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Some information on our
Shrine Temple

Sioux City, Iowa
History of Abu-Bekr temple

Formed in 1907

Received its Charter on July 15, 1908

First Potentate, 1907-1908, was Noble W.H. Beck

Shrine Temple was initially housed at 6th and Pierce Street in Sioux City, Iowa

In 1919, a fire destroyed the building that housed the Masonic organization

In 1922, a new Masonic Temple was dedicated, as it stands today.

The Abu-Bekr Temple helps support the Minneapolis Shrine Hospital.

The Elbon Club, adjacent to the Temple, had its grand opening in the spring of 1972. It provides facilities for lunches, meetings, and dancing.

The Foot Patrol was originated in 1908. It was the first unit formed in the Abu-Bekr Temple. The Foot Patrol put on the first ceremonial in 1922. Your dear old Webmaster is an active member of the Foot Patrol.

Abu-Bekr Temple is also renowned for its world famous White Horse Mounted Patrol. Formed in 1920, it is the oldest Horse Troop in the Shrine.

The Abu-Bekr Temple belongs to two separate associations, the Midwest Shrine Association and the Central States Shrine Association.

The membership of the temple is over 2,300

Links to some of our favorite Shriner websites

El Riad Shrine Temple Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Masonic Brothers in the Military Webring

Shriners on the Web



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