Soaring high with Junior

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Welcome to our site .  We are very happy to be affiliated with Ebenezer AME Church located in Fort Washington, MD. "The family church , serving the family of God". We meet at Lord Baltimore Elementary School twice a month on Friday nights at 7:30pm.   Please feel free to join us their and if you have any questions  please send an email to the Troop Leader at

Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be: Friendly and Helpful, Considerate, and Caring,Courageous and Strong, and Responsible for what I say, and to Respect Myself and Others, Respect Authority, Use Resources Wisely, Make the world a better place, and Be a Sister to every Girl Scout.

We believe this fully and our program goals are to:

1. Develop to her full individual potential by allowing her to grow, learn,and enjoy experiences .

2.To relate to others with increasing understanding, skill and respect.

3. To develop values to guide her actions and to provide the Foundation for sound decision making and discovering things for themselves.

4. To contribute to the improvements of society through the use of her abilities and leadership skill, working in cooperation with others.

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On my honor I will try to serve God and my country to help people at all times and to live by the girl scout law.

"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."   Isaiah 6:8