The Groveland Township office is located at 18661 Springfield Road, in Groveland (Directions). Your Township office is staffed and open daily from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. The current Supervisor, Road Commissioner and administration have made your Township office more attractively professional and efficient. Our phone number is 387-6812.
A few of our services are:
General Assistance---This program assist residents with low or no income to maintain shelter, food or utilities.
Road Maintenance---The Township maintains 41.9 miles of roadways in the
Notary Service---Stop in anytime during office hours for free document notarization.
Voter Registration---Anyone residing in Tazewell County may register at our office during office hours. Absentee ballot applications are also available, during election years.
Appoint Board Members to various Districts---The Board of Trustees, under the direction of the Supervisor, is charged with the responsibility of appointing members of the Central
Groveland Fire District Board, Groveland Fire Protection District, Gardena Fire District Board and the
Groveland Township Water District.
Copies & Faxes---For your convenience these services are available to you for a nominal fee during office hours.
2008/2009 Meeting Dates Legal Notice of Public Hearing April 17, 2006 Agenda of Public Hearing April 21,2008 Agenda of April 20, 2009 Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2008 Meeting Annual Town Meeting April 14, 2009 2007 Election Information Democratic Caucus Jan. 11, 2005 Republican Caucus Jan. 11, 2005 Meet The Road Crew State Winter Road Conditions Queenwood Road Project 2007 Stormwater Documents Danco Heating and Air Conditioning Groveland Feeds Bear Walls, Inc. CWG Incorporated W.A.H.U. Morton High School E.P High School Pekin High School Larrys Fishin Hole Rockin "P" Public Riding Ranch Great Family Fun, Towerlinespeedway |
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