Welcome to the
Murphy's homepage
Headed for College? Murphy Educational Consulting provides assistance with
Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon - see the acres of flowers!
December - Christmas and Birthdays
Our Wedding Photos
Created by Kiersten A. Murphy
Pat, Kiersten, and Sean proudly announce the arrival of
Matthew Ryan on October 28, 2002!!
Summer Fun - check it out!
June 2002 - smiles from Sean
Port Orchard - new homestead of Bob and Dar
all phases of the college search and application process.
The site has moved to
Photos of Sean skiing at Alpental
February - skiing vacations and new babies!
January - bathroom scenes?! and snow!
November - turkey and snow
Halloween! - Sean's loot and new ones from Leavenworth
September 2001 - Sean's Shiner
Our trip to Buffalo
August - Vacation time in the Berkshires and Buffalo
July 2001 - 4th of July parade, the beach...
Care to see our new landscaping courtesy of Gwozdz and Son?
Another visit to Lake Tahoe - May 2001
April 2001 - Sean braves the snow
February Vacation to Lake Tahoe and San Francisco
February 2001 - at the firestation
Sean Murphy - his first birthday!!!
Snoqualmie - our new home
Rollerblading at Alki Beach - September 23rd
September 11 - goofing around
Fun in West Stockbridge - August 27th
New York City - Summer 2000
Vacation 2000 Duck, North Carolina
Baby Murphy - due December 20th
"Walking Ducks" - Bob Gwozdz's handmade walking canes
Last modified on November 25, 2002.