Soaring high with Junior

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Welcome to a wonderful year in Scouting .  I am truly looking forward to this year and anticipate great things happening for the girls.  My   primary goal is to work with the girls to encourage them to believe in themselves, and to realize their fullest potential.  I have looked at many activities that will reinforce alot of skills and strengths we all hope to see them exhibit.

I will update this site regularly and will have the girls  maintain the website with my assistance.   We will focus alot this year on independence and strengthening our leadership capabilities, while  encouraging creativity and sharpening of  their thinking ability.  The girls will work in patrols to complete some of the badges they will be working on this year. They  will also be challenged to work on individual badges of their choosing.

I would like to introduce  the girls to some new things to try such as cultural debates in team groups and  learning history about their communities,  We will work on the book badge in hopes strengthening their reading skills while encouraging their love to read. Our service project will be determined with the girls input.   Just to name a few things. I have listed a few badges of interest for the year and will always be looking for input. 

Thank you for all of your support in the past and I look forward to working with you this year.  We are more successful with your support.  Our meetings will be held every Friday with one meeting scheduled for the junior ministry as a whole. I will keep you posted with information on the exact Friday for the group meeting and would like to the girls attend at least one bible study session a month located in the old sanctuary .  (The girls will earn a badge for attending.)