Willacoochee Public Library
Phone: 912-534-5252
Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 - 5:00
Closed for Lunch
**NOTE: you should call before visiting as I believe the hours do change periodically**
Christine Luke
** Both are branches of the Satilla Regional Library System. Very limited
genealogy resources.
I have found the Willacoochee Library to have more resources**
Atkinson County Citizen (newspaper)
Fax: 912-422-6050
Phone: 912-422-3824
Clerk of Superior Court
Phone: 912-422-3343
Clerk: W.M. Smith
Probate Court
Phone: 912-422-3552
Probate Judge: Jeffery P. McGowan
Myers-Litman Funeral Home (Black)
Relihan Funeral Home (White)
403 S. Main St.
Pearson, Ga. 31642
Phone: 912-422-3221
Atkinson Co. Courthouse
S. Main St.
Pearson, Ga. 31642