Welcome to my PCPals Homepage

I am a member of a group call "PCPals". The "PC" stands for plastic canvas. I originally joined these ladies in a BBS system called "Craftnet Village". The "powers that be" shut us down without much notice and Connie which was the "system op" helped us find a new home! If you are interested in becoming a member too, we chat on Monday nights at 9:00 pm (EST). We use MIRC and are in the room #CraftersPlasticCanvas. If you don't have this software, visit the chat link below! We also have our own message board that is "password protected" and I believe that Connie manages it. You can visit her homepage with the link below and email her if you find you would like to participate in this also.

Plastic Canvas Chats
Connie's "Crafter's Cottage Homepage"

My PCPals homepage is going to consist of pictures of the items I have received through the exchanges that I've been a member of. I sure hope you enjoy your visit here. If you have any comments or questions, email me or sign my guestbook!

State Magnet Exchange

My Easter exchange gift is included in this picture. Both came from the same person!
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