got to me was "I am doing this for the baby and it will all be worth it in the long term".

On the 15th July I lost the mucous plug so I had a feeling things were going to happen soon. On the 17th I started having Braxton hicks every 2 - 3 minutes but they weren't bothering me all that much. They continued all afternoon and to the evening. At 1.15am I woke up and went to move and all of a sudden I felt a big gush (like when your waters break) but it was blood. There was so much blood that my sheets were saturated and it had started dripping onto the floor. I called for the nurse (on the normal nurse bell as I couldn't reach the emergency button) and luckily she was walking by my room, opened the door and said (which I think is quite funny) "oh Shit!!!"

Within seconds my room was full of people, Dr's, nurses and as I was covered in blood I was stripped naked (I have no dignity left LOL) whilst all these people were examining me.

My OB was called and was at the hospital within 10 minutes and before I knew it, I was being wheeled down to theatre for a c/section. My dh made it in time to walk me down the corridor, which I was glad of.

But to cut a very long story short after an extremely difficult general anesthesia (spelling?), I had to be intubated whilst I was awake by a fibre optic tube (I won't go into that as it was awful) my little man was born at 2.59am on the 18th July.

Colby Keir weighed in at 5pounds 1ounce (36 weeks gestation) and was transferred to the special care nursery as he required oxygen and had a lot of the normal preemie problems. He was also very distressed because of the placenta bleeding and had a slight infection which required a few days of antibiotics thru a drip.

It was the most weirdest experience having a baby when you are not awake, as I didn't get to see him until he was 8 hours old it seemed very surreal. I went from one extreme to another, with Skyla I had a very easy quick vaginal birth and with Colby I think I had every medical intervention you could have.

I can't tell you how relieved I now am, Colby spent four days in the special care nursery (he did extremely well) and is now at home with me. I spent one day under four weeks in hospital but when I look at Colby and see how beautiful he is and he breathes his little milky breath all over me it is so worth it and if I had to I would do it all over again for him.

I had a few units of blood (which made me feel a whole lot better very quickly) and just the normal pain from a c/section but am doing great now. Colby is breastfeed and that is going really well too. He put on 130gms in the 2 days after he left hospital. Skyla is very happy and won't let me out of her sight, she keeps asking me if I have to go back to hospital and is very relieved when I tell her I don't. She is in love with her new brother and tells anyone who will listen that she is a big sister, that makes it so worth it as well.

Wow this got so long, thank you if you had the patience to read this far. I am so glad to be back and I hope it will be ok if I stay on this board (I will have to many withdrawal symptoms if I have to move on).

Take care all


mum to Skyla 2y8m and Colby 10 days old (I love saying that)

July 20, 2001

I haven't posted for quite some time but being a proud mommy I had to share our wonderful news. This was our first attempt at IVF after an ectopic in 1996 and a botched surgery leaving me with 2 blocked tubes. Pregnancy was extremely difficult for me, lots of complications along the way but being a mom has made it all seem worthwhile.
I was induced at 37w1d when my blood pressure was 150/95 at my regular OB appt. Pitocin jump started me but they had to discontinue it when the baby's heart rate kept dipping. No worries though, my body took over (I dilated 8 cm in 2 1/2 hours) and became the proud mommy of Nicholas Brennon on 7/20/01 at 8:03 AM, 7 lb 1 oz 19.5 inches long with a full head of hair. He christened the doc and 2 nurses with tinkles as he entered the world, that's my boy!!! We're all doing wonderful and feel very blessed each and every day. I've included a link to our IVF page if you'd like to see our little cutie. Best of luck to everyone else still waiting to meet their little one. jen

July 25, 2001

Sorry I've been MIA for so long. Adjusting to the twins has been difficult, but wonderful! It is definitely a challenge everyday, but getting better. Okay here goes my birth story....

Last Tues. 7/24 I was getting ready to go to bed and Craig was already sleeping. I was taking my usual potty run right before I laid down. Well I heard something pop and I thought it was like my hip popping. NOT, it was my water breaking. I didn't know it at first until I started to walk into the bedroom and I kept thinking am I peeing on myself! When I finally realized what was going on I yelled at Craig that my water had broke and to wake up. Well he didn't understand that meant we had to go to the hospital!! It was really funny!! I paged my OB and he said head for the hospital, so we did. We got there around 11:00pm that night and I was checked by the Dr. there and I was 3cm dilated, 90% effaced and -2 station. Pretty good!! They said they would get me an epidural as soon as possible. They didn't want me to miss my window. I was starting to have some cramps at this point, nothing too painful just uncomfortable. After the exam they got worse. They moved me to a L&D room, even though I would deliver in an operating room due to the twins. I got my epidural around 1:30 or 2:00!! What a wonderful thing that was!! I was really nervous about getting it, but I have to say it did not hurt at all!! I was nervous for nothing. Before my epidural I really didn't want to talk to anyone, the pain was getting worse and I was really uncomfortable! After the epidural I was a new woman!! My progress was slow so they started me on Pitocin to get my contractions coming. I stayed at 3 for the longest time, but I was finally 100% effaced. When I got to 4 cm the next 2 cm went rather quickly, as the contractions started to get more intense. They had to up the medication in my epidural because I was starting to really feel them! No fun. Well at 4pm on Wed. 7/25 I had been stuck at 6.5 cm for about 4 hours. My cervix was 100% effaced and the baby was at +2 station, but not dilated enough. My OB said it really didn't make sense how this could be happening. So at 4:30 we had to opt for a c-section. My water had broke almost 18 hours before and they wanted to be safe. I have to admit I was really disappointed, and afraid!! They started prepping me for the surgery and it was like a whirlwind going on! We got into the OR and when they started to cut me I could feel some of the pain. So they upped my medication, but it didn't help! They ended up putting me under completely!! IT was horrible!! My worst fear had come true, I couldn't remember the birth of my babies! I woke up after the surgery in tears!! I know the anesthetic was part of it, but I really was upset. The nurse taking care of me had been there all day and she was so sweet. Craig was so sweet, but I was just about hysterical! I was still really groggy from the medication, but trying to wake up. Everyone was talking about how beautiful my babies were and I hadn't even seen them!! Hannah Rose was born on 7/25 at 5:28pm weighing 6# 10oz, and Tyler Craig was born at 5:29pm weighing 6# 2oz. When I finally got to see them up on the postpartum floor I knew it was all worth while!! We stayed in the hospital until Saturday evening. Craig stayed every minute there with me, it was really great! I know he didn't want to leave me or the babies! He was really great with the babies! It is really amazing to see wonderful he was and I have to say I love him more and more each day. I didn't think it was possible to love him anymore, but I really do. As for the babies, I can't tell you all the love I feel for them! I can't put into words what I feel when I see them! It is overwhelming. They are a week old today and we have our first pediatrician appt today. I have to say it really has been hard. Since last Tuesday I have probably had about 24 hours of sleep, maybe. Last night was the best night since they have been home. I think they are finally adjusting and so are we. My mom has stayed with us since we have been home and it has been a blessing!! I don't know what I would have done without her here! She is going home on Friday and I am a little nervous. She lives 3 hours away, so it will be hard. I am sorry this got so long I just wanted to share all the details I could!!

I have really missed you guys!!! To all the new members, WELCOME and CONGRATS!! To all the new Mommies, Congrats!! I won't be able to post regularly yet, but I hope to be back on soon!!! I will post some pictures as soon as I can!

Hugs and Love, Crystal, Hannah & Tyler b-day 7/25 1 week old today!!




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