Thank you to

Our Special Twinkle Stars

     Many people who help us in the Wedding planning!
This special homepage is an expression of our love and gratefulness because of you all are like  the stars that twinkle beautifully in our nights!


Special thanks toour parents, Moms and Dads, thanks for helping us in preparing our new home... We can't make it without you all!
And also our brothers and sisters : Ko Yauw Sen for the lovely house and invitation design, and so many other things, Ci Cing-cing, for choosing us the most beautiful ring we've ever seen! Ko Aming who is willing to take Hendra's place at work while we are in honeymoon! Mei-mei and Agih the curtains are really matched with the house! It's a lovely curtain...

The Big Loving Family is one of God's greatest blessing for us!
We also are blessed through the love and care of our Uncle Iman and especially to Auntie Lika. Thank you for accompanying me in the preparation, for that honeymoon idea (and also the 'points' ! *smile*) And we want to remember UncleFerry and Auntie Ie Yen for decorating our new home and giving much of help in the preparation... the sunquick bottle were very cute!

It's God special way in guiding us to be together, and through some special people who support our relationship in their special way! ToMr. Robby I. Chandra (get well soon!), Mr. Benny Solihin (Psalm 127: 1 ),Mr. Steveteo, Nancy , Ci Giok Lie . . . Yes, you all had convinced me (and Hendra as well) that we were created to each other!

To the ones who pray for us... Selvy, Wewey, Amel, Henry, Wie Ing, Patricia, Yenny, Darmawan, Ko Wun Jen, Budi Tanzil, Inge, Tommy, Ko Wei Tjhin, Jeffry, and all the people that cannot be mentioned here one by one...


Those who took a great part in our wedding…

Hairstylist & make up        : Fanky and Julianny 
Bride’s wedding gown       : Mr. Mizan, (KOPAKA)
Florist                                : Mr. Okky, (DAF)
Groom’s suits                    : Mr. Philip
Studio Photo                     : Mr. Mulialim, (GEMBIRA PHOTO)
Photographer                    : Mr. Budi Wijanto
Video Shooting                 : Mr. Erick, (KALISTA VIDEO)
Landmark decoration       : Mr. Yu Chien, (LOTUS)
Invitation                          : Mr. Yansen, (POLAR)


The Church Ceremony wouldn’t be that beautiful
Without your help…

Preacher ………..………..………………..………..…..… Pdt. Timotius Istanto 
Syamas Representative …..…………………….………….…... Ir. Arief Subagjo
Music ………………………………...………...…………... Immanuel & Selena

Special program ………………………….……… Vocal Group Komisi Pemuda 
Sound system ………….…………..………………………. Komisi Audio Visual
Ushers ………….……………………..…………. Nancy, Faryda, Wie Ing, Selvy
Prayer Team Komisi Pemuda ……...…………. Amelia, Henry, Selvy, Seno, dkk
Choirs ……………….………………GII Dago Choir and Komisi Wanita Choir
Beautiful Decoration ……………..…….……. Mrs. Wei Ly and Mrs. Lengkong
And all families and friends for their prayers and supports…


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Wedding Page
Just before our Wedding
This is how we invite you...!
Sweet Memories

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