U.S. Space Program (History)
Stuff I Have Prepared
These are some of the best links I have found on the Apollo Project and the history of the U.S. Space Program. Tons of info, images, and some multimedia. Enjoy! AFH
- New! NOVA To the Moon — the companion Web site to To the Moon, a two-hour NOVA special that chronicles the untold science and engineering story of how we got to the moon. The program was broadcast on PBS at 8 pm on July 13, 1999.
- New! U.S. Manned Space Flight Chronology — Part I: Mercury Through Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, spaceline.org, a service of Spaceline, Inc.
A Florida Corporation, Cape Canaveral, Florida.
- New! Human Space Timeline — sponsored by Planetarium.Net
- New! "A Giant Leap for Mankind" — LIFE magazine draws on their archives; includes sections entitled Russia Was First, Rocket Science, Men of Mercury, Space Walk, Tradedy, and To the Moon and Back
- New! Space History — The Ultimate Space Place; includes 1. Aviation and Rocketry; 2. Mercury; 3. Gemini; 4. Apollo, Skylab & ASTP;
5. Space shuttle
- New! Historic Wings website includes two excellent sections: One Small Step: The story of Apollo 11 and the Journey to the Moon and John Glenn: Three Orbits to History
- Apollo Expeditions to the Moon — NASA (Office of Policy and Plans, History Office, Publications), Scientific and Technical Information Office, Special Publication #SP-350, Published 1975, Edited By Edgar M. Cortright (Director, NASA Langley Research Center); look here for other NASA Histories On-Line
- Apollo Lunar Surface Journal — NASA, Edited by Eric M. Jones.
- Lunar Prospector: Archives — NASA
- Boeing Celebrates the 30th Anniversary of Apollo 11 — Includes I Worked On Apollo, Mission Logbook, What We Did, Events, Gallery, Factoids, Where Were You?, Also In '69, Links
- The Mercury 7: Heroes, rivals, brothers — CNN, "John Glenn: Return to Space;" Flashback section includes Mercury 7 image gallery and a John Glenn comparative image gallery
- Common Heritage Part V - The Space Age — Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, & North American
- Wavs & Images of the Exploration of Space — EarthStation1.com, The Space Sounds & Pictures Page; includes sounds from John Glenn's Friendship 7, Apollo 11 Wavs at NASA, Apollo 13 Sounds, John F. Kennedy, Miscellany (including streaming RealVideo of Ed White's first space
- From Mercury to Apollo: American Early Manned Space Program Mission Histories — Info on Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo projects; also Books and Videos
- From the Earth to the Moon — HBO's website based on the series produced by Tom Hanks
- JSC Digital Image Collection - Apollo Project — Imagery Services, Johnson Space Center, NASA
- Mission - Apollo, It Happened Like This — page by Damian Ellis.
- NASA Apollo 11 30th Anniversary — NASA History Office
- NASA Historical Archive for Manned Missions — Kennedy Space Center, NASA
- NASA Image eXchange (NIX) — Sponsored by Scientific and Technical Information (STI) program, NASA
- NASA's Fortieth Anniversary Audio and Video Clips — National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Policy and Plans, NASA History Office
- The Apollo Manned Space Program — Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM)
- The Apollo Program (1963 - 1972) — National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)
- Apollo Over the Moon: A View From Orbit online book (SP-362) provided by NASA History Office, Office of Policy and Plans, NASA.
- The Space Center — imagine5.com; space exploration information, merchandise, scale models, mission patches, and memorabilia.
- Apollo — page on Apollo program in Mark Wade's online Encyclopedia Astronautica; includes timeline of Apollo program from 1953 to 1974, with CSM & LEM diagrams and lots of images
- Exploring the Moon — Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), Center for Advanced Space Studies (CASS), Universities Space Research Association (USRA), NASA
- Space Movies Cinema — lots of movies of space exploration in QuickTime (.MOV) format
- Apollo 13: The Successful Failure — Page by R. Rynsoever that started out just being an school project on engineering
- Apollo 13: A Race Against Time, a multimedia encyclopedia on CD, produced from Arts & Letters Corporation; includes pages on The Crew, What Went Wrong, Image Gallery, Audio Gallery, Video Gallery
Page maintained by Andrew F. Hobbs, Hamilton, Ohio.
Last updated 20 June 2001.