~ September 29th 1977 ~ June 22nd 1996 ~


Hi, this is Pat, Mother of Angel Jimmy,and this web page is dedicated to: James Michael Eckerfield and our Family. PLEASE, Don't Drink and Drive.. Our Jimmy was a passenger in a car whose driver was drinking and driving and our Jimmy parted in that drunk driving crash.

Dear Jimmy ~ Hello, my beautiful son in Heaven. I miss you so much, I struggle each day without your physical presence here on earth. How I long for your smile and laughter. I pray that others will learn from your death the horror of drinking and driving. What a special gift from God you are to me. I will love you until my last breath. You are the most forgiving person I have ever known. To give and to receive love, to give and receive forgiveness. This is my prayer for my remaining days on earth. With love, Mom

~ Our Angel, Our Son ~ Forever Loved ~

Angel Jimmy can also be seen at Memorial Gardens for our Angels, by clicking on address below.

Memorial Gardens for our Angels

© 2000 - 2009 Site Owner Pat Nieberding hawkene@bossig.com

January 8th 2009

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