Welcome to the
Murphy's homepage

Pat, Kiersten, and Sean proudly announce the arrival of
Matthew Ryan on October 28, 2002!!

Summer Fun - check it out!
June 2002 - smiles from Sean
Port Orchard - new homestead of Bob and Dar

Headed for College? Murphy Educational Consulting provides assistance with
all phases of the college search and application process.
The site has moved to www.schoolconsultant.com

Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon - see the acres of flowers!
Photos of Sean skiing at Alpental
February - skiing vacations and new babies!
January - bathroom scenes?! and snow!

December - Christmas and Birthdays
November - turkey and snow
Halloween! - Sean's loot and new ones from Leavenworth
September 2001 - Sean's Shiner
Our trip to Buffalo
August - Vacation time in the Berkshires and Buffalo
July 2001 - 4th of July parade, the beach...
Care to see our new landscaping courtesy of Gwozdz and Son?
Another visit to Lake Tahoe - May 2001
April 2001 - Sean braves the snow
February Vacation to Lake Tahoe and San Francisco
February 2001 - at the firestation
Sean Murphy - his first birthday!!!
Snoqualmie - our new home
Rollerblading at Alki Beach - September 23rd
September 11 - goofing around
Fun in West Stockbridge - August 27th
New York City - Summer 2000
Vacation 2000 Duck, North Carolina
Baby Murphy - due December 20th

Our Wedding Photos
"Walking Ducks" - Bob Gwozdz's handmade walking canes

Created by Kiersten A. Murphy
Last modified on November 25, 2002.