Visit some of our favorite sites
Just about everyone who knows us knows how much we love jokes.... these guys offer a free daily mailing to your e-mail.... check 'em out

Joke of the Day

Laugh A Lot

Good Clean Fun
Save A Tree... and some postage by sending e-cards
these are some of our favorites...

We were able to make a lot of the icons, buttons, backgrounds, etc you see on our page, but many of them we had to find... this is where we found them

PurKat Solutions Clipart Gallery
AZ loves the technical sites... these are a couple of his favorites

File Pile


PC Mechanic

Trish's Escape from Hardware Hell
What we feel are some VERY good causes....

Breast Cancer Awareness

See if you can find your old College and High School friends
more to come............
Our Story
Meet Our Kids.... :-)
Our Friends
Ponderings and Observations