Pregnant after IVF
Birth Stories |
(22) vs. Boys (36)
Singletons (28)
Twins (12 sets)
Triplets (2 sets)

December 30, 1999
Bertrand Tobias William Smith
8 lbs |
Birth Story |
December 28, 1999 |
Stanley Walker Robert (5lbs 3oz)
August Thesiger Turing (5lbs 4oz) |
No Story available |

December 22, 1999
Larissa Leanne
7lbs 9oz |
Birth Story |

November 30, 1999 |
born @ 36 wks |
Birth Story |

November 27, 1999
Cedric Scott
6lbs 10oz
Birth Story |

November 26, 1999
Melissa Rosemary
5lbs 12oz |
Birth Story |
November 16, 1999 |
Eric Leif
4lbs 3oz
Sarah Rose
5lbs 14oz
born @ 36w6d |
Birth Story
Home Page |

November 15, 1999
Lauren Michelle
7lbs 13 oz |
Birth Story |

November 13, 1999
Lachlan Michael Joseph
6lbs 11oz |
Birth Story |

November 11, 1999 |
Noah Gabriel
9lbs |
Birth Story |

November 1, 1999
Ellen Eugenia
7lbs 5oz |
Birth Story
Home Page |

October 28, 1999
Michael Carr
8lbs 12oz |
Birth Story |

October 23, 1999
Sabrina Alia
5lbs 1oz
born @ 37wks |
Birth Story |

October 22, 1999 |
8lbs 1oz
Birth Story |

October 17, 1999 |
Elizabeth Rose
6lbs 3oz
Birth Story |
October 1, 1999 |
5lb 13oz
5lb 8oz |
Birth Story |
September 17, 1999 |
5lbs 8 oz
5lbs 13oz
Birth Story |

September 11, 1999 |
Ian Patrick
6lbs 9oz
Born @ 36w3d |
Birth Story |

August 19, 1999 |
Mitch Lawson
7lbs 12oz
Birth Story |
August 18, 1999 |
Jesstina Marie
4 lbs 7 oz
Jonathan Michael
5 lbs 11 oz |
Birth Story
Page |
August 4, 1999
born @ 34 weeks |
Birth Story |
July 29, 1999 |
Avery Sophia
4 lbs 8 oz
Benjamin Everett
3 lbs 14 oz
Levon Jacob
4 lbs 3 oz
born @ 34 wks |
Birth Story |

July 13, 1999 |
7lbs. 14 oz.
Birth Story
Home Page |
June 26, 1999 |
Abigail Jordan
5 lbs 1 oz
Emily Raquel
4 lbs 4 oz |
Birth Story |
May 27, 1999 |
4lbs. 2oz
Birth Story |

May 19, 1999 |
Emma Mary
7lbs 4 oz
Birth Story
Home Page |
May 4, 1999 |
Lane Thomas
6lbs 6oz
Cole Matthew
5lbs 13oz
19-5/16" |
Birth Story
Home Page |
April 30, 1999 |
Bryce Tillman
4lbs 13oz
Blake Kenneth
4lbs 3oz |
Birth Story
Home Page |

April 27, 1999 |
Vivian Nita
9 lbs
Birth Story |

April 26, 1999 |
6 lbs 3 oz
20-1/2" |
Birth Story |
April 23, 1999 |
Marisa Nicole
4lbs 4oz
16 1/2"
Caelen Paul
3lbs 10oz
17" |
Birth Story |

April 21, 1999 |
Jackson Paris
Birth Story |

April 20, 1999 |
Magdalene Eliza Leslie
8lbs 1oz
20 1/2"
Birth Story |

April 13, 1999 |
6 lbs
born @ 34 wks |
Birth Story |

April 1, 1999 |
6 lbs 15 oz
Birth Story |

March 29, 1999 |
Noah Anthony
10:35 a.m.
8 lbs 6 oz.
Birth Story |
March 28, 1999 |
Brit Eliana
2 lbs 4-1/2oz
Zach Yonatan
2 lbs 5-1/2 oz
Birth Story
Page |

February 22, 1999
8 lbs
born @ 37-1/2 wks
Birth Story |

February 17, 1999 |
Eliana Lois
8lbs 8oz
Birth Story |

February 10, 1999 |
Henry Hiram-Lee
7:02 p.m.
8lbs 8oz
Birth Story |

January 23, 1999
Jakob Anthony
born @ 36-1/2 wks
Birth Story
Home Page |
January 12, 1999 |
Carter Edward
4lbs 15oz
Nathaniel Ray
4lbs 8oz
born @ 32wks |
Birth Story
Home Page |
Hey everyone! I haven't had a chance to catch up on the archives but I
did want to fill you in with the juicy
details of the birth. Grab a drink & a snack because this one is a long one! :-)
On Monday, January 11th I started having the normal contractions around 6:00pm but they
were coming every
2-4 minutes. I laid down and around 7:00 they started subsiding. I told DH that we should
still probably pack
a bag "just in case". At 8:00 the contractions hit hard and furious and were
coming every 5 minutes. I called
the doctor and was in the hospital by 9:30. They immediately started me in Magnesium
Sulfate and IV
The next morning, January 12th, the doctor came in and checked me out. I was a fingertip
dilated and soft. He
said we would play around with the Mag and Terbutaline and hopefully hold off labor until
34 weeks. Around
12:00pm I had a massive contraction and rolled on my back to breathe through it. Seconds
later I felt a gush of
fluid. I thought my Foley catheter was leaking so I checked it out. My hand was covered in
blood. The nurse was
able to get the doctor there pretty quickly and he confirmed that I had broken my water
and was 2cm dilated.
He said I would have to be transported to another hospital that had an NICU and that I
would probably have the
babies that day. He left and returned and said that he had spoken to a neonatologist and
that they had both
agreed that if I broke through the Terbutaline and the Mag that there was probably a
problem in the uterus and
that the babies would be better off in the world.
The ambulance took me to another hospital and the anesthesiologist came and talked to me.
He and my
doctor agreed that since I had eaten lunch (albeit a liquid lunch) that they should hold
off surgery until 6:00 (it
was 3:00 at this point). The doctor did one last cervical exam and in less than 2 hours, I
had dilated to 6cm.
They decided there was no time to waste and started prepping me for the emergency
c-section. Luckily there
was enough time to do an epidural. I say lucky but actually the doctor had to do the
epidural twice and then
never had it quite right.
They started the surgery and I don't mean to scare any of you but because of the
difficulty with the epidural,
after I was cut open I could feel the surgery. The doctor stopped the surgery while the
anesthesiologist gave
me more drugs in the epidural and gave me laughing gas. I became so drugged up that I
thought I was going
to miss the birth. When the doctor resumed the surgery he hollered out
"I-carumba" (he's Spanish). Turns out I
had severe placenta abruption and the blood started shooting out of me like a fountain! DH
said he could
actually hear the blood hitting the floor (GROSS)!
Anyway, Carter Edward was born at 4:13pm and weighed 4 lbs 15 oz. Nathaniel Ray was born
at 4:14pm
and weight 4 lbs 8 oz. To the surprise of everyone, both boys came out screaming. Their
lungs were mature
because I had taken all of those steroids (thank God for steroids). Both boys were sent to
NICU. They both did
great and within 48 hours were moved to Extended Care Nursery. Once there, they started
improving by leaps
and bounds. They are now off all ventilators, IV's, feeding tubes and jaundice lamps. In
fact, they hope to move
them to regular bassinet tomorrow to see if they can maintain their own body temperature.
Both boys are breastfeeding and that is going well but slow. They can only feed on the
breast for 5-10 minutes
and then get too tired so I have to finish feeding with a bottle of breast milk. I'm a
little disappointed that I can't
feed exclusively on the breast but at least they are getting my milk.
I'm doing well but the recovery is not at all what I expected. I feel fine from the
surgery but I have this horribly
unbearable pain on my right side. The doctor says that I'm having trouble with my round
ligament and that it will
go away. I sure hope it goes away soon!
I'm trying to remain in good spirits because the boys are doing so well but it's hard
having to leave them at the
hospital. It's probably the hardest thing that I've ever had to do.
I can't wait until all of you have your babies. It's the most incredible thing that I have
ever experienced! I thought
pregnancy was great but this is indescribable. Just yesterday I had Carter at the breast
and he reached up
and grabbed my breast and was stroking it. It melted my heart like nothing else in the
world. I still can't believe
after so many years of battling infertility that my dream has finally come true and I have
babies. It's just too
good to be true!
Becca, Carter & Nathan
Hey y'all!! Sorry it took so long to update but my little sweetie keeps
me pretty busy. He is the most precious,
wonderful thing that has ever happened to me and I can't wait till all of you get to feel
this incredible happiness!
Your pregnancies will go by so fast so try and enjoy every minute instead of worrying the
entire nine months
like I did! LOL
Well, here's how the labor went, I had a pretty rough time of it. I went off the t-pump on
Thursday morning and
started having lots of contractions before my DH got home so I called and told him to try
and get home so we
could go on to the hospital. We went in around 4:30 and I was having contractions every 5
minutes but my
cervix wasn't changing any. It was still at on cm after being in the hospital all night
contracting so my dr came in
and stretched it to two cm with her fingers, OUCH! I didn't care though I was just ready
to get the show on the
A few hours later they came in and checked again and said I was still at 2 cm. They said
they wouldn't stop
labor at 36 1/2 weeks but they couldn't help with it either and that this could go on for
days! I thought I would
die when they told me that. They sent me home and I decided to go back that night because
I was in pain.
They had me walk the halls of the hospital with DH to try and get things going but after
an hour of that things
STILL hadn't changed so they gave me a BIG dose of morphine and sent me home to sleep.
Well, I did finally get some sleep until about two in the morning I woke up with even
worse contractions so I
decided to wait it out and suffer through them because I was determined when I went back
to that hospital my
cervix would be dilated more. I just laid on the couch and cried with every one until
seven am and went in to
wake my DH and told him to get up and take me. The dr. checked me and I was at
3cm....YIPPEE!!! So he
broke my water and I just thought those other contractions hurt!! Now I was in serious
pain so they went ahead
and gave me my WONDERFUL epidural. GOOD STUFF THAT EPIDURAL!
After that things were a breeze. At noon I was at 10 and ready to push. Started pushing at
12:15 and at 12:34
my son was born. He came out screaming like crazy which was really good since he was 3 1/2
weeks early.
His APGAR was 8 and 9 and he is so perfect! He has black hair just like I did when I was
born and his
daddy's nose and toes.
I absolutely love taking care of him and he's starting to get the hang of breastfeeding.
By the way, I didn't know
b/f would be so hard at first but everyone told me not to give up and keep trying so I'm
glad I didn't give up like I
almost did. The nurses kept reminding me that it's a learning experience for both me and
the baby so give him
time to get the hang of it.
Tina and Jakob (eight days old) I'm so happy!!!!!!
Hi everyone! I have a beautiful baby BOY!!!!!! Henry Hiram-Lee came into
this world on Wednesday,
February 10, 199 at 7:02 pm via C-section. He weighs 8 pounds 8 ounces and is 23
inches long. He is just beautiful!! He is an angel. I am very sore from the surgery and am
very weak. I am bleeding quite a bit and the breastfeeding thing is really getting the
best of me. He is so wonderful. I never thought he would be this wonderful. I will write
more when I have more time. Take care everyone!!
Love, Verna and Henry ;-)
Introducing ELIANA LOIS PEREZ!!!!!!
My beautiful baby girl was born Wednesday, February 17 at 6:39 PM weighing in at 8 pounds,
8 ounces and
measuring 20 3/4 inches. My DH and I are soooooooooooooooooooo in love with her!!! She's
doing great
and seems to be nursing well.
When I'm feeling more up to it I'll have to share her birth story with all of you. We had
a rough time of it so she
ended up being delivered via c-section.
Oh, just in case you are unfamiliar with her name, it is pronounced (El - ee - ah - na).
It is Hebrew in origin and
roughly means 'answered prayer'. Lois is my Mother's name.
~Kara & Eliana
I don't have any idea how long it will take me to actually get this
posted as I only have a few minutes here and
there. But I'll start now and try to get it done as soon as possible.... We truly
appreciate all the posts we've
been getting from you all. And we wish we could write responses to each and every one of
you. I've managed
to call two people in my family so far. And I haven't managed to get a single email out
yet. So please bear with
us and know that we are spending every waking hour practically at the hospital and come
home only to
collapse into bed. We'll continue to update you this way for the next few weeks whenever
we get a few minutes
to type a bit. Again, it may take a few days to actually get any particular post out to
For a few more gory details about the pre-birth experience:
I woke up about 1:00 in the morning after only an hours sleep. Slowly those heart pains
started up again and
got really bad. Worse even was the stomach pain I was experiencing as well. It seemed to
me that suddenly
my body just couldn't take those drugs anymore and nothing was going to make me feel
better except to stop
the tocolytics. Obviously that scared me. I woke up DH at 5:00 when the pain got bad
enough for me to worry
and he went to get a contraction monitor and tell the nurse what was happening. A real
dumbbell of a doctor
came to do an ECG and took about a billion years to get it done after 4 attempts. Oh well.
The only drug they
could give me for the stomach pain couldn't be given in my room and I had to be taken to
the labor room so
they could administer it. Still, although I now had some cramping and slight lower back
pain, I didn't really feel
any unusual contraction activity. However the doctor who examined me in my room said I was
4 centimeters
dilated...up from 2 1/2. So we knew there was indeed 'dynamic' happening there. However
once in the labor
room, the next exam showed I was 3 centimeters. Still more than before (but all the
doctors diplomatically
refrained from telling us what an idiot we already knew the first doctor was ;-). The
contraction monitor in the
labor room got hooked up and we saw that I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes...and
now I was
feeling all of them and they were getting much stronger than ever before. If you've been
on a contraction
monitor, you'll know what I mean when I say they were registering as Mount Everest
contractions rather than
the smaller range mountains I'd been creating on the graph up to then. A few of them I
even classified as
interplanetary since they nearly went off the graph. As the 'last resort' drug - endomed -
had never worked on
my contractions anyway, we didn't get too upset when the idiot doctor wanted to wait till
the head of the
department came 3 hours later so he could consult him before giving it to me. We knew it
would be futile
anyway...as it was when they finally did give it to me. The drug for the stomach pain also
didn't work and they
tried another one. The second one was a winner and made me really sleepy so I was actually
able to relax
through the rest of my contractions for several hours. I'd say "Honey, I'm having a
contraction, could you write it
down please." And then we'd look and it would be one dozy of a contraction. But I
just kept sailing through
them despite the pain thanks to that wonderful high I was on from the tummy stuff :-)
About 12:00 my OB came on duty and took charge of my case. Of course have a dozen other
doctors were
constantly there consulting as well. When he did another cervical check he said I was 4 +
1 centimeters dilated
(he whispered he was afraid to say 5 ;-). Then the chief came in finally and they kept
debating about how to
keep me from delivering for another 24-48 hours. I was on complete fast except for ice
chips. I was exhausted.
And we had to wonder how much strain 60 hours of such strong contractions every 2-3
minutes would put on
our babies and on me. So we asked the doctors what these 24-48 hours would actually give
babies...since everyone was in 100% agreement at this point that there was no stopping the
birth...only trying
to postpone it for a few more hours. So they agreed that it actually wouldn't add much and
that they were being
a bit one-track minded and we should actually try to enjoy this process now that we
couldn't stop it. So we all
switched gears and started to anticipate the birth of two tiny little people.
They gradually reduced the meds until I was off completely at about 4:45. I got the
epidural (as a precaution in
case I had to have a c-section - the first baby was head down, but the second was laying
horizontal across my
belly). The local anesthetic had no effect and I screamed my head off when the
anesthesiologist inserted the
epidural. He said after it was in "the next contraction should be less painful".
DUH! It damn well better have
been! Finally it worked although a big part of the left side never got numb at all. Then
afterwards I was
soooooooooooooo happy to have gotten that epidural even though I've always claimed loud
and clear I would
never have one unless I was forced to. Ha! I am now applying to be the international
spokesperson for the
appreciation of the epidural ;-). At 5:30 the doctor did another cervical exam and I was
7-8 centimeters at that
point. He wanted to break my water but before he got the chance it happened on its own
5:35 they put me on
another bed and took me to the operating room in case of the c-section. Got there about
5:40 and after
getting all hooked up to the machines and everyone prepping the room our 'conductor' was
ready to start the
show. I was told to push at almost exactly 6:00. At 6:05 Brit was born at 1.040 kilos and
at 6:10 Zach
appeared as well at 1.070 kilos (at 27 weeks 5 days gestational age ... 12 weeks early!).
It was the most
amazing experience for both DH and I. With the epidural I was able to actually laugh
through the whole thing
and really enjoy the miraculous feeling of bringing my babies into the world. DH has a
terrible thing about
blood - to the point he'll throw up and sometimes even be close to fainting - yet he was
filming the whole thing
and it didn't even phase him. When Zach came out a huge spurt of blood came with him and
still DH has
watched the video countless times completely mesmerized. So to answer your questions about
how long the
labor was...it was 3 weeks long! ;-) Okay, seriously, from about 1 a.m. until 6 p.m. ...
or if you count from when
they stopped trying to postpone the birth, it was about 3 hours long.
Although they were both on respirators at first, they got off them on Tuesday morning.
Brit still has oxygen next
to her nose but they are both breathing on their own and doing great. Zach struggles more
with the breathing,
but it's better that he's not on the oxygen so he doesn't get dependent ... so we're
hoping Brit will be off soon
I was in terrible pain from the episiotomy and could barely walk or sit and got very
little sleep because of it.
Today, we decided to drop by and have one of the doctors take a look at the stitches since
we were at the
hospital anyway. We found out that they were too tight and so they had to be 'released'.
Wow did that ever
hurt, but afterwards I could actually walk and not hobble. Of course it is still painful
since it is a wound afterall,
but there's nothing like terrible pain to make ya appreciate and not complain about lesser
pain ;-). By the way,
in case you're wondering why I had to have the episiotomy with such tiny babies, it's
pretty standard when a
baby comes this early and is delivered vaginally. Although the birth canal is great for
their lungs, this route can
cause too much pressure on such immature little skulls/heads, which in turn could cause
brain damage. So an
episiotomy is done to make sure there is no resistance at all and the head can come out
very easily. So much
for all those Kegels ;-)
I hope everyone is well and I'm sure you all understand when I don't appear very often.
Once our babies have
gotten past the critical first few weeks, I'm sure I'll be able to communicate with you
all more regularly.
Love, Julan, DH, Brit and Zach
On Sunday night, 3/28 I went to bed around 11 pm. I had just laid down
when I felt my little one move really
hard down near my cervix, then immediately I felt a strange popping sensation. No water
though, but I did get
some really bad cramps. I stayed in bed waiting to see what would happen -- nothing for
awhile, except painful
contractions every five minutes or so. My DH came to bed, and I told him what was
happening, then went to lie
on the couch so that I could time the contractions. About 10 minutes into timing them I
suddenly felt a gush of
fluid -- yep, my water had broken! It was now a little after midnight, 3/29 (my DH's
birthday!). We called the
hospital and they told us to come in. We arrived there about an hour later, was hooked up
to the monitor, etc,
etc. I was checked and was about 4 cm dilated. Around 2 am they let us walk around for an
hour. Contrax
were REALLY strong and painful by now AND we were both exhausted from lack of sleep. I was
debating an
epidural at this point, and after another hour of REALLY painful contractions I begged for
one. Relief! My
husband and I ended up sleeping for about 2 hours, and when I woke up my Dr. came in and
checked me.
Surprise! She told me I was ready to push! Unfortunately, they had given me a pretty high
dose of the epidural
because it hadn't taken right away, so I was not at all effective at pushing. They stopped
the drugs and I had to
wait until those nasty contractions came back before I could really push. Well, after
about 2-3 hours of pushing
my beautiful son was born. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 6 oz. and 21.5 inches long. Turns out
he was facing
towards my right side, so that's why the pushing was so hard. I ended up tearing in
several places, and he
ended up with a swollen bruise on the left side of his head (made his little head look all
pointy -- poor thing).
He'll be three weeks tomorrow. We are both doing great, his swelling has gone down
completely and my
wounds are healing as well. I'm breastfeeding, which is going well, except that he is a
sucker, which means he
always wants to be on my breast, especially to help him fall asleep. I finally broke down
and have started
giving him a pacifier after his night feedings. He eats about every 2 hours at night
still, and feedings were
lasting almost an hour. That meant I was only getting about an hour sleep between
feedings. Ugh...It's still
hard, but it's getting better. Other than that he is just the cutest little guy. I
wouldn't trade him in for anything.
Sorry this got so long. If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading! Hope everyone is
doing well.
Angelika and Noah
3/31-DH had a getting a cold, so I went to sleep in another room away
from the snores at 2am. Had a few
cramps, but just figured it was Braxton (since I really hadn't had any and baby was to be
due the 11th) My
regular appt was scheduled for 8am 4/1 - went to dr office, said I felt a little crampy,
so before he checked me,
hooked me up to a 20min monitor to check contractions. They were irregular, but happening.
After they took the
monitor off, he was going to do my first cervical check. I said, well I feel a little
drizzle. So--He took a peek and
then a bigger peek, yes my water was breaking, then goosh...all over! Then he checked my
cervix, already 3cm! He said, well, your baby is coming today! I was just shocked! I
couldn't believe - it was April fools day! So--I called DH and said lets meet back at home
and get the bag! Dr said to get to the hospital in an hour. Got there, then about 2:30 had
the epidural then at 6pm started pushing - 8:50 Zarya was born. Just perfect - such an
angel face. She is a little yellow, but I have her in the sun right now. Have to visit the
pediatrician dr again today. We stayed in Hosp until Sunday 9pm (very sore). My parents
arrived Monday - so I better get back to bed..
Delivery was great - all went well - will give you more details later!! All my best to
you. Will eventually get
photos on the web too!
Kel and little Zarya!
I have been off the board since last Monday the 12th of April. I went to
the OB filling in for mine after 4 days of
horrible labor type pains and pressure. I was admitted to hospital and had an ultrasound
to check on
Xavier...they estimated his weight to be 5lbs 11oz at the time and everything else seemed
fine, except that it
was just the stitch holding him there.
I had the stitch removed at 9.30am on Tuesday morning and went straight to 3cm (1")
and had my membranes
ruptured....then the waiting began. At 1.00pm the contractions started after
much pacing about. I used the gas for a while, then was examined later and told I was only
4cm. I requested Pethidine and it had no real effect on the force of the contractions.
The OB examined me about 5.00pm and told me I was only 7cm and that it would be a few more
hours which I
could not bear, I was in agony and floating somewhere in space. I had an epidural
which was just the best thing on earth. I dozed on an off and the OB returned about 8.30pm
after his hospital meeting and examined me. My stitch had torn through my cervix,
something he felt on Monday but did not let me know. It had formed a band across the
middle of Xavier's head, blocking his exit. I felt like a cow with the doctor's hand
wedged up me trying to maneuver the piece of cervix over Xavier's head.
The epidural was reduced and after what seemed hours of pushing and getting nowhere and an
which really stung, Xavier made his way into the world at 9.45pm on April 13.
Xavier weighed a whopping 6lbs and after a night on 23% oxygen he was placed on air and
popped into an
open cot/bed the next day. He is still in hospital and will be for the next few
weeks until he can regulate his temperature and feed properly. He is tolerating
feeds a little better now as they popped a tube up his nose into his tummy to feed him.
He has not gained weight yet, but we are hoping now that he is keeping food
down he will turn a corner. Well I must be off, I have to hook up to my friend
the breast pump and travel 1 hour into hospital to see my precious boy.
I will keep you posted!...Hope all of you are keeping well.
Although we didn't post a great deal throughout our pregnancy, we could
still feel the warmth and love that
everyone on this BB and the IVF BB had to offer us. My last post basically updated
everyone on our
pregnancy - which thankfully was very uneventful and ran smoothly.
Well our due date of April 8 came and went and it seemed like our little bundle of joy did
not want to join us in
this world (although the DR assured me that they all come out eventually). Well when
Magdalene was ready
to come out - she launched herself into the world like a rocket.
Magdalene was 12 days overdue and had to be induced. I was admitted to hospital on Monday
afternoon of
April 19 and was given two doses of gel to ripen my cervix. The second dose did the trick
bringing the
contractions on at about 10pm, with great intensity. After about an hour in the spa and
very little relief I asked
for a pethadene shot. Before this could happen they had to break my waters - the midwife
had some difficulty
doing this, but managed it in the end. Well the pethadene didn't even take the edge off
the pain and I relented
and asked for the epidural. This was given at 4am and provided a great deal of relief -
everything seemed to
sail smoothly after this. At 6am I was 4cm dilated and when the Dr came at 7am the
contractions were
irregular - so he said he'd see me at lunchtime. By 8am I had an urgent need to go to the
bathroom and told
the midwife this (thinking she'd bring me a pan), but to my surprise she said I was
probably fully dilated. After
examination I was, so she rang the Dr and told him to get back to the hospital (he was
about 1/2 hour away).
Her and DH got me started with a few pushes - which I had difficulty grasping, but did
after go number three. I
was then told to relax and only push when I felt the urge. The midwife realized that the
Dr was not going to
make this delivery and tried to organize another midwife to be on the ward, as it was
busy. She sent DH over
to wash his hands to help her and while he was doing this I knew I couldn't keep my legs
closed any longer. So
with one almighty push (with me turning from my side to my back) Magdalene was born. As I
said earlier she
shot out like a rocket - in one go with DH still at the sink.
Magdalene was born on April 20 at 8.31am (Sydney time). She weighed 8lb 1oz and was 20 1/2
inches long.
She is a delightful little girl who is enjoying being on this earth. Everyday I look at
our little miracle and cherish
the thought of how lucky we are.
Anyway this post is already way to long. Thank you to everyone on this BB and the IVF BB
for their support
over the last two years. This road would have been a lot harder to travel without it.
Regards, Deirdre, Chris (DH) and Magdalene
Hello everyone! Long time no post to! As you know my brother was great
and tried to keep me up to date as
best he could and post for me now and again. Being on bedrest for almost three months
without internet
access was a killer! I feel terrible that I haven't been here for everyone, please know
that I've been thinking and
praying for everyone and that I will soon read all the archives and get caught up.
Right now I'm at my public library, so I could get on-line, with my babe JACKSON PARIS!
He's a precious
miracle and I can't believe he'll already be one month on Wednesday!
My C-section went off without a hitch except that I had an anxiety attack in the operating
room as they were
trying to give me a spinal! Not pretty! I guess after everything that I went through, I
couldn't actually believe that I
was REALLY going to have a baby. It was very strange, surreal... I became very
claustrophobic, started to
hyper-ventilate and felt that I had to get out of the operating room or else I'd go mad!
Luckily the doctors and
nurses and of course my DH were wonderful, "talked me down", and assured me that
what I was going
through was normal. I didn't really feel relief until Jack was actually born and then I
was able to relax and feel
the joy of the event.
The C-section was strange in that even though I couldn't feel any pain, I could feel the
doctors and the baby
inside of me, sort of a pressure feeling. Very strange. I have to say though, besides the
anxiety attack, the day
was the happiest of my life, there really is nothing like it, and I can't wait for
EVERYONE on this board to
experience the same joy SOON!!!
My recovery has been good. The first week after was probably the worst because of the pain
of the C-section
incision and recovering from that. And I won't even get into the trials and tribulations
of trying to go to the
bathroom afterwards! No fun, really, but it is all a blur now. Even the bedrest which
seemed like it would
NEVER end is a blur.
I could go on and on... I promise to come to the library often and check the boards and go
back to the archives
to see how everyone is doing. Please know that I'm thinking of you all!!! All the best!!!
LOVE, Dianabelle and
I'm a Mommy!!!! Hope you ladies are doing well! Yup, my twins were
born, Friday April 23 - Marisa Nicole and Caelen Paul. I just wanted to say hello. They
are in NICU but doing well. They are still trying to learn that suck/swallow/breath
pattern. Once they get that down pat, they'll be home. I'll give better details later, but
we're off to the hospital to feed them.
Thanks for being there!!
For the long version click here
We entered the hospital on the morning of the 27th and by noon we had a
9.0 pound girl, still called Vivian,
delivered via Cesarean Section at 11:11 AM. She looks most like her mother but has a few
characteristics of
her dad. Mother is doing well, walking around already, and trying to get out of the
hospital early. Our new
daughter suckles, coos, and makes other noises mostly sounding like a balloon that you rub
your finger
across. Her current motto is "Change is Bad", but, when all environmental and
bodily functions are operating
constantly, appears highly interested in figuring out the strange space ship on which she
has been deposited.
After 19 years living together with just the two of us, we embarked upon an exciting
adventure. Surgical
science had progressed to the point where it allowed us to consider conceiving a
biological child. Despite
incredibly low odds (5%), Carol and I (and a few surgeons) flew past the many hurdles and
conceived on the
first try. We initially had twins, then we lost one twin, but extensive tests indicated
that Vivian was normal and
healthy. Carol has enjoyed a pregnancy remarkable only in how little trouble and
discomfort she had. Late
ultrasounds indicated that Vivian was in a breech position and might require extraction
via Cesarean Section.
Our scheduled birth day was April 27th.
Love, Dennis, Carol, and Vivian Nita Pratt
Welcome to Bryce Tillman and Blake Kenneth, Born April 30th... Bryce at
9:06PM 4lb 13oz, Blake at 9:09 4lb
3oz. From her DH; Lynn just wanted you to know that she had her babies and there are more
details at our
webpage (with pictures) at http://geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/9500
Goto birth for birth details and events for babies updates.
LIFE BEHIND THE BLUE CURTAIN - "The Albrecht Birth Story"
Let's go a long long way back to Tuesday morning 5/4: 9am - Another typical NST with the
boys; heart rates way up, they're active as usual - show offs. Off we go across the street
to the OB for Kim's weekly check-up. As we left the hospital Kim (Rocky) and I both
remarked about our disappointment that today didn't look like THE day.
10:30 - Dr. Lafollette enters the exam room chit-chatting about our scheduled C-Sect on
Friday. All in all a
pretty routine visit until THE CERVIX EXAM!!! 2cm dilated (no biggie) AND there seemed to
be a foot
somewhere where it shouldn't be. The look on her Dr's face said it all. That and the fact
she screamed "Wow!"
when she felt the foot. We were going to have us some kids today! As she went for a second
opinion, I looked
at Kim, gave her a kiss, and asked her if she was ready. Her response: "Yeah! I've
been hosting this party way
too long!" We had just been given our first parental reality slap of the day...
Off we go back across the street to Marin General, get our room, meet the nurses, monitor
the boys, draw
some blood (hers not mine), and put the IV in (after a couple unsuccessful tries, Kim was
not happy). Around
12:30, I casually ask one of the nurses "what time can we expect to go in?"
fully expecting an answer of 3 or 4
pm. Her answer? - "Here put these blue things on, we're going in about 20 minutes to
the OR. WHAT!?!
Reality slap number two. Another kiss and hug and away we go.
When we get to the OR, I stay outside while she is prepped. After about 5 minutes, I hear
several roars of
laughter from the OR - I married a jokester...I suddenly realize I left the camera on top
of the TV in the room -
off I go slipping and sliding down the hall as I race to get the camera in my brand new
blue paper shoes.
Dad-to-be gets back to the OR waiting area in one piece. It's time for Dad! I go in to the
OR - I do not look on
the other side of the curtain before I take a seat next to Kimberly. I've been warned by
friends not to. She's
fine, her anesthesiologist is great - he gave her a great epidural and tells her what she
is going to experience
just before it happens - very reassuring. I hold her hand and we exchange a couple of I
love you's. Suddenly, a
voice from the other side of the curtain announces "I've got foot!....and another
foot; a couple of seconds later
the most magnificent scream I've ever heard comes from Lane Thomas at 1:41pm. He's covered
in vernex,
the room is a buzz as the nurses and pediatrician's swoop in to check him out. I pull back
the curtain so that
Kimberly and I can see him at the same time. Amazing...
Only 1 minute (it seems like ten) separates Lane and Cole Matthew, who arrives quietly
(this changes quickly)
and is bright red - very colorful. Another team takes him to the warmer and checks him
over. By now, Lane is
brought to our side of the blue curtain - Kim holds our son for the first time. Words
cannot describe the beauty
of this sight. Soon, I hold Lane as Cole is brought to Mommy. We are a family.
Off to the nursery I go with the boys for weights and id tags (not before a quick glance
over the
curtain...couldn't resist...neat colors!). We meet Kimberly in recovery about a half hour
later. The boys both
take to the breast immediately - a good sign, Kimberly was able to move her legs before
she left the OR - a
great epidural. We were able to go back to our room about an hour later.
Quick notes - Neither little guy had to spend any time in NICU. Their numbers were -
Lane Thomas 6lbs 6oz 18 1/2 inches 1:41pm Cole Matthew 5lbs 13 oz 19 5/16 inches 1:42pm
(Dad was 2oz
off on each boy - I guessed 6-4 and 5-15 pre-birth - brag time for the old man!)
They each had APGAR Scores of 9-9! Lane has a little bit of jaundice and they both lost
about 11oz in the first
week after birth. I'm happy to report that they gained 4oz each at their weigh in today -
we're back on track!
Kimberly is itching to talk to you all and will be back on board to say hi soon. She's had
about 1-3 hours of
sleep each night for the last week - she's beat but she's a trooper! She asked me to tell
you that she will post
pictures mid-week!
My apologies about the length of this post. Hope all you wonderful friends are well -
you've been a great
source of support and release for Rocky as we've battled infertility. Lots of love to you
p.s. A note to first time dads - Watch out for that period of time about four hours after
delivery. I was pretty
stoic during the birth, teary eyed, yes, but far from a sobbing mess. About fours after we
got back to the room,
I absolutely lost it when Cole began to cry in his carrier; I picked him up and he
immediately stopped and
looked at me.
I fully realized for the first time... He is my boy and I will always be his dad.
- John (Rocky's DH)
First of all, I am SO SORRY it has taken me so long to post. I did get
my friend's laptop, but there is something
wrong with the modem. My aunt posted my announcement and it is TRUE...I had a beautiful
baby GIRL on May
19th at 8:20PM. Her name is EMMA MARY CAHILL and she is so incredible...I don't think I
have words in my
vocabulary to describe her to you all. Here is her birth story...
You may remember that they told me my baby would come any day at my last appointment I
told you about.
Well, I lasted the week and went in to my next appt which was on May 18th. They did
another u/s and the fluid
got a lot lower and my doctor basically said "do you want to go in tonight to be
induced or tomorrow morning?"
I said TOMORROW!! I was so excited and ran home and did a few last minute things and my DH
got home
and we were dancing around and laughing and celebrating the upcoming birth of our child.
We went out for a
little while and had a drink and talked about what was ahead. It was really cool to know
she was coming and
be able to have that last night out and spend some time together. We both slept well that
night and felt rested
and ready the next morning!!
We got to the hospital at 7:30AM and they checked us in and we were admitted to our room.
The resident
came in and checked me and I was 3 cm dilated, so I had already started and that was good!
My doctor
came in and started me on pitocin at around 9AM. At this point, I was feeling GREAT and
relaxed and not
scared at all. My DH was with me the whole time and we were watching TV and talking to the
nurse, etc.
Finally, around 2:00PM I started feeling the contractions. My doctor came in and checked
me again and I was
still at 3-4CM dilated, so he said to try to go longer without getting the epidural. I
said fine. At around 3, I was
really feeling pain. By 4PM I was begging for the epidural because I couldn't breathe
through the contractions
anymore...it hurt too bad. It's hard to explain the pain. It was VERY INTENSE is all I can
say. My DH was doing
great helping me through them. I was really proud of him.
At 4PM the Dr. approved the epidural (I was 4CM dilated) and the anesthesiologist gave it
to me. Didn't hurt a
bit to get it and let me tell you...INSTANT relief!! It felt so great! I was completely
relaxed after that and laughing
and having a good ol' time! The doctor came back at 5PM and checked me again and I was
dilated to 5CM
and he broke my water. Not much came out and I didn't even feel it. There was a shift
change at 5PM and you
will NEVER believe this...but my FAVORITE doctor of the 5 came on!! She was going to
deliver my baby! We
were both so excited!! She came in at about 5:30 and said since I was just checked that
she wouldn't check
me until 7PM. At 7PM (almost exactly!) I started feeling the contractions again and they
were getting really
intense again! I told the nurse and she said she would find the doctor. Just then, she
walked in and it was
about 7:30 by then. The Dr. said she would get the anest. to come back and give me more
drugs, but she
would check me again really quick. Well, she checked me and I was 100% effaced and 10CM
dilated!!! She
said I was ready to start pushing! She said she was going to check on some patients and
would be back a
little later, and that being a first time mom I would probably have to push for about 2
hours so really rest
between contractions. Well, she left and I started pushing and the nurses and my DH were
great. They really
helped me push hard and cheered me on. My Dr. walked in at 8:05PM and the babies head was
right there!
She screamed, "wait! Wait!! Wait for me!!" It was really funny. I didn't end up
getting an episiotomy, but I tore
to shreds basically. I think Emma came so fast that she didn't really have time to give me
an episiotomy and
just decided to let me tear on my own. The pushing was really hard and I remember crying
and screaming at
the top of my lungs. You guys, it felt so good to really let it all out! At one point the
dr. said "Bridget, look down"
and I was crying so hard that I just said "no, I can't" and my DH said
"please look down!!" so I looked between
my legs and her head was out and the Dr. said one more push and I did it and out she came!
My DH cut her
cord and they put her on my chest. I was really balling at this point. I couldn't believe
I had a daughter!! (also, it
was so wild to see that HUGE baby come out of ME!!! Very wild...) So, Emma Mary was born
at 8:20PM and
she weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 21 inches long, her apgar scores were 8 and 8. She was
completely blue
when she came out, but started screaming right away. They said she was just perfect and
then let me BF her
right away. She latched on really well right away. It was so cool. Overall, the whole
experience was incredible
and I still cry when I think about how amazing it was.
Emma is doing really well. She is 2 weeks old now and b/f'ing like a champ. My milk came
in just fine and she
is gaining weight, and past her birth weight about a week later. I am so glad, because
remember how nervous
I was about my breasts and the size and whether or not it would work? Well, all is well. I
am not quite Dolly
Parton these days, but they are BIG and producing enough milk for Emma, so that is all
that matters. I am
feeling really good now. It has taken me about 2 weeks to feel better. I got a lot of
stitches and one mamma of
a hemorrhoid and between the two of them...my bottom was pretty sore. But, TOTALLY worth
every minute. My
favorite thing is nursing her in the middle of the night. She looks up at me and her
little tiny hand is caressing
my breast and it is like heaven on earth! I cry every time I nurse her. It's such a
wonderful bonding experience.
I could go on and on for hours here...but I really should go. I will try to get on more
frequently. It's hard but I will
try to get to the library more often or else figure out what the problem is with the
laptop I have. I miss you guys. I
think of all of you often and hope you are all doing well. I am so excited for you for
what is ahead. The birth
experience is such a miracle and then after you spend hours and hours just staring at your
little miracle. It's so
I have to close with some lyrics to a song that pretty much sums up how I feel now. It's a
Tim McGraw song
called It's your love...here is the part that I cry every time I hear that
song....."Better than I was, more than I am,
and all of this happened by taking your hand...and who I am now, is who I wanted to be,
and now that we're
together I'm stronger than ever, I'm happy and free!!! Oh, it's a beautiful thing, don't
think I can keep it all in...I
just gotta let you know what it is and it won't let me go...it's your love, it just does
something to me, sends a
shock right thru me...I can't get enough, and if you wonder about the spell I'm under,
well, it's your love...."
I am on cloud nine. What should my name be now? I don't even know. I guess ecstaticone,
elatedone...who knows? :-)
Gladone :-) graduated May 19, 1999
David, Julia and Jacey were born 5/27 between 1:37 and 1:38 p.m. My
water broke at 5:00 a.m ( after having
been to the OB the day before with 0 dilation and thinking I had another week or two), I
was a the hospital by
6:15 a.m., given an epidural at 12:30 p.m. and C-section at 1:30 p.m.
It was AMAZING to see the doctor lift the babies out of me and both DH and I were in
tears! All 3 came out
screaming and it was the sweetest sound I have ever heard. All Apgars were 9 and 9. The
babies weights
were David 3lbs.14oz;; Julia 4lbs.2oz; and Jacey 2lbs.14oz.
The babies were taken to NICU but not before DH took many photos and I had a chance to see
the babies.
Basically they look like miniature babies - but not all wrinkled and skinny like I thought
a preemie would be.
None have any medical problems other than being small. Jacey was the only one who had any
real medical
intervention which consisted of a CPAP which is a device that forced room air into her
lungs so she would not
use up all her energy trying to breath.
David and Julia were transferred to Step Down on 6/1 and Jacey followed on 6/4. Julia is
now out of her
isolette and in an open crib with David expected to be moved today if he is able to
maintain his body
I was discharged from the maternity floor on Sunday (5/30) and then stayed in a
"parents" room at the NICU
for 2 days until David And Julia were transferred to Step Down, which is an amazing
facility where the parents
can "room in" with their babies. We were given the "triplet room"
which includes a fold out couch, private
bathroom, refrig. TV, VCR and of course, 24 hr care for the babies.
The babies are really too little to breastfeed so I have been pumping like mad and they
are given the milk
through a feeding tube. Twice a day I "practice" breastfeeding with David and
Julia while they are actually
being fed through the tube but they are able to get a few cc of milk directly from the
breast and are champs at
latching on but tire easily when sucking. In a few more days, when Jacey is a little
bigger, I will also be able to
do this with her.
Basically, the babies will stay in the hospital until they get closer to 4-5 lbs., are
able to regulate body temp,
breath without apnea (sometimes they forget to breath for a few seconds)and several other
I'll try to provide additional updated but I am basically living at the hospital - last
night was my first night home
on 8 days - and DH is not very good with posting.
Denise - mother of David, Julia, and Jacey - 5/27/99
She had Parker on Apr 26th at 3:30pm. 6 lb 3 oz and 20 1/2 in long. He
ended up being delivered by
emergency c-section. DH was in the hospital after having major leg surgery and she was
sleeping at the
hospital on a night cot. Mparke noticed she was bleeding but didn't feel any contractions.
Ended up that she
was in labor and fetal monitor showed the baby in distress. They brought DH in in a
wheelchair and once they
got to Parker they saw that the cord was wrapped around his legs and tied in a big knot.
He's fine and perfect
and all are home safe and sound. Poor Mparke is a busy gal looking after both boys at home
but in heaven!
So Welcome Parker and congrats to Mparke and her DH.
Abigail Jordan and Emily Raquel were born on June 26th at 2:57 and 2:59
pm by c-section. Abbie was 5 lbs.
1 oz. and Emily 4 lbs. 4 oz. I was scheduled for a c-section on July 2nd, but the babies
could not wait to get
out. They needed to see the world!
I went off Brethine on Thursday, June 24th. On Saturday, June 26th at 5:30 am I started
having contractions,
but since my DH and I already had some experience with that (we spent the night at L&D
2 weeks before), we
waited until 9 am to call the dr. The dr. on call told us to go to the hospital, so
(again) we took our time and got
there at 10:30 am. At arrival they hooked me up to the monitor, and yes, I was really
having contractions. I was
also 100% effaced and 2 cm dilated.
Because of a previous surgery, my dr. was afraid that my uterus could rupture with
contractions (I had a
myomectomy a few years ago and had tons of scarring there). So the dr. on call told me
that she had two
more babies to deliver and I was 3rd in line. The c-section was actually going to happen
that day. My DH and I
got comfortable in the room, turned the TV on, and sat to wait. The nurses told us that it
would be around 2 pm
before the dr. got to us. The contractions were not too painful, so I did not mind the
At 2 pm, after being prepped, the nurses took me and DH to the operating room, where the
anesthesiologist gave
me the epidural in about 5 minutes. It was not too bad. Then the dr. came, cut me open,
took my babies out,
and fixed me afterwards. The whole thing took an hour.
I still cannot get over the fact that I am officially a mommy. Every time I look at my
babies my heart races and I
feel like crying. I guess it must be the hormones. The babies are so adorable, I can't get
over it.
I am sorry that I have not had the time to post or even lurk the BBs in what it seems
forever. The babes keep
mommy very busy. Between nursing and catching up on sleep, there's barely any time left in
the day for
anything else.
Monica, Abbie and Emily
We just got home yesterday night (Saturday), and I am logging on quickly
to thank you guys for all your support
and attempt to let you know the gory details of her birth. DH is asleep in the rocker with
Rachel, but I have no
idea how long it will last and when she cries....it's usually the breast she wants !
I went to my Monday morning appointment expecting to get details on my induction that
evening. However my
blood pressure was dangerously elevated (152/108 I think), so the dr. told me to report to
the hospital by noon.
DH drove home quickly and we raced to Ft. Worth to check in. I was 1 cm dilated, but
hardly effaced at all, so
the Dr. put Cervadil in and we waited....... Usually Cervadil stays in for 12 hours, but
my blood pressure
necessitated a little quicker start, so after only 8 hours, I was transferred to a labor
delivery room to start the
pitocin drip. Right when I got there my water broke on it's own.(can you say "gushy
?"). I thought this was a
good thing, but learned later it probably wasn't.
I didn't know that the clock started ticking once your water broke and that they want you
to deliver at least
within 24 hours of your water breaking due to the high risk of infection.
Anyway, we started the pitocin drip at 10:00 Monday night and I was a brave buckaroo and
labored all night
on pretty much the max dose of pitocin with no epidural....and dilated to about a 3-4. I
did get some Stadol via
IV and that helped for an hour or so. I wanted to at least know in my heart that I gave it
a good try and that the
epidural had nothing to do with slowing down labor. At 6 a.m. the nurse and dr. talked me
into the epidural and
it was great ! Meanwhile, all day Tuesday from 6 a.m. until about 5 pm the max dose of
pitocin continued.
Around 5 I was completely dilated, effaced, etc. and ready to start pushing. My blood
pressure was still
elevated, but so far no intervention was needed. My regular nurse for that day had to
leave to go to a meeting
The subst. nurse comes in and I tell her that I am REALLY feeling each contraction and was
I supposed to be
feeling that much with an epidural going into the pushing stage (how was I supposed to
know how much you
did and didn't feel ?) She kept reassuring me that yes, you were supposed to feel that
much, that it was good,
etc. Meanwhile my blood pressure starts to increase....my regular nurse comes back around
6 or 7, takes one
look at my pressure and me grimacing ...checks my epidural...my back is totally wet
because it has slipped
out (later attributed to the amount of edema that had built up in my back area from the
blood pressure
problems..also a problem that my anesthesiologist brother tells me does happen
occasionally). So we
arrange for a new one, she locates my dr. about my increasing blood pressure and they put
me on IV
Magnesium Sulfate...which made me terribly sick. I puked twice on poor DH.
We started pushing and I pushed for about 2 1/2 hours. The epidural takes the pain away,
but you really do
feel the urge (sorry, but it feels like the biggest bowel movement you've ever wanted to
have.) I progressed
nowhere at all after all that pushing..DH says you could barely see a quarter sized notch
of her skull.
The dr. was in and out the whole time encouraging us, but finally came in and said that
with all I had going on,
plus the fact that it had now been 24 hours since my water broke, that a C section was
So, little Rachel was born by C section on Tuesday, July 13 at 9:55 pm, weighing 7 pounds,
14 ounces and 20
1/2 inches long.
My recovery was more extensive due to the Mag sulfate IV (which made me feel very weak,
nauseous and
out of it) and by my continuing high blood pressure. Fortunately the hospital has a high
risk ante/post pardum
unit and they took wonderful care of me. By Thursday I was able to get out of bed and take
a shower. Little
Rachel developed a bit of jaundice, but is doing better. Breastfeeding is a little rough
as we also discovered
that my nipples are rather flat. We are using a shield thingy and making it through day by
So...those are the details. I would have never dreamed I would have had such a hard labor.
I was very healthy,
didn't gain much weight, exercised until about the 8th month, etc. The dr.'s say that
toxemia/eclampsia just
happens and there is often no reason or explanation. If you are having BP problems, be
aware of how very,very
serious this is. The dr. said he was very worried I would have seizures or worse, a
stroke. Your blood pressure
doesn't even have to be "high"...anytime the numbers have risen 15-20 points
over your baseline blood
pressure there is cause for concern.
I think my recovery would have been much easier if I would have been minus the 2 day labor
and delivery. Next
time we are bypassing L and D and scheduling a C-section. I hope I don't offend anyone,
but those two days
were pretty much a nightmare for me and DH !
But all is well that ends well and I have to say that for all the physical stress her
mommy was under, little Rachel
never went into distress at all. DH even got a great picture of her smiling at 2 days old.
I am enjoying being home with my own stuff and my mom is coming today to help out next
week. I am still
supposed to be on pretty much bed/breastfeeding rest as my BP is still rather high plus
the c-section.
Thanks for reading this far...........
Well, on Thursday morning, we packed up and went to the hospital for
induction. We arrived at 5am, and, after
an hour of paper work, started the Pitocin drip about 6am. At about 7am I was starting to
get a bit
uncomfortable so the nurse put Nubain in my IV. LOVE THE NUBAIN! That stuff is better than
sitting on the
beach in Hawaii or a day at Elizabeth Arden! WOW!
Well, about 9am my OB came in and wanted to break my water. I was feeling so good he could
have done
open heart surgery at that point, I didn't care. After he broke my water I had my first
hard contraction which
literally sent me through the roof (no, I could not have done the nature childbirth way!).
After two more
contractions the epidural was started and I felt much better again.
At 9am, I was at 2cm. Once the epidural started and pitocin kicked up, I was at 8 cm by
11am. By 1pm the
nurse told me to start pushing and Mitch arrived at 2:10pm! Our OB let my DH actively
participate in the
delivery and I mean actively. Our OB had the scrub nurse put a pair of sterile gloves on
my DH. Once he got
Mitch's head out he grabbed my DH's hands and put one under Mitch's head and the other
around his neck.
The Dr told my DH to pull very easy while I pushed and my DH very gently brought Mitch
into this world. I got to
see it all from a mirror at the foot of the bed. The Dr then gave my husband the cord
clip, hemostat and the
scissors and instructed him on what to do on clipping and cutting the cord. Needless to
say my DH was on
cloud nine and can not stop talking about the impact this had on him. He is even talking
about writing the Dr. a
letter to express his thankfulness. I think we have a very happy and proud father.
I failed to tell you that there were a few people in the delivery room during Mitch's
birth. My mother, father,
stepmother and at the very last push my MIL. I wasn't expecting to have anyone in the
delivery room with DH
and myself, but as things started moving, I lost all modesty and was just swept up in the
Mitch is absolutely the cutest thing I've ever seen! He's got blonde hair and blue eyes
and his daddy's dimple
in his chin. He's all DH and a dream!
I am still waiting for my milk to come in and Mitch is just a little nursing machine. We
have had to supplement
with formula on every other breast feeding for now because I'm not producing enough
collestrum for him and
he's starting to dehydrate. Pray that my milk will come in soon! The first night we were
home I B/F from 1 am to
7 am with only 15 minute breaks in between each hour. We didn't even have one dirty diaper
all day yesterday
after all the nursing! That started again last night and we called the pediatrician about
11pm. She said Mitch is
probably thirsty and not getting enough nutrition. I pretty upset about having to start
formula, but whatever is
best for Mitch is what we have to do for now.
I will say that we have not had a lot of sleep the last two days. I will assume this is
normal and not whine.
We'll try to send some pictures as soon as things slow down here. Thanks for reading all
the way through this
and I hope everyone has as great a delivery as we did.
Bizban, DH, and precious Mitch (7lbs 12oz)
A brief explanation leading up to delivery: I was admitted to the
hospital on 7/20 because of low AFI for
Jesstina, 75% effaced and 1cm dilated. Over the month I was there I was on Terbutaline
pills (and
occasionally the shot), but never had to go on the magnesium sulfate (thank goodness).
Jesstina was not
growing as well as she should have been. Dr. decided she would do better on the outside
than the inside, so
we scheduled induction for Thursday, 8/19. Did an amnio on Sunday, 8/15 and Jonathan's
lungs were in the
transitional phase (267). Got another set of steroid shots that evening and the next
morning. Dr. did a cervix
check Tuesday morning and I was 100% effaced and 3cm dilated. Did another cervix check
Tuesday at 5pm
and was almost 4cm dilated. Was having contractions, but still not feeling them much. The
strip on the babies
looked good Tues evening with good accelerations on both babies. On Wed morning Jesstina's
strip was
almost completely flat (no accelerations) and Jonathan's strip was having a lot of
decelerations. Dr. decided it
was time to get these babies out, but realized that my Strep B test had come back positive
so they had to give
me antibiotics at least 4 hours before delivery. I got the antibiotics at 9am after
getting the IV in on the third try.
They started the pitocin at 10am with a very mild dose (even turned it off at one point
because my body was
doing enough on its' own). At 11:30 Dr. broke the water. By noon they had started the
epidural (the
contractions were hurting enough to have to really breathe through, but didn't have to
scream yet). (By the way,
I noticed that the contractions were much easier to take when I was sitting up with my
feet over the bed and
leaning over a tray, than laying at 45degree angle on my back). My labor nurse checked me
at 12:30pm and I
was 6cm. She checked me again at 1:30pm and I was at 10cm. She was going to have me push
to see how
hard I was going to have to push once we got into the OR room. She and my mom each got a
leg and all of a
sudden she said "Don't push or we're going to have babies here and now". They
called my Dr. (her office is
next door to the hospital). They had me in the OR room, the Dr. there and everything ready
to go at 1:40pm.
My nurse told me to go ahead and push. I'm looking around and not finding my husband or
mom. I'm pushing
and at the same time asking for my husband (They were out in the hall waiting to get into
scrubs, except no
one was telling them where to get them). They finally walked in as Jesstina was crowning.
Jesstina Marie was
born at 1:46pm, 4 pounds 7 ounces, 17 1/8". Now it was Jonathan's turn. My nurse let
me rest for about 10-15
minutes and then had me start pushing again, 3 pushes of 10 counts each, and then rest for
five minutes or so.
It only took 4 sets of these. Jonathan Michael was born at 2:17pm, 5 pounds 11 ounces, 18
I didn't get to hold either one, but I at least got to touch them before each was taken to
the Special Care
Nursery (SCN). Jonathan was released to my care within about 10 hours. Jesstina had to
remain in SCN
because she was not nippling and they thought she might have an infection. She was being
tube fed, as well
as having an IV. In the days that followed they had to redo the IV several times (both
hands, both feet, her
head) as she has veins like her mother (hard to find and collapse easily). I think that
was the hardest part,
seeing my little girl hooked up like that. Just about every time I saw her I would start
crying (after I left her, as I
didn't want her to sense me crying). Anyway, Jonathan and I were discharged on Friday,
August 20 and
Jesstina was transferred from SCN to pediatrics where Jonathan and I got to room in with
her. I got her to start
eating from the bottle and the feeding tube and IV were removed on Sunday. She also got to
come out of the
isolette on Sunday. She was discharged Monday and all 3 of us got to go home (and boy, did
home feel nice
after more than a month in the hospital).
Every minute of every day of the month I was in the hospital was so very, very worth it.
I think I would have gone into a deep depression if I would have had to see
one or both of my babies in SCN for any more time than I did.
I have to say that the labor and delivery was so easy, especially compared to what I had
prepared myself for.
Also, my DH was there for me every step of the way. He visited me 1-2 times/day every day
that I was in the
hospital and stayed with me on some of the weekends. After they were born he was there as
much as
possible, including staying the weekend and getting up to help me feed at night.
Thank you to everyone who supported me through this pregnancy and THANK YOU for the fast,
easy labor
vibes - They Worked! My wish is that everyone have the help, support and love
that I had from the beginning to the end of this pregnancy and that I can pass on EASY,
FAST labor vibes to all of you.
Kimberly - DH Tim - Jesstina Marie & Jonathan Michael 8/18/99
After 12 weeks of bedrest (including 8 long weeks in the hospital for
pre-term labor) my DH and I are very
proud to tell you that Avery Sophia (4 lbs. 8 oz), Benjamin Everett (3 lbs. 14 oz) and
Levon Jacob (4 lbs. 3 oz)
were delivered by c-section on Thursday, July 29th at 34 weeks gestation. All were
incredibly healthy, and
breathing on their own. All came home within 10 days from NICU and have been keeping their
Mommy and
Daddy very, very, very busy and sleepless. They are total joys. They are a success story
for sure, and I owe a
large part of it to the incredible support I received on this board and TTC with IVF
board. Thank you all, and
good luck with your pregnancies. I wish you all the joy that I feel today.
Who'd've thought no sleep & the smell of sour milk would feel this
good? I am typing one handed with baby Caroline draped over my left shoulder. She
feels so warm..... I only have a second to say hi.
Some day I'll have enough time to post my birth story. The short version is that it
started with water breaking at
430 in the afternoon, contractions starting 3 hours later, epidural at 1130pm (yes!) and
Caroline appearing
after 2 hours of pushing (yikes--no epidural for that!) and the help of a vacuum extractor
at 730am (15 hours
start to finish).
To graduates with multiples...HOW DO YOU DO IT?? Caroline is taking 150% of my energy. You
guys are
amazing to be able to manage with 2 or more.
Motherhood is amazing. Once we got the breastfeeding going (ya, right...it's
natural...it's easy...har har) it's
been better. A little rough at the beginning however. I think my nipples have healed
pretty well now.
We did have a little rough start, with Caroline getting jaundice and having to sleep under
florescent lights for
36 hours while mom & dad sit beside her isolette and watch her -- for 36 hours
straight. We'd only been home
a day, then back into the hospital for two. Then we've been home ever since. She has
recovered nicely--put
back on all her weight and then some (she has nice apples in her cheeks now!)
Did I mention she was 2 1/2 weeks early, and a nice 8 pounds?? Careh, you'll appreciate
that at the end
people STILL thought I had a couple of months to go! The good news is that small outside,
does NOT mean
small baby! AND it means a quick recovery to pre-pregnancy size for mom!
Ahh, the baby awakes. And off we go.
mrsJ & Caroline (02/22/99)
P.S. I still look at her sleeping and burst into tears. She is a miracle. A
beautiful little miracle. We are blessed.
As you know when I went in for my 36wk check-up my blood pressure was
through the roof and I was feeling
horrible. I went to the peri a couple of days later to have a fetal assessment and check
everything out. The
baby was doing well, but my bp was still way too high, the placenta was
"mature", I was miserable and
because I was unable to stay in bed (I have a 3 y/o daughter, need I say more?) it was
decided to do an amnio
to check the maturity of the baby's lungs. I didn't have just one amnio, I had two. Once
the needle was in the
first time the baby stuck his butt in the pocket of fluid they were trying to drain and he
would not move! We had
to wait about half an hour (at my request) and do another one. That one went well, thank
goodness. Once the
results were back showing that the lungs were all right the peri and the ob discussed my
situation and it was
decided to go ahead and schedule my c/s for the next morning. That would have been the
11th. The ob called
me back and said that the maternity center was full on Saturday and that my surgery was
scheduled for
Sunday the 12th. I asked what I was to do if my water broke in the meantime (something
told me I wasn't going
to last!) and he said to go on over, they couldn't turn me away! Well, you guessed it, my
water broke at about
4am Saturday morning. I let DH sleep a while, got dressed, sent some faxes and emails, got
DD ready to go
to a girlfriend's house and then called the hospital to tell them I was on the way. DH
then got up and showered
and off we went. (Can you tell this is a second child?) Once at the hospital I got the
last fancy LDRP room.
Although I had a room it took a while for them to decide to admit me. I guess the fluid
flowing from me and the
contractions convinced them I'd better stay! About 9:30am things started moving quickly.
They wanted to
sneak me into the OR ahead of someone else for some reason. The anesthesiologist came into
my room and
did the epidural, DH whipped scrubs on over his clothes and off we went. DH really was a
trooper. Helped lift
me onto the OR table, etc, kept me calm (well, OK, I had one psychotic episode in the room
where I couldn't
stop crying), held my hand, etc. The doctors told him that they would warn him just as the
baby was about to be
born so he could stand up and watch. (They didn't want him passing out and missing the
best part.) At 10:32
am Ian was born. 6lbs, 9oz and 19"long. Not bad for 36wks/3days! They dropped the
drape a bit so I could
see his beautiful slimy white gooey face for a second before handing him off to the
pediatrician and DH. He
had Apgars of 9. DH then came back over to me when they took the baby away to check his
lungs and
breathing. I'd really like to forget the massive dry heaves I had on the table while they
were tying my tubes
(yep!) and finishing up, but everyone was terribly blase' about it and there sure wasn't
anything I could do
about it. (The anesthesiologist was wonderful and straightened me out ASAP!) Once back in
the room I was
only able to look at the baby from a distance. After a few minutes it was determined that
he would have to go
to the nursery because his breathing was too labored and the nurse rushed him away. He
spent the first 24
hours under an oxygen hood hooked up to monitors. After that he was great. I also did
really well. In fact, this
c-section was an absolute breeze compared to my first. The pain control was
phenomenal--ask for the
"DuraMorph" in your epidural!!! I was up and walking about 14 hours after
surgery and after they took out my
catheter and IV at 24 hours I was free and on my own. As things happened early and my
folks had not yet
arrived I just told DH to stay at home with DD each night instead of staying with me in
the hospital. I managed
on my own pretty well. (Understanding nurses and pain pills get a lot of the thanks!) We
came home after three
nights. He is so cute and so good I can hardly believe it! I was worried about whether or
not I'd be able to love
a second child like I did the first, but I can tell you that is NOT a problem! It was love
at first sight. He goes
about 3hrs between feedings and will nurse or take a bottle of expressed milk so that is
really nice. He seems
already to be gaining some weight. After almost two weeks I am getting somewhat organized
although it
seems that just as I get settled down to do something with the baby the 3y/o needs
something (whether real or
imagined), but we're coping. DH is back in Chicago and will continue to commute until
mid-Nov when we will
close on the house up there and move. Even with all the chaos in my life right now I am
very, very happy and
enjoying the new arrival. (And with all the stress I have already lost 18lbs!) I'll write
an update soon after he
goes to the pediatrician next week. To those that have managed to read this whole thing,
thank you! All the
best of luck to all of you and welcome to all of the newbies on the board!!!
Lori, 38, PG after 1st IVF, DH 56, DD 3, graduated 9/11/99 with Ian Patrick
As I posted on Thursday, Sept. 16, we went to Doctor and it was time! So
we scheduled a c-section for the
following morning at 10:30 a.m. Peri said at 36 weeks our twin boys looked wonderful and
ready to greet the
world. Mommy (me) was feeling that it was time as well, for I could barely walk or lie
down with much comfort.
Baby Left was realllyyyyyyyy, realllllllyyyy low and ready to slide out! Ha! Wow, the
night before was a trip, but
cool. DH and I scrambled to get ourselves together. We ate dinner in bed as our last
peaceful meal for a while!
All night long I was feeling like I was going into labor, or at least I was talking myself
into it. At 2:00 a.m., I
wanted to go to the hospital, but I chilled out and went back to snooze.
C-section was scheduled for 10:30 a.m., and we got to the hospital at 8:00 to check in,
get prepped etc. I was
feeling pretty calm and cool the entire time (except for the ride there when DH wanted to
sing and crack jokes
--- hummmmmm). My mom arrived around 9:30 to be a part of the experience. Next thing I
know it is 10:30
and time for me to go into surgery room for my spinal. Then I started feeling the nerves.
Mom and DH got
dressed in scrubs and joined the fun once I was numb and ready. Was I ever glad to have
their support in there!
Things moved rapidly....once the incision was made, pop, Baby Left -- our Jack -- came out
crying. I heard him
before I actually saw him. Sooooooooo sureal. Everyone was yelling Baby A is Jack! Jack!
It was so cool.
Tears were flowing like a faucet from me the entire time!!! Jack arrived at 11:15 a.m.
weighing 5 lbs. 8 oz.
Two minutes later his adorable brother Nick arrived weighing 5 lbs. 13 oz. Good size
They are gorgeous and healthy. I am so in love I cannot stand it.
We all came home on the fifth day -- our hospital stay was great and restful. The love and
well wishes from
friends and family was overwhelming. While everyone has not seen the babies yet, I am need
to pace out the
visitors. I get a bit overwhelmed by it all.
The journey of IVF was a long two year ordeal for DH and I. But now it is a faint memory
as we actually hold
our little "snokies" in our arms.
FYI, I am breastfeeding and doing pretty well with it. Just taking my time and taking it
all day by day.
Thank you all for your ongoing support. I will be around until there is an IVF playgroup
(hope we get one!)
Love, Jenny Mom to Nick and Jack -- affectionately referred to as Nicky and Jack Mack! :)
Elizabeth Rose was born on 10/17/99 and she weighed in at 6 lb. 3.oz.
She came a few weeks early but she sure is beautiful.
I don't know if you remember me because I have not posted in a while. My husband and I
went through IVF with
ICSI back in February and are extremely blessed to become pregnant on our 1st try.
My due date was 11/8/99 and so she came a few weeks early. I lost my mucus plug in week 35
and had been
taking it really easy since then. Sunday morning I went to the bathroom and noticed some
clear fluid running
down my leg. I called the doctor at 4:30 a.m. and he told us to come on in. We got down to
the hospital and
they verified my amniotic sac had ruptured. When I was checked, I was dilated to one and
70% effaced.
Around 9:30, they started me on pitocin and the contractions began. The contractions came
on very quickly
and at 10:30 the nurse checked me and I was 80% effaced and dilated to 3. At this point, I
was in a lot of pain
so they gave me a little Nubain. That helped relax me a little but the pain was still
there. (They estimated my
delivery to be sometime late afternoon or evening...boy were they wrong!) At 12:25, I had
them call for the
nurse because I could not take the pain anymore and wanted my epidural. She checked me and
said,"Are you ready to push? You are complete." I was in such a daze from the
pain but I pushed for 25
minutes and she was born at 12:50 p.m. with Apgars of 8 and 9. The moment they placed her
on my chest...I
will never forget it!
Tuesday night she did not feed and was crying all night. A nurse came out to the house on
Wednesday and
suggested we take her in to the pediatrician. They say because she was early she exhibited
behaviors. She was jaundiced and dehydrated because my milk had not come in yet. We spent
two days in
the hospital with her under UV light and on IV fluids. My milk has since come in and she
is eating vigorously.
We came home from the hospital a few hours ago and will be getting a visit from home care
morning. They will be drawing another bilirubin and hopefully all will be well.
Sorry for being so long but...I am a mommy now. I could look at her delicate face for
hours. You will know what I
mean when your little baby or babies arrive. Take care...
Elisa - Mommy to Elizabeth Rose
Max was delivered via CSection at 7:17 on 10/22, about 4 hours later
than planned, due to delays at the
hospital. He weighed in at 8 lbs and 1 oz., and measured 21.5 inches. His Apgars were 8
and 9. He has lots
of black hair, and everyone keeps telling me how cute and big he is, so its not only me
and his dad that think
he is the most adorable baby ever born. Most importantly, his pediatrician thinks he's
fine too.
The CSection wasn't bad- the worst was that they couldn't get my IV in, and after 4 tries,
the anesthesiologist
put it in. But I'm doing pretty well, and even got out of bed for a few steps, and am now
waiting for them to walk
me around some more.
Max nursed well once, and has slept most of today. I still can't believe he's really here:
its an amazing sight.
Dad is doing great- caring for both of us- since I can't lift anything. He actually
changed a poopy diaper,
without any complaints. We are both pretty tired, because we haven't gotten much sleep.
Tonight we will
probably put him in the nursery so we can get some sleep, but most of the time he is in
here with us.
I am reall thrilled to finally be a mom. It so hard to believe that the dream has come
Best wishes to everyone.
Thursday night (9/30) I started having some major period like cramping -
all night - I didn't get any sleep what
so ever and as you know I had already lost my mucus plug. Friday morning Steve went off to
work and I called
the OB's office to let them know what was going on. They called my back around 10:00am and
said to come
on in to get checked out. Well, I couldn't get a hold of Steve at all - he wasn't
answering his phone at work or
the cell phone (hello - what was he thinking, he was suppose to be easy to get a hold of!
LOL!) My Mom was
in Annapolis with my sister, but on her way home now and my Dad was on a plane - I had no
one to take me to
the office. Finally someone picked up Steve's work line and went and got him for me - he
finally got home
around 10:45am (the cell phone was downstairs in the kitchen sitting in the charger the
whole time - DUH!).
We went to the office and since my OB was in L&D we saw Dr. Buettner, who said I had
shorten some more
and was contracting - I had gotten so huge I didn't really even feel them any more. So she
sent me to L&D for
monitoring. We get up there around 11:30 and before the nurses could even get me hooked
up, Dr. Park (my
OB) had called and said she wanted to go ahead with the c-section and could they have me
ready by noon!
HELLO!!!!! Anyway, the nurses said no way, but they all compromised on 12:30 - talk about
chaos! I had
about 5 nurses working on me to get me prepped for surgery - crazy - I didn't have time to
worry. Luckily my
Dad had landed and Steve caught him on his cell phone and he came straight to the
hospital, my Mom was
only a half hour away and my sister left as soon as Steve called her. My Mom just made it
before they wheeled
me into the OR.
Well, I get into OR, they get me all draped and start the procedure - HELLO, I could feel
the scalpel - so they
have to do all of this crazy rotation stuff to get the epidural to work on that one spot,
before I knew it they had
already gotten my uterus open. Steve was all in his scrubs (what a cute doc he makes), but
couldn't believe
that the drape they put in front of me didn't block his view at all - he could watch the
whole procedure - he said
it was wild - although he didn't watch them cut me open.
Okay, I thought c-sections were suppose to be pain free!!! OUCH!!!!!! This one hurt like
H$!! - Patrick was so
ready to be born vaginally and was way down in my birth canal! Steve later told me that
Dr. Park had her arm
from her elbow down in my uterus trying to get Patrick out!! I was glad to hear that,
because it validated my
immense pain - I don't think I have ever experienced that much pain. They held Mr. Patrick
over the drape so I
could see him and then took him off to be cleaned (what I didn't know was that they were
concerned about his
breathing - too fast, but I believe his Apgar was 8 - can't remember and need to ask at
the Ped on Monday).
They Justin came out with less pain and a little bit quicker - they cleaned him off before
they showed him to
me, which immediately made me worry about Patrick. They were both so beautiful and tiny!
I was wheeled back to recovery having no idea what was going on with the boys. Steve came
back and told
me that Justin was perfect and that Patrick had been taken to NICU, but that he was okay.
I was so worried
and couldn't believe that it took them several hours to come and tell me what was wrong
and then the dork of a
neonatologist had no bed side manner and was so busy telling me about how they manufacture
surfactant , all
I wanted to know was how Patrick was and was he going to be okay - this guy was pretty
pessimistic and I
was becoming a basket case. Then I wanted to know why I couldn't see Justin. The L&D
nurses kept coming
in and saying they were going to wheel me into NICU so I could see Patrick and then they
would take me to my
new room where I could have Justin brought to me - well, they were short staffed that day
and I hung out in
recovery for 5 hours! I was so ticked off, I wanted to see and hold my babies and it felt
like they forgot about
me - they were so busy delivering all of the other babies.
Well, the rest is history, Patrick was in NICU for a week due to Respiratory Distress
Syndrome (thankfully a
new neo-natologist came on duty for the remainder of Patrick's stay and she was
The day we were discharged, as of that morning, Justin still hadn't been circumcised - we
were livid - it was
suppose to be done the day before. so instead of getting out of there at 11am, we had to
sit around and wait
until 3pm before we could leave - man ,were we ticked off. Of course the same thing
happened the day
Patrick was released - we definitely had bad circumcision luck! LOL!
Okay, sorry this got so long and sorry it took me so long to get this out to you guys!!!
Hi everybody! I missed you all! So many new babies are on
the board, WOW!!
My due date by u/s was 10/31. I didn't expect it to happen so soon, it's my first
and firsts are usually late. We went to bed at 12 o'clock and about 15 minutes later
I heard some strange sound, like "poom" and I felt the water running between my
legs. I woke up DH, we called the doctor and he told us to go to the hospital.
When they checked me I was already about 3-4cm. They put me on the
monitors and only then did I start to feel some contractions, they were about 6 minutes
apart. The doctor said to walk around for an hour and then if I'm not much
further to start pitocin. In an hour I was about 5cm and my contractions were about
2 minutes apart and were pretty painful by that time. the nurse asked me if I wanted
an epidural before pitocin and I said yes. I got my epidural at 5:00 and they
started pitocin. I didn't feel any pain, so we were able to sleep for a couple of
hours. Around 7:00 I felt strong pressure at my bottom. I called the
nurse and she said that I was probably ready to push. The doctor came in at 7:15.
I was fully dilated and the baby was at +2 station already. I pushed for
about 25 minutes. Ellen was born at 7:47am. She is healthy and
beautiful. We came home Wednesday. She is nursing very well and she lets us
sleep some at night. She is so cute!! I could look at her for hours and not
get enough! Good luck to all still waiting and Congratulations to those who had
their babies.
Irina and Ellen, born November 1st.
On Saturday October 23rd at 2:28am, "Sabrina" Alia was born at
37 wks, weighing 5lbs 1oz. She was small for gestation but truly adorable. After over 2yrs
of infertility and 4 fresh IVF cycles and a m/c last year, we finally had our precious
baby in our arms. This pg as many of you know, hasn't exactly been easy. It was marked by
the loss of Sabrina's twin at 9wks which precipitated recurrent bleeding and cramping
requiring bedrest until 16wks and then limited activity thereafter. Then at 18wks, we
discovered that our baby had a lung abnormality of which the outcome we had no answers
for. We had 19 u/s total in this pg to monitor her lungs and heart and the low amniotic
fluid. So you see, she truly is a miracle. I had lost my mucus plug on the 19th (Tuesday)
and was dilated to 2cm and 60% effaced. The contractions continued until Friday the 22nd
and each day they got stronger and more painful, allowing no sleep. By Friday afternoon,
they were predictably 10 minutes apart. By evening they
were 5 minutes apart. We waited for a couple of hours before heading to the hospital to
make sure this was the real thing. When they were 3-4 minutes apart, DH insisted we go as
he had no idea how to deliver a baby. LOL!
When we got to the hospital, the contractions now were erratic anywhere between 5-7
minutes. The doctor examined me and said that I was only 3cm dilated and 50% effaced
despite 4 days of contractions. I was not happy. She was considering sending me home but
saw how much discomfort I was in so offered me a shot of Demerol (which I gladly took).
This was around 10:00pm and said she figured I'd have the baby by Saturday night or even
Sunday. So now they had to monitor the baby because of the Demerol so I got checked into a
L&D room. Around 12:00am, the contractions were stronger and unbearable so I asked for
more pain meds. the RN checked my cervix and said I was about 5 cm dilated. She gave me
anatox(the gas mask) which I used for about 45minutes with no relief. She then suggested I
try the shower. By now, I was having so much back and front pain that I couldn't help but
scream with each contraction. We got out of the shower pretty quick. She examined me again
around 1:00am and said that I was about 7-8cm dilated and had bulging membranes and would
ask the doctor if they wanted to break my water. She gave me another shot of Demerol.
Luckily as she went off to get the doctor, my water broke spontaneously! When they
examined me again, I was fully dilated and they told DH to RUN to the car to get out our
bags and camera. The head was crowning and they had called the pediatrician and the
special care nursery team just in case the baby was symptomatic from the lung abnormality.
I started pushing at around 2:00am and Sabrina was born at 2:28am. So
in 4 and a half hours, I went from 3 cm to delivering her. It was the most amazing
experience. I cried when I first heard her cry. They gave DH the baby after they did a
quick check on her and I could hear Daddy talking to her. It was so amazing how attentive
she was as Daddy talked to her for the first time in person. When she came to me, my eyes
swelled up with tears. She was as beautiful as I had imagined her to be in my dreams all
these years. I used to always sing to her the verse from this one song "You mean the
world to me, you are my everything, and you're the only thing that matters, matters to
me..." and those words kept playing through my mind as I held her close to me. Even
now as I write this, I find myself getting emotional. We ended up staying in the hospital
for 5 days as they wanted to make sure she was gaining weight. Because of her small size,
we had problems feeding her. She is doing great now and is past her birth weight. However,
breastfeeding has been a struggle as she tires quickly so we supplement with formula and
my milk supply has been very low. Thanks for reading this far. Good luck to you new Moms
to be. God bless.
Love Brina
Babys First Photos: http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/myphotos/ash.html
I was 2 cm dilated when I arrived at the hospital. The dr. broke my
water around 7 a.m., and I was put on pitocin, expecting the delivery to be quick. The
contractions were steady and consistent. I used my breathing techniques, which by the way,
really do work! By 3 p.m., I was at 5 cm (I think) and ready for the epidural! There was
some trouble getting it in, and it was very painful, I think because I was having strong
contractions (measuring 124 and above) during the procedure. So my advice to everyone else
is dont wait until the pain is unbearable like I did to ask for your pain
meds/epidural. I experienced tremendous back labor, and we had no idea I would be in labor
for 14 hours! The epidural wasnt working very well, so I was given an increased
dosage of meds, which I had a bad reaction to. I became very nauseated and dizzy, the
babys heartbeat was dropping so the epidural was stopped. By the time I reached 9
cm, I needed medication, so a second epidural was inserted. The babys head was
crowning, and I began pushing at 7:55 pm. Michael entered our world at 9:26 pm, after an
episiotomy, use of vacuum extraction and forceps to turn his head. It was quite traumatic.
The best part was watching my son being born. Watching him leave my womb and enter the
world. Although it was kind of tough to lean forward so I could see. It was amazing! Dh
cut his cord, and I was able to breastfeed after the routine exam was done. Apgar scores
were 8/9. Everything was great! Michael weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces and was 21 inches
long. Since coming home things have been difficult. My milk just came in on Monday, so
nursing was tough. Ive been really emotional, but DH has been wonderful. He was so
supportive through the delivery, and is doing a great job taking care of us. I fell in
love with him all over again. We celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary holding and
cuddling our miracle. I was very sore and tender all over for about 5 days, but am feeling
better and better and have lost about 20 pounds so far. I still cant believe I have
a baby!!! Thank you for your prayers and support for the past year. I cant wait for
each of you to experience the smells and sounds of your newborn. Michael loves to cuddle
and wont let me put him down. So we have some very long nights. Right now,
were trying to get a routine together so things will run a little more smoothly.
Thanks again for the warm wishes, and best of luck to everyone!!!!!
Thaylond & Michael
She was born on November 1st, at 7:47 am, weighed 7lbs 5oz and 20 3/4
inches long. My original due date was Nov. 6, but u/s said Oct. 31. I posted here on Oct.
31 that it's my due day and nothing's happening. And everything happened that night! Here
is the link to my birth story, I posted it on the November board: http://boards.parentsplace.com/messages/get/ppnov99n189/48.html
Ellen is one week old now. She had her first doctor appt. yesterday. She looks healthy,
gained 9 oz in 5 days. We are so happy!! Ellen is great! She is more then I ever imagined
her to be. I'll have some pictures probably today and I'll try to post them here. Thanks
everyone for your support. I wish you all healthy pregnancy and easy labor like I had.
Irina, Eugene and Ellen.
So, here's the scoop: I had my first "real" contraction at
about 4am on Monday the 15th. I was getting them about every 30 minutes or so, and they
are definitely different than BH, but they still were not that bad by then. By 9am I was
having them about every 10 minutes. I called the doctor's office to see if he'd be in
because he has surgery on Mondays. He wasn't, and the nurse told me to drink a bunch of
water and lay down and maybe they'd go away. Well, I didn't think I WANTED them to go
away! :) So, we did some shopping for one or two things we still needed, and when we got
back, they were about 6 minutes apart. We were still waiting for 5 minutes. Then they
switched to 8, then back to 6. About that time the nurse called and told me to go ahead to
the hospital. When I got up off the couch I had this funny feeling like something was
really falling out. My neighbor looked concerned when I told her this. :)
I got to the hospital at around 2pm. The nurses eyes nearly popped out
of her head when she checked me. I was at an 8 and had a bulging bag of water. She asked
how many babies I'd had before and I told her this was my first. Guess most people don't
progress that fast with their first. Anyway, they admitted me and then we talked about if
I was going to do an epidural. I almost didn't, but when the anesthesiologist came in, he
said a quick dilation doesn't mean quick pushing, so I took it. Shortly after I was at a 9
and they broke my water. After about 4 pushes, Lauren was here!!
Lauren Michelle was born at 4:52pm on 11/15 and was 7lbs 13 oz and 19
inches long.
I still can't believe I get to keep her. She is so sweet and beautiful
and has tons of hair!
It's brown with little blonde streaks in it.
Love, Christine
As most of you might know, I was (Finally!) scheduled for a c-section on
the 19th. The plan was to go off the terbutaline at 6 am on the 19th, allowing for time to
clear it from my system by the 4:30 p.m. delivery time. Apparently, having too much terb
"on board" for a surgical delivery creates a risk of uterine hemorrhaging. Ah,
can already sense where this story is heading?
The twins had other ideas. I woke up at 6:00 a.m. on the 16th after having 48 hours of
fairly consistent contractions at a rate of 6-8 per hour (still acceptable according to
the Drs.) Anyway, the bed was nice and dry. Woke up again at 7:00 and it wasn't nearly as
dry. Tee hee hee. Good thing I had DH put a protective layer of plastic on two days
earlier. (I think I sensed something would happen). After a call to my OB we arrived at
the hospital at 8:30 to determine whether my water had broken or not. The on-call OB (who
will figure into this story later, and whom I now call Dr. Evil) did some sort of litmus
paper test and said "no." Fortunately, my OB told me to go to antepartum testing
for another AFI (amniotic fluid index) to compare to the previous day's test, "just
to be sure." The AFI was done at 10:00, and it was immediately obvious that Eric's
fluid was down by at least half. So, I was checked into L&D by 11:15.
Once checked in, my DH casually asked when the section would happen, both of us thinking
it would be later in the evening, to allow us to turn off the terb and allow time for the
drug to clear. To our total shock, the nurse said that my OB was coming during her lunch
hour (12:30!) to do the surgery. Oh my! We barely had time to disconnect the pump before
the anesthesiologist showed up for the epidural. But, I was so excited and I didn't give
the terb thing another thought. My dream was finally coming true! Anyway, the next thing I
know, I'm in the operating room and ready for action. OB did the first cut at 1:03 p.m.,
they hustled my DH into the room, and Eric was out by 1:06, with Sarah following at 1:07.
The first sight of my precious children sent me into spasms of tears (ALL JOYFUL!) which
have barely let up since. They were and are both gorgeous and the most precious things I
have ever laid eyes on. Hard to believe DH and I could produce something so beautiful.
Eric and Sarah both had to go to the NICU for minor breathing issues. Sarah's problem
cleared within a matter of hours, and they kept her in the NICU "just in case"
until I went home on Saturday. Eric was breathing on his own by the 17th, and then was
supposed to spend another week to 10 days in the hospital to allow him to get his weight
up. We were told that the day before Thanksgiving was our most optimistic view of when he
could come home. Well, he surprised everyone by coming home yesterday -- the 22nd. So now,
we have both babes at home and are valiantly attempting to get some sort of routine going.
It's a work in progress.
As for me, as some of you probably guessed,I ended up having a hemorrhaging problem
brought on by the terb on the evening of the 16th. Without being too graphic, suffice to
say that I was gushing blood. By this time, only Dr. Evil was still in the hospital and he
proceeded to do "uterine massage" on me. It felt like 75 large Russian soldiers
doing a tap dance on my incision site. So, even though I escaped most of the
"pain" of labor, I think I have some idea of what it's like. My darling DH said
he was sure it my screaming was heard in Iowa (and I live in SF). But, all's well that
end's well -- in addition to the "massage", I got a hefty dose of Pitocin and
methagen and between the three I FINALLY stopped bleeding.
Now, one week post delivery, I'm feeling pretty good! I can take showers on my own for the
first time in months, and can move around pretty well. Even went for first pediatrician
appointment yesterday with both Eric and Sarah. And, both babes are turning into breast
feeding champs. Sarah is 100% at the breast (she was supplemented in the NICU) and Eric is
about 30% there, supplemented with expressed breast milk. (I feel like a human dairy).
Eric's biggest problem is that is mouth is too small to get around my vastly increased
breasts! After being a 34A to start, and throughout nearly the entire pregnancy, I
am now a very curvaceous 38B or C. Wow!
Love and best wishes to all!
After 4.5 months of "irritable uterus" that had me very
freaked out with excessive BH contractions, I cannot believe I went full-term. I had been
seeing my OB every week since the 20 week point, more or less, and fortunately my cervix
never dilated or effaced prematurely (so I was never in pre-term labor). My OB joked that
I would end up going past my due date after all the worrying about pre-term labor....and I
almost did go past my due date, but my wonderful little one turned out to have impeccable
timing and was born on Nov. 11 - HIS DUE DATE! 3 days before my due date my OB told me I
was 1 cm dilated & 70-80% effaced.
I woke up around 4:15 on 11/11 with contractions that seemed kind of "achy"
compared to my usual (almost constant!) BH contractions. Truth is I had felt this twice
before, so I really was far from sure this was the real thing. The spacing of the
contractions was no different than my usual BH, which had me confused. They could be
anywhere from 6-8 minutes apart, but they weren't ever perfectly spaced apart. I called my
doula at 6:30, and she said I was very probably in early labor, and to get some rest &
call her back when things got more intense (I was really not in much discomfort - just a
little bit). At 8:30 I still felt pretty much the same & I called the OB on call who
said it didn't sound (from my perfectly calm voice) like I was in labor but to come into
the office to be checked just in case. I was checked around 9:20 & to our surprise
(incl. the OB's) I was at 4 cm!!! He said to go straight to the hospital (we had to
stop off back at home to get the hospital. bag) and we called our doula on the way to meet
us there.
By the time we stopped off at home, got our bag, got to the hospital., checked into the
hosp., etc. and had me checked again, 1 hour had passed, and at 10:30 they told me I was
at 8 cm!!!! I must admit things were feeling a bit more intense but really not THAT bad,
so I was stunned. The nurses were REALLY surprised that I was really not in much
discomfort, that I was making ordinary small talk and they joked around a lot, saying they
wish all their patients were like me....I was SOOO happy things were going so quickly.
They got all the stuff ready for the DELIVERY as they thought it would be happening any
minute now.
Well, then things slowed down. BLAH! I got very frustrated as I was checked several times
and nothing was happening. I think the contractions got spaced further apart and I was
really getting annoyed. After a few hours (and I thought transition was supposed to be
short!!!!!) my OB suggested breaking my water, which would likely speed things up, and I
agreed. Sure enough that did the trick. The discomfort (I wouldn't call it pain) got
stronger, and I started feeling a lot of ache in my lower back, which the doula said was
the baby moving down. My doula encouraged me by telling me that FINALLY I was
starting to LOOK and ACT like a woman in transition and that things would certainly be
progressing. It took me about 4 hours to get from 8 cm to 10 cm so that I could push.
I was so relieved when the time came to push, even though I swear I never felt the strong
overwhelming urge to push I had learned about in my Lamaze classes. They kept asking me if
I felt a lot of pressure in my rectum, and I never felt it at all (or maybe I felt it once
for about a minute). It was really not obvious to me when I should push. It seemed like
the contractions were just one long contraction and I had a hard time knowing when one was
starting or ending. They told me my contractions were about 2 minutes long. I was still
not is any major pain, just very uncomfortable, and I never felt the need for any pain
medication throughout the entire labor/delivery (even though one of the hospital Dr.'s -
not my own OB - kept trying to offer me pain meds). I pushed for 2 hours and 45 minutes -
pretty long. The nurse and my doula kept telling me I had to get the baby's head past a
"certain point" (the pubic bone, I think) and although I was not in tremendous
pain at all, I was just SOOO exhausted I felt powerless to push MORE as they kept asking
So after a long transition & long pushing stage, Noah Gabriel finally made his
appearance at 5:33 pm, and shocked us all with his measurements" exactly 9 pounds,
and 22 inches long. (These are exactly the same measurements of my DH when HE was born!!!)
I have a VERY small frame, narrow hips, and am quite thin, and I shocked EVERYONE with the
size of this baby. My OB said I sure didn't look like I was carrying a 9 pound baby.....I
am really glad I was able to do it without any meds.
Noah was born super strong and healthy, surprising the nurses with the strength of his
kicks when they tried to hold his legs for diapering, and from birth was already showing
some decent amount of head control. He is so strong! (We think he's beautiful, too....he
looks exactly like his daddy.....)
As for me, recovery has been a pretty big hassle. I found labor and delivery to be a lot
less terrible than I had expected. But two to three hours after delivery when they asked
me to get up to go to the bathroom we realized I had 2 problems: 1: I had tremendous pain
the pubic area (not vaginal area) and 2: I was unbelievably dizzy. (I also had a bladder
infection and 2nd degree tears but neither of these have caused me any discomfort).
Problem number 1: an x-ray revealed that my "pubic symphesis", the cartilage
between the 2 halves of the pubic bone, separated from the usual 5 mm space (or thickness
of cartilage) to 17 mm (that's about 1/2"). It has been very, very uncomfortable, to
say the least, to move around. I have been walking with the help of a walker since
delivery until yesterday, when I ventured off the walker for a while for the first time,
and today I am walking (like a duck) without the walker altogether. I needed help each
time I went to the bathroom and to shower until about 2 days ago, and I feel a WHOLE lot
better now that I am becoming more self-sufficient again. You know, when you walk with a
walker you don't even have a hand free to carry a glass of water...it has been quite a
Problem number 2: I lost a lot of blood, apparently, and became pretty seriously anemic
(my dad, who is a dr., flipped when he saw my hemoglobin numbers) which means that I have
been very, very weak. So when I walked with my walker just to the end of the hallway I was
already out of breath, or even showering while sitting on a stool (which I am still doing)
exhausts me. But it has improved quite a bit and I just need to be patient. I should feel
more normal in a couple more weeks, though my OB says I will have to continue taking iron
supplements for several months.
Breastfeeding seems to be going quite well, even though these sore nipples are a
nightmare. OUCH. But I am really not complaining about anything, even my annoying recovery
- we have a super healthy boy, and we are on cloud nine and completely in love with little
Noah. We feel so, so lucky....and OH SO HAPPY.
Finally a mommy to little Noah Gabriel, Yvette
Just briefly, you may remember that I went out on disability at 22weeks
for pre-term labor & hypertension. The babies weren't due until the middle of Sept. so
I tried to occupy my time getting ready for them. I started off on partial bed rest and at
32 (thrilled to have made it that far) the Perinatalogist put me on pretty much full bed
rest. At 34 weeks I went to see the perinatologist (appt. was at 1:30pm) and everything
looked good. He hoped that I go full term (ha!ha!) and that night at 9:00 pm I went into
DH was in Dallas, of course, and we live in CA. He couldn't get a flight out that night,
so we were all panicked. The OB trying to help slowed down the labor (albeit a little
overkill) and the babies were born the next afternoon on Aug 4th. Stephen was first at
5:15pm and Daniel just 3 minutes later, and breech, I might add. Yes, ladies it was a
vaginal birth (pat myself on the back!) They did have to spend a week in the neonatal ICU,
but are doing great now.
I know that DH posted on my behalf a couple of times. I hope he didn't break too many BB
posting rules. His heart was certainly in the right place.
So now I'm back at work and trying to remember more than Bear in the big blue house and
Winnie the Pooh/Tigger songs. I loved being able to be home with them these months. They
will be 4 months old on Saturday!
For those who know me from the IVF BB, I can only say that I'm tempted to visit the three
RE's who told me to give up and showed them what persistence got me!!!!!!
My love to all. Looking forward to catching up with the boards and all my FSOW
Sorry it took so long to post my great news so here it goes. On Saturday
morning, 8:00 am, I woke to go to the bathroom. As I finished and went back to bed, I felt
water trickling down my legs. I woke DH and said, I think my water broke. He jumped out of
bed and sure enough it was my water. I called the Dr. and he told me to meet him at
L&D at the hospital. While we were there, now 8:30 am, I was only 3cm and 80% effaced
but I wasn't feeling much pain with the contractions. So they decided to put me on a low
dose of Pitocin to increase my dilation. After about 30 minutes of that, the contractions
increased in time and severity. I told DH around 11:30 that I wanted my epidural since the
pain was becoming unbearable, well I didn't get my epi until 1:00 pm because the
anesthesiologist wasn't available. Around that time I was about 6cm dilated. Within the
next 2 hrs, I dilated fully and the baby's head was crowning. So at 3:00pm they called the
Dr to come in. They set me in the birthing position and with 5 pushes, my baby boy entered
the world and my arms at 3:18PM. DH and I were overwhelmed with joy as they placed our son
on my chest. Cedric Scott, weighed in at 6lbs 10oz and was 19.5 inches long. He is a clone
of DH, with blonde hair and fair skin(although that is my coloring as well)but I have to
admit it he does resemble DH much more. We were released from the hospital on Monday, and
he had his 1st visit today with the Pediatrician. All is well and we are enjoying every
Hope everyone is well. Michele (EDD 12/1/99 but graduated 11/27/99 with Cedric Scott)
Hello to all. I'm gonna try and keep this short. Every time I try and
post I get called away (by my little girl hehehe) and aol logs me off before I finish and
get the story posted.
It all happened on Thanksgiving. Our c-section was scheduled for the 3rd of Dec. Well
after a wonderful, and yes I ate too much, family dinner DH and I were settling in to
watch ER. We couldn't wait to see nurse Hathaway give birth. I was up stairs getting into
my PJs and I thought that I had a sudden loss of bladder control. Nothing new for me. Then
I realized that I couldn't stop it. Talk about a range of emotions.....my water had
broken!! I had said to DH all along that I hoped it would happen this way. I really wanted
the element of surprise.
Just in case you forgot, or didn't know, our little one was Frank Breech. This is why the
c-section was scheduled. Now at the hospital everything seem to be moving as it should be.
All was pretty quiet because of it being Thanksgiving. Once confirmation was made it was
my water we were off to the OR. This is where our problem came in. They had wanted to do a
spinal block on me, and at that point anything was fine. They tried for a half hour to get
the needle into my spine with no luck. Finally we all agreed that this just wasn't going
to work and I went under general anesthesia (?). Normally they don't let DH in OR when the
wife is knocked out, but I think that everyone felt bad for putting me through torture
with the spinal, that DH was aloud in the room. At least one of us was there and alert to
welcome our little girl into the world.
At 12:28am on Nov. 26th Melissa Rosemary Furstman came into the world. She weighed 5 lbs.
and 12 oz. 18 inches long. Just a little peanut. We had to go get preemie clothes to fit
her. As soon as I get into a little more of a routine I will get a web page up and going
with her pictures on it. I just can't wait to show her off.
Off to be the human cow, and loving every minute of it!! Being a mom is
better then I dreamed it would be. I cry tears of joy almost every time I look at her and
her little rose bud lips, they are perfect! Thanks for reading this long post. I
hope this finds you all well and happy.
Love, Niki
after over 6 weeks of being away from the board i'm suffering from
severe withdrawal !! baby and i are finally back home - the sleepless nights have begun
!!! just got a breather between feeds so here i am .....
in case you've missed tex and lynn's posts about me - here's my update (the short version
at 31 wks i was diagnosed with placenta previa and put on complete bed rest...i was having
contractions as well (and i didnt even know that!!) ... they almost delivered baby 2 times
that week - but we hung in there until i'd completed 36 weeks - after that i began to
bleed and so they delivered her by c-section.... DH was by my side holding my hand thru
the whole thing and when i heard that first cry , i was sobbing too and DH had tears in
his eyes ..... i'll never forget the moment i saw her for the first time ...she stared
right in my face for about 5 minutes !!!
and she looks EXACTLY like me !!!!!
that's it - more later - thanks everyone for all the wishes - i've just had a brief look
at the archives - still trying to catch up
love and luck to all
Last Tuesday I woke up at 6 am with regular and mild contractions. They
were very different from the B-H, and I pretty much knew that we were heading for L&D
soon. The day before I'd had an unbelievable bout of diarrhea, which my Mom and Dad were
happy to tell me usually preceded labor. [The parental units have been in town for several
days, and when they're not driving me nuts they're being terrific kitchen contractors].
Anyway, after about 3 hours of contractions every 10 minutes, I told DH what was going on,
and he mistakenly let this news slip to my Dad, who watched me with an eagle eye the rest
of the morning and kept on asking me "Are you cramping now?" I finally escaped
with my Mom to Home Depot to buy some more hardware for the kitchen. By the time we got
back the contractions were spaced 5 minutes apart. I called the nurse, was told to drink
water and rest. The contractions went back to 10 minutes apart.
By 4:30 in the afternoon they'd sped up again, and at 7:30 or so I called the OB. He said
to go on in and get checked. I really wanted to do most of the early labor at home, and
our birthing instructor told us that when we had contractions that lasted 1 minute and
were 5 minutes apart we should be ready to head to L&D. Mine never did that. Between
4:30pm and 7:30pm I went from short, mild contractions at 5 minute intervals to fairly
uncomfortable 1 minute contractions at 2-3 minute intervals. It was when the pain made me
sweat that I decided to call in. Of course, we couldn't go to L&D right away, since DH
and Dad were moving the refrigerator into the kitchen, we hadn't packed our bags
completely, DH hadn't loaded the car, etc. etc. You get the picture!
We sent the parental units off to their hotel and got ourselves to L&D at 9 pm. That
was a nerve-wracking 10 minute drive. When we got there, there were no rooms at the inn
and we had to wait in the waiting room for about 20 minutes. DH finally had the
opportunity to become anal about tracking the contractions and we timed them at 1.5 to 2
minutes apart and lasting from 45 second to 1.5 minutes. I was psyched! When we finally
got into a room, the nurse checked me and I was all of 2 cm dilated. AAAAAAUUUUUGH! She
assured me that I wasn't going to get sent home with such regular and frequent
contractions, but advised that I walk around for 30 minutes and then get checked again. DH
and I did this, and voila! I was 4 cm dilated. They started my ampicillin drip (I'm a GBS
carrier) and I started rocking in the chair. The pain level was increasing rather quickly,
but it was still totally manageable. When the antibiotic drip was done, I got into the
shower with DH's help and started using the shower head to massage my lower back. This was
a good theory, but I had the shakes so badly that it became a nightmare very quickly. So
our next stop was the birthing ball, which became my best friend in a New York minute.
Thirty minutes later I was back in the rocking chair moaning. The pain was not that
manageable any more, but with DH's help we were sticking it out without anesthesia. When I
thought I'd reached my endurance limit, I asked the nurses to check me again. I think it
was midnight by this time, and I was very frustrated to hear that my cervix was only at 6
cm after all this time. Instead of getting back in the rocking chair, I sat in upright in
the bed and tried to let gravity help our baby push my cervix open. Visualizing this
helped, too, because when our OB arrived at 1:15 and checked me again, I was at 8 cm and
refused the epidural and narcotics the hospital offered. Our OB broke my water then and my
world shrank to the size of my uterus. An hour later we were ready to push, and after 30
minutes of hard work, Larissa entered the world. Things went a little too fast, I
think...the OB was ready to give me a little episiotomy, but I tore before he could. It
took about 30 minutes to stitch up my 2nd degree tear, and he apologized for "letting
that happen," but I think it's fine. I don't remember anyone telling me to slow down
the pushing, but I guess a slower crowning would have allowed the OB to help my perineum
stretch a bit. Oh well! Here she is anyway, healthy, happy and beautiful!
Our parents were at the hospital when she was born...DH had called his mom and my parents
at about 12:30am and told them to head on in. They are all first-time grandparents, and
they are so excited...it's wonderful to watch them coo over our daughter.
Larissa weighed 7 lb, 9 oz and was 18.75 inches long at birth. Her Apgars were 9/9, and
she stayed with us for the entire hospital stay except for a couple of hours the first
day, and bath time each day following.
The breast feeding thing is a challenge right now...my milk came in about 36 hours after
she was born and my boobs are so huge it's frightening. I've been pumping and using hot
compresses to relieve the engorgement, and Larissa's been learning pretty quickly about
how all this works, so sooner or later we're bound to get the hang of it. In any case,
she's making plenty of wet diapers and she looks great.
I really feel like our 5 years of IF has prepared us well for parenting. DH and I are so
sure that we wanted this baby....there is not a doubt or a regret or a moment that we feel
we've lost ourselves to this demanding creature. She won our hearts the moment her
slippery body was put on my belly and she looked at us with her newborn eyes. She's been
sleeping in our bed with us...there is not a more relaxing thing in the world than
watching your baby doze.
I think I've used up all my time typing this novel....sorry it's so long! I'll have to get
back on-line tomorrow to check how y'all are doing...in the meantime, know that everyone
has been on my mind and I hope the holidays were good to all.
Much love,
Karen and Larissa
Bertrand Tobias William Smith arrived into this world on December 30th
at 9:37 in Singapore. Fortunately, he was not as large as a real Wombat - 8 lbs., 51
centimeters at birth. He has slate gray eyes, lots of silky dark brown hair and the
smoothest skin...
The gritty stuff: Labor was induced at 7:30am by breaking my waters - OUCH! And followed
immediately by a Oxcytocin (Pitocin) drip. I stubbornly attempted to manage the
contractions using a TENS machine (sends electrode signals and feels like small electric
shocks), patterned breathing, gas (was dreadful made me nauseous) and managed to get to
6-7 centimeters dilated at 3:00pm. At this point I was majorly grumpy to DH and remembered
a friend mentioning how an epidural made her laugh and enjoy the experience. My induced
labor was pretty hard and fast - contractions were a minute apart, very strong and I was
getting no reprieve from the pain. I screamed for my epidural and after it was applied I
was happily snoozing through contractions and enjoying chatting with the midwife. At
5:00pm I was 9cm and the OB said he would come back again at 7:30. At 7:00 the midwife
could feel the head, I had an urge to push, but held out until 7:30. Here is where I
struggled - pushing was REALLY difficult. I did a really scary projectile vomit over DH
and my self - and all I had all day were three sweets and ice). After half an hour of
pushing the baby was in some distress, the anesthesiologist was called in, I was brought
to the OR for two attempts at a vacuum, which if failed I would have a c-section. DH
quickly scrubbed and changed. When all was ready I pushed, and the baby still did not come
out with the vacuum. The OB cut an episiotomy (tip - do not look in the reflection of the
OB's eyeglasses as you will see the cut). On the second and last attempt, everyone was
shouting "PUSH" and quite unbelievably the head emerged. DH who thought he would
be squeamish about watching, watched every second and said it was a miracle to watch. All
of Bertrand came out on the second push and was placed on my chest. We were overwhelmed
with happiness, baby Bertie received 10/10 apgars and all has been going really well.
We called our families same evening and I did not realize how much they had worried over
me throughout this pregnancy until I heard how happy and relieved they were. The next
morning DH burst into tears and said this was the happiest he has ever been - he always
had sympathetic pg symptoms, so I guess he is experiencing post partum emotions;) I just
get teary looking at the baby, yes we are totally in love. New Years was spent in bed, in
the hospital watching everyone else party around the world. We were so happy just staring
at the baby...
So far baby Bertie likes breast feeding - we have super enthusiastic midwives helping us.
They are so confident and make great coaches. Bertie looks like he is getting a bit
jaundiced, so we think we will stay another night in hospital.
Happy New Year to all, Sarah, Bertie AKA Wombat
First let me say he is a beautiful little boy, just a little doll. I
hope to post some photos if someone can tell me how to get them on the 'net. As you know I
had a c-section booked. Went into hospital about 11.30 am which was good as I had the
afternoon to settle in to my room and relax. I went down to theatre about 6 pm. I wasn't
quite as scared as last time, although it's still not my idea of a fun time! But I was
looking forward to seeing my baby and knew I would get through it OK as I had before. But
as it turned out I nearly gave Warren the Wonderdoc a heart attack, although it all ended
well, thank God.
The block worked fine although this time I could feel some pressure
whereas last time I was just 'all gone' from the chest down. The first mini-drama came as
soon as the Wonderdoc got down to the uterus. He observed that the previous scar on the
uterus had stretched so 'paper-thin' as he said, that it would very likely have ruptured
had I gone into labour. Just as well I didn't have any ideas about VBAC. So that was a bit
alarming to start with. Very quickly they were getting the little one out, although there
seemed to be a fair bit of tugging and pushing. I heard Warren muttering to his assistant
surgeon about bleeding and something about the cord. I asked him what he was saying, and
he told me that the cord was badly kinked and twisted (later in the photos I saw that when
they lifted the baby out it was wound round and round his legs - and I swear it looked
like an old phone cord), and as well, I had started to bleed into the uterus as the
placenta was starting to separate. At the time I didn't really absorb much, because they
already had the baby out and Warren was holding him behind the screen and fooling about,
asking me what sex it was meant to be. I said a boy, and what was it? He said what does it
look like? I said, well if you'd either move the bloody screen or lift the baby over I
could tell, couldn't I? So then he performed his party trick of sailing the baby through
the air in one hand, over the screen, and plonking him down onto my face. I should have
guessed then that things had looked pretty scary because Warren was being even sillier
than usual, making the baby 'kiss' me etc. Meanwhile I'm spluttering from getting goodness
knows what gunk in my mouth. I was laughing though 'cause it did feel really cute - so
soft and everything.
I was relieved to hear the baby cry very heartily and emphatically and
soon Bruce (our paed.) was telling me everything looked fine. Warren finished up what he
was doing - I knew the assistant surgeon was closing the skin, as he has some plastic
surgery experience - and came around to shake Glenn's hand and squeeze mine. Then he said,
'Rhodesy, I know you don't plan to have any more - but you're NOT GOING TO, are you?' I
assured him I certainly wasn't, but that was my second clue as to how close things could
have been. I was given Lachlan to hold, and I found this time the bonding came instantly -
the first time, with Darcy, I felt sort of detached at that stage, just relieved it was
all over. But with this little one I felt like his mum straight away. I also decided
straight away that he was definitely a Lachlan - at that stage his little face was all
screwed up in a very stern and Presbyterian manner!
I was much more lucid afterwards this time too, though I had the same
drug protocol. I had a PCA again but maybe I didn't hit it as often or something because I
remained really clearheaded and lively until quite late into the night. I even spoke to
everyone on the phone! The first time I was off with the pixies for hours. I fed Lachlan
in the recovery room and thank goodness I have another good sucker. My overall recovery
has been fantastic - I just seemed to bounce back so fast, people have been amazed that
I'd had a c-section so recently. I really feel great. My scar is very insignificant and
I'm sure will fade to nothing.
It wasn't until a day or so later that it sunk in what a narrow escape
we'd had. You may remember that I had gone into the hospital for monitoring two days
earlier after the baby had stopped moving. In the light of what they found inside the
uterus that all took on a sinister implication, and I went cold just thinking what I might
have risked for the sake of wanting to be 'organized' before I went into hospital. I kept
thinking, I should have just had him on Saturday when Warren wanted me to. And if the baby
had died, it would have been my fault for being obsessive-compulsive about having
everything just so before I had him. Shudder. When I talked it over with Warren he said
he'd delivered a baby with a cord like that a few weeks ago - and the baby was dead. I
asked why everything checked out fine on the Saturday if there was a problem, and he said
that sometimes it took a day or two for the baby to register distress. But the fact that
Lachlan is so perfect and had Apgars of 9 and 10 reassured me that we had got away with
it, that maybe his lack of movement on that Saturday was a coincidence. Later in the week
again, Warren's receptionist told me that at the end of the letter back to my GP (who
referred me) he says, 'We were both very lucky.' And she also said that when he got back
to his rooms after my c-section he said, 'Jeez, no wonder a man's going bloody grey!' I
actually apologized to Warren for giving him a heart attack and said that of course I
would never have left the hospital on the Saturday if I'd had any idea - and he did say,
look, those are the kinds of things you can't predict, they just happen. But I'm convinced
he had a 'feeling' about me. He was the same before I hyperstimmed, and not for any
physiological reason. He was just uneasy. My mum too said she'd had a really bad feeling
all along, with nightmares etc, even though all through the pg everything was just fine.
She said she kept thinking of Darcy and how devastated he would be if anything happened to
me. So it was all a bit spooky. But here we all are safe and sound. I think there was an
angel looking over us that night though. My beloved great-aunt, who was more like a mother
to me, was waiting anxiously for Mum to call her, and a few hours later she slipped into
unconsciousness and died early next morning. She was a midwife and a mothercare nurse. And
something else strange - my grandmother died last July at 91. I kept kidding her along,
saying she had to hang in till November to see her 3rd great-grandchild. So it's funny
that Auntie just hung on to get the news like that. We weren't expecting her to die. And
Grandma had these dark brown eyes, but all her children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren have blue eyes, even though brown is supposed to be dominant. Now, in
this first child born after her death, guess what has turned up? That's right, dark brown
eyes. He looks so exotic to me because the rest of us have shades of blue and green.
Lachlan is a little sweetheart - only weighed 6lb11oz, but perfect and
well-covered, not scrawny. He has dark hair and eyes and smiles a lot. Tiny little slim
hands and feet like mine, and perfectly arched dark eyebrows. I just love him. He's a good
eater and sleeper, and pretty easygoing, but has a temper and really lets you know how he
feels! Just as well, as this is a very strong willed family; he'll need to be assertive.
Sorry this is so long. I'm very happy with my two boys. Of course I'm
finding it all a bit confusing and tricky trying to balance my new life and feelings, but
I'm sure that will settle itself as we go. Darcy loves him, but I think is a bit wary
about how his life is going to be different. He has been having a lot of extra attention
from the extended family thank goodness. This will not be goodbye - I will continue to
lurk, even if I don't post much. Hugs to everyone, Trisha (aged 40, 12 years' IF, 2xGIFT,
1xGIFT+ET, ds#1 32 months, ds#2 12 days, dh aged 55, I will never be able to retire!)