God Bless America

Please Keep Praying for Our Nation


to CAT's Corner on the Net!

Chris, Austin and Troy

Grab a chair and your favorite cup of coffee or tea, sit back and enjoy our corner of the net!

Let me tell you a little about us.....we are the Williams family from Florida. Part of us are really in to the crafting scene, you know painting, plastic canvas and scrapbooking to name a few. Some of us have even gotten in to writing these homepages! That is a craft in itsself! Part of us are in to racing, fishing and working on cars. The rest of us are just in to having a good time and enjoying being only 6 years old!

Chris has been taking HTML classes from Heartland University. Please see her first diploma below that she has received! If you are interested in learning too, Heartland University is a great place to start.

Please take time to watch the "missing kids" banner on our page. If just one kid was found, wouldn't it be worth your time? That has to be one of the hardest things a parent has to face and deal with. Our prayers go out to all of the families with missing members.

Chris' Craft Corner Austin's Corner Troy's Corner
PC Pals Scrapbooking Bible Verses
Lucky the Lovebird One Stroke Painting Coming Soon!

Chris' HTML 101 Diploma Chris' Advanced HTML Diploma

Chris' PSP 101 Diploma

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