Meet our Kids...... :-)
Robert Lee
Rob is 15, the eldest of our 5 children, and our only son. He is active in Boy Scouts and church. He tries very hard to set a good example for his younger sisters, and is a kind and sensitive young man.
Shalla Marie
Shalla is 14 and our oldest daughter. She hasn't realized just how pretty she is, but the boys sure have. She is a sweet girl who enjoys Classic Literature, and when her nose isn't in a book it's because her ear is connected to the phone.
Nichelle Monique
Nikki is 11 years old and full of spunk. Her greatest thrill in life was becoming a "double digit pre teen." She is her daddy's little girl in every way. She gets every joke, and has a terrific sense of humor. She is everybody's best friend, and a great helper. Just don't EVER get on her bad side.
Samantha Alecia
Sammi is 9 years old, and a sweet, yet mischevious child. She has blue eyes you can melt in, and a heart of gold. She loves school, and her favorite subjects are recess and lunch... she swims like a fish, and loves to play house, as long as she can be "the daddy."
Verhanika Jean
Rhani is 8 years old now, but still our baby... and she plays the part sooo well. She is in second grade now, and thinks there is nothing better than going to school so she can play with her friends and carry a backpack. She loves to read, and is a snap at math. In her opinion, there is no better person in the world than her daddy, and she loves to snuggle with him every chance she gets. She is our little "love bug."
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