The Slough
It is our hope that this web page will be of benefit to any and all researchers of their Slough ancestors. Our purpose is to make as much information available as possible to all Slough researchers in one central location. Do you have any Slough info to add, such as marriages, wills, deeds, tax list, photos, old letters or any other information? Send it to me and I will find a place for it.
We hope you enjoy this site and happy hunting!
Wills Not yet open
Deeds Not yet open
Records Not yet open
January 5, 1999
Old Letters
January 20, 1999
Slough Branches
This is where you go for a list of all the posted Slough branches.
Maybe you will find some of your ancestors here. Just click
here. January 2, 1999
Other Slough Researchers
Go here for a list of other Slough researchers.
here to post your Slough queries. Let's find our ancestors!
Go here to post your Slough biography.
Go here to post your Slough Bible records.
here to post your Slough deeds.
here to post your Slough pensions.
here to post your Slough obituaries.
here to post your Slough will.
German naming patterns. I came up with this from a mailing list I am on and thought it might help someone.
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