Purdue University and Me
It was 8th of January,1997 that I first landed at Indianapolis airport. Everything seems so white. Yeah...all over the place were covered with snow. I was told that it was the first snow storm that they ever had during that winter. Wow! Makes me wonder isn't it amazing that I can experience the first snow storm in US? *smile* Anyway, astonishment doesn't last long, because coldness had followed us closely by our side. Yeah...I wasn't the only one that landed all the way from Malaysia, with a few friends we came to Purdue University. Such wonderful place. haha...well...not quite but angels are around.*smile*

First winter
that I ever encountered were bad experience. Snowing wasn't bad at all. weather is cooling but I love it. I love white, afterall, who doesn't? Oh well....there are no trees to be seen though, no grass no flowers, once in a while you'll see a squirrel hopping around, ever wonder how can they stand the cold? haha...yeap..I did wonder, but after a while, you'll get use to it. Squirrel lives through winter and their population get bigger during fall. Don't you trust me? *smile* And funnily, I've choosen at the end of winter to go to Michigan city can you imagine that? *smile* It was cold, but miss the seaside too much, so have to run down and took a photo at the seaside. haha..amazing.

First spring
....wow...how colorful it is. Look at the photos and you'll be amazed. Well, I haven't change much. hahaha....still the same old me. Look! Trees! Trees with leaves! Flowers! Oh gosh! Tulips! How amazing.*smile* YES! Sun...and warmth...and shorts and sleeveless shirts. Everyone loves it. Of course, not beginning of spring.....Temperature still hasn't rise so fast. And here comes my first trip to St. Louis with my housemates.*smile* And the end of spring, I've been to the first roller coaster ride at Six Flags, St. Louis. Take note that this is another trip. hehe, not the one with my housemates.

First summer was great. Oh! Did I say great? Oh yeah great.....I mean, the temperature was great. 100   degree. Still remember I had to go to computer lab and sit there all day just to keep myself cool. My house was an oven. (although with an air condition, can you imagine that?) My brother said it was a run down looking house, hahah, I have no objection. Oh well, forget about the house, let's talk about vacation. Yeah!
First summer vacation, although it was already August, still, it's a summer time.

First fall. The first time I was in shock that I actually will miss US. Well, I've been here for 8 months, and never thought I will, until first fall. The wind were blowing and the leaves were falling, it's really pretty especially if you are walking in the falling leaves. Wanna try that one day? Well, enough for the romantic moment, wake up! haha...anyway, let's look at how
Chicago will look like during fall. And opps, forgot to tell you that there is a day call Halloween on 31st, October. Oh yeah, and another thing, hehe, yeap, a lot of missing things that I wanted to share, it's about the first football game that I ever went to. Which is Purdue vs. Penn State.

Ok, ok.This is my second winter at Purdue. Kinda bored coz' there is no snow. Well, since last year there were lots and lots of snow, this year, I've decided to take a
journey to the west. Who knows, out of expectation, because of the La Nina, no snow ever comes. Hmm...well it did but only for 1 week. That was during our spring break. Hmm....kinda bored a winter without snow, but kinda nice coz' I was living so very far away from campus. Haha...cool isn't it?

Seasons come seasons go. It has come to the
second summer that I spent at this famous Purdue University. haha...If you have gone through the photos, sure you'll think, "Hey, that's not Purdue!" Yeap, that's my second summer vacation. Isn't that nice? haha...anyway, since the first day I'm at West Lafayette, I've never ever went to take a look at how the Lafayette town look like, and especially to take photo in the town center, so here I was, standing in front of the courthouse taking a picture with a town called Lafayette, IN. A town where I live in for around 2 years. *smile* Oh well, anyway, since I didn't take any courses for the first summer session, I've went to another vacation again. hehe, isn't my life so wonderful? Filled with joy and fun? hahahahha.....

Okok.....don't get so irritated with me ok? This is my
last vacation in US already. So better bear with me a little.*smile* Anyway, as I said this is the last vacation, that I went with my housemates. Which is the famous top student, Mr. Choo, the famous beautiful gal Ms. Kerk, and the famous ..... guy Mr. Lai.
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