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Hobster's Homepage

also known as the personal page of Andrew F. Hobbs. A simple page—no frames; no graphics that take forever to load—just information, which is what you really want anyway.

Born and raised in the great city of Hamilton!, Ohio.

Occupation: Occurrence Reporting Specialist, specializing in incident investigation, root cause analysis, performanced-based training, computer-based training (CBT), procedures development, and computer programming.

Click here to see my personal resume.

Education: Bachelor of Science, Union Institute & University, June 2002!; Associate of Applied Science, Miami University of Ohio, May 1998. Currently enrolled in Master of Safety program at the University of Tennessee: Knoxville.

Place of Employment: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, operated by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy. I am the Occurrence Reporting group leader and the subject-matter expert on accident/injury investigation and root cause analysis.

Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)

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Last modified: 6 Sep 2007