This is a list of those Walkers on the English 1881 census who were born in Ireland. If you require further information about the following names please email me at
- WALKER, William Vist <1789> Irel Lana
- WALKER, David Head <1796> Irel Wigt
- WALKER, Elizabeth Vist <1798> Irel Kent
- WALKER, Margaret <1799> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Bridget MothL <1800> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Robert Head <1800> Irel Dunb
- WALKER, Bridget Head <1801> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Catherine Head <1801> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Eliza MothL <1801> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Jane Head <1801> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Julia Inmt <1802> Irel Devo
- WALKER, Catherine Lodg <1803> Irel Corn
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head <1803> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Richard A. Head <1803> Irel Glou
- WALKER, Jane Inmt <1804> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Inmt <1804> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Head <1806> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizabeth MothL <1807> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Esther Moth <1807> Irel York
- WALKER, James Head <1807> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, John BroL <1807> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1808> Irel Kirk
- WALKER, Mary Head <1808> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Agnes MothL <1809> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head <1809> Irel Dunb
- WALKER, Joseph Head <1809> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Head <1809> Irel York
- WALKER, Nathaniel Head <1809> Irel IMan
- WALKER, Mary WifeMoth <1810> Irel York
- WALKER, Mary Ann Bord <1810> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Robert Bord <1810> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ann Sis <1811> Irel Wigt
- WALKER, Deborah GMoth <1811> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, George Paup Inmt <1811> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, James FathL <1811> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Jane MothL <1811> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Fath <1811> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Inmt <1811> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Sarah Head <1811> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1811> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Mary Vist <1812> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Thomas Paup <1812> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Isabell Wife <1813> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1813> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Thomas Lodg <1813> Irel York
- WALKER, William FathL <1813> Irel Linl
- WALKER, Winifred Moth Head <1813> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Catherine Head <1814> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Head <1814> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Ritchie Head <1814> Irel Bute
- WALKER, Catherine Paup Inmt <1815> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Dorcas Head <1815> Irel Devo
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head <1815> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Frederick John Head <1815> Irel Berk
- WALKER, James FathL <1815> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Julia Inmt <1815> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Head <1815> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Sarah Inmt <1815> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William FathL <1815> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1816> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ann Moth Head <1816> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Bridget Head <1816> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Catherine Lodg <1816> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Ellen Bord <1816> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Esther A. Vist <1816> Irel York
- WALKER, Thos. Vist <1816> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Head <1816> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Adam Head <1817> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Ellen Lodg <1817> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Grace Head <1817> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Isaac Head <1817> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Johanna Head <1817> Irel Linl
- WALKER, John T. Head <1817> Irel Norf
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1817> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1818> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Catherine M.A. Wife <1818> Irel Nham
- WALKER, Emily Serv <1818> Irel Monm
- WALKER, James Lodg <1818> Irel Oxfo
- WALKER, John Head <1818> Irel Wigt
- WALKER, Mary MothL <1818> Irel Glou
- WALKER, Rachell Head <1818> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Richard Head <1818> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Tyrwhitt Head <1818> Irel Hamp
- WALKER, William Head <1818> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Head <1819> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ann MothL <1820> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Catherine Head Widw <1820> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, James Fath <1820> Irel Wigt
- WALKER, Jane Wife <1820> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Matilda Wife <1820> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1820> Irel Edin
- WALKER, William Lodg <1820> Irel Nthu
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1821> Irel Dunb
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1821> Irel York
- WALKER, Isabella Moth <1821> Irel Wigt
- WALKER, James Head <1821> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, James Head <1821> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Head <1821> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, M. Wife <1821> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Margaret Lodg <1821> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Vist <1821> Irel Kirk
- WALKER, Mary MothL <1821> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Moth <1821> Irel York
- WALKER, Mary Ann Wife <1821> Irel Bute
- WALKER, Michael Head <1821> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Paul M. Head <1821> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Robert Head <1821> Irel Dunb
- WALKER, Robert Head <1821> Irel Lana
- WALKER, William Head <1821> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, William Head <1821> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Caroline Head <1822> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Christina Head <1822> Irel Lana
- WALKER, James Head <1822> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Head <1822> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1822> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Isabel Wife <1823> Irel Staf
- WALKER, James Head <1823> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Leah MothL <1823> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1823> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Margret Wife <1823> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1823> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head <1824> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1824> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Head <1824> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary A. Head <1824> Irel Lond
- WALKER, William Head <1824> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Alice Wife <1825> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Christphor Head <1825> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head <1825> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Elizabeth Sis <1825> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, George J. Head <1825> Irel Ches
- WALKER, James Head <1825> Irel Lana
- WALKER, James H. Head <1825> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Jane Head <1825> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Jane Wife <1825> Irel York
- WALKER, John Head <1825> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Head <1825> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1825> Irel Fife
- WALKER, Mary A. Head <1825> Irel Kent
- WALKER, Samuel Head <1825> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1825> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Bord <1825> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Kpr <1825> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ann MothL <1826> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Anna Bord <1826> Irel Glou
- WALKER, Catherine Head <1826> Irel Stir
- WALKER, Elizabeth Paup Inmt <1826> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ellen Head <1826> Irel York
- WALKER, James Vist <1826> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Jane Wife <1826> Irel Leic
- WALKER, John Head <1826> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Robert Head <1826> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Sarah Wife <1826> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1826> Irel Hamp
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1826> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Bridget Head <1827> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1827> Irel Kent
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1827> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Henry Head <1827> Irel Lond
- WALKER, James Head <1827> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Jane Wife <1827> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Mary Head <1827> Irel Glou
- WALKER, Mary Jane Wife <1827> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Owen Head <1827> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Patrick Lodg <1827> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Peter Uncl <1827> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Robert G. Vist <1827> Irel Glou
- WALKER, Robert M. Head <1827> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Sarah Ann Head <1827> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Susan E. Wife <1827> Irel Suss
- WALKER, Wm. Head <1827> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Ann Head <1828> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Ann Head Lodg <1828> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizth. F. Head <1828> Irel Lana
- WALKER, George Head <1828> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Hannah Vist <1828> Irel Lana
- WALKER, James Head <1828> Irel Nthu
- WALKER, James Widr <1828> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Luke Lodg <1828> Irel Shro
- WALKER, Margaret Lodg <1828> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1828> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1828> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1828> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1828> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Alice Moth <1829> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1829> Irel IMan
- WALKER, Catherine Bord <1829> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Charles Head <1829> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Eliza Jane Sis <1829> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1829> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, James Head <1829> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, John Head <1829> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Julia Wife <1829> Irel Warw
- WALKER, Mark Vist <1829> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Maria Wife <1829> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Head <1829> Irel Leic
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1829> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Susan Head Lodg <1829> Irel Ches
- WALKER, (Mrs) Head <1830> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Andrew Head <1830> Irel IMan
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1830> Irel Derb
- WALKER, Anne B. Wife Head <1830> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Bridget Wife <1830> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Head <1830> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margt. Wife <1830> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1830> Irel Lana
- WALKER, William Pris <1830> Irel Devo
- WALKER, William Head <1830> Irel Lana
- WALKER, William H. Head <1830> Irel York
- WALKER, William J. Head <1830> Irel Hamp
- WALKER, Wm. Head <1830> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Head <1831> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Wife <1831> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, (Mrs) Wife <1831> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1831> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Ann Head <1831> Irel Nthu
- WALKER, Celia Wife <1831> Irel York
- WALKER, Edna Vist <1831> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Eliza Serv <1831> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Elizabeth AuntL <1831> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head <1831> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Esther Wife <1831> Irel Kent
- WALKER, George Head <1831> Irel Forf
- WALKER, James <1831> Irel Kent
- WALKER, James Head <1831> Irel Kent
- WALKER, James Lodg <1831> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Jane Wife <1831> Irel Staf
- WALKER, John Head <1831> Irel Edin
- WALKER, John Head <1831> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Head <1831> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Major Head <1831> Irel Linl
- WALKER, Margaret Lodg <1831> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1831> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1831> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1831> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1831> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Head <1831> Irel Oxfo
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1831> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Mary Kerr Wife <1831> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Matilda Sis <1831> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Rebecca Head <1831> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Robert Head <1831> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Samuel Head <1831> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Samuel Head <1831> Irel Linl
- WALKER, Thos. Bord <1831> Irel Derb
- WALKER, Agnes Head <1832> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1832> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1832> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Edward Head <1832> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1832> Irel Forf
- WALKER, George Head <1832> Irel Kent
- WALKER, James Fath <1832> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Johannah Wife <1832> Irel Lond
- WALKER, John Head <1832> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Crosby Head <1832> Irel York
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1832> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1832> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Maria Head <1832> Irel Leic
- WALKER, Mary Head <1832> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1832> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1832> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Head <1832> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1832> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1832> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Agnes Head <1833> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Carolina Wife <1833> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Catharine Wife <1833> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1833> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1833> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Elizth. Wife <1833> Irel Buck
- WALKER, George Head <1833> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Helen Wife <1833> Irel Warw
- WALKER, James Head <1833> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, John Head <1833> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Lodg <1833> Irel York
- WALKER, John H. Head <1833> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Maria Ptnt <1833> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1833> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1833> Irel Glou
- WALKER, Robert Head <1833> Irel Lond
- WALKER, William Lodg <1833> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Head <1833> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Kate Head Lodg <1834> Irel Ches
- WALKER, David Head <1834> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Eliza Head <1834> Irel York
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1834> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ellen Serv <1834> Irel Lond
- WALKER, George Bord <1834> Irel Aber
- WALKER, Jane Head <1834> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Jane C. Head <1834> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Head <1834> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1834> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1834> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Robt. Head <1834> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Roger Head <1834> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Susan Serv <1834> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, William Head <1834> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Anabel Wife <1835> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1835> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1835> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Edw. Head <1835> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Emily Wife <1835> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Frances Vist <1835> Irel Worc
- WALKER, Hannah Moth <1835> Irel York
- WALKER, James Head <1835> Irel Bute
- WALKER, John Head <1835> Irel Forf
- WALKER, John Lodg <1835> Irel Stir
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1835> Irel Kirk
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1835> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Head <1835> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1835> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Mary J. Serv <1835> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Patrick Head <1835> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Peter Lodg <1835> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Sarah Head <1835> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Sarah Head <1835> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1835> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Bridget Serv <1836> Irel ChaI
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizabeth SisL <1836> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizh. Wife <1836> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Hannah Head <1836> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Hugh Head <1836> Irel Lana
- WALKER, James Head <1836> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Head <1836> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Julia Head <1836> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1836> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Margaret Bord <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Margaret Vist <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Martin Head <1836> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Mary Head <1836> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1836> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1836> Irel York
- WALKER, Mary A. Head <1836> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Mary Ann Head <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Ann Serv <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Norah Wife <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Peter Head <1836> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Sarah Wife <1836> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1836> Irel Lond
- WALKER, (Mrs) Wife <1837> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Alice Wife <1837> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1837> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1837> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1837> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1837> Irel Warw
- WALKER, Catherine Wife Head <1837> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Kate Wife <1837> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Charlotte Wife <1837> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1837> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Amelia Wife <1837> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Hugh Head <1837> Irel Lana
- WALKER, James Head <1837> Irel Fife
- WALKER, James Head <1837> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Lodg <1837> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, John Head <1837> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Joseph Head <1837> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Margaret Moth <1837> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Martin Head <1837> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1837> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1837> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1837> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Theresa Wife <1837> Irel Derb
- WALKER, Wm. Head <1837> Irel Dunb
- WALKER, Andrew Head <1838> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Andrew Head <1838> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Daniel Jones Head <1838> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Ed. Bord <1838> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Edward Inmt <1838> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Edwd. Head <1838> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1838> Irel York
- WALKER, Ellen Head <1838> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ellen Head <1838> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Fanny Head <1838> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Henry Head <1838> Irel York
- WALKER, Hugh Head <1838> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, James Head <1838> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Jane Head <1838> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Head <1838> Irel Devo
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1838> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1838> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Rebecca Wife <1838> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Robert Head <1838> Irel Hamp
- WALKER, Robert Head <1838> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Samuel Head <1838> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, William Head <1838> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Alexander Head <1839> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ann Head <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Bridget Wife <1839> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Bridget Wife <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Catherine Head <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1839> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1839> Irel York
- WALKER, Edward Head <1839> Irel York
- WALKER, Eliza Wife <1839> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1839> Irel York
- WALKER, Frances Wife <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, James Head <1839> Irel Warw
- WALKER, John Head <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Head <1839> Irel Oxfo
- WALKER, Margaret Head <1839> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Lodg <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1839> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1839> Irel Linl
- WALKER, Mary A.B. Wife <1839> Irel Leic
- WALKER, St. George Head <1839> Irel Suff
- WALKER, Samuel Head <1839> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Susanna Bord <1839> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Wm. Head <1839> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Charlotte F. Wife <1840> Irel Derb
- WALKER, Ellen Lodg <1840> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1840> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Philips West Head <1840> Irel Warw
- WALKER, Robert Head <1840> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Robert Head <1840> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Sarah Wife <1840> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Thomas Lodg <1840> Irel York
- WALKER, Adelaide Vist <1841> Irel Berk
- WALKER, Alexander Bord Lodg <1841> Irel Nthu
- WALKER, Alexander Head <1841> Irel Suss
- WALKER, Andrew Head <1841> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Ann Head <1841> Irel Fife
- WALKER, Bellebar A. Wife <1841> Irel Berk
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1841> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Charles S. Offr <1841> Irel Esse
- WALKER, Danl. Head <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Eliza Mary Wife <1841> Irel Hert
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1841> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Ellen Bord <1841> Irel Hamp
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Francis Head <1841> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Frank Head <1841> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Frederick Bord <1841> Irel Devo
- WALKER, Geo. Head <1841> Irel Durh
- WALKER, George Head <1841> Irel Lana
- WALKER, George Head <1841> Irel York
- WALKER, Helen Head <1841> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Hugh Head Trmp <1841> Irel Roxb
- WALKER, Isabella Wife <1841> Irel Ches
- WALKER, James Head <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, James M. Head <1841> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Jane Head <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Jane S. Wife <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Lodg <1841> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Head <1841> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Head <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1841> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Maria Wife <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1841> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1841> Irel York
- WALKER, Mary J. Wife <1841> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Mary Jane Wife <1841> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Matthew Head <1841> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Michael Head <1841> Irel York
- WALKER, Nathaniel Head <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Patrick Lodg <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Peter Lodg <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Robert Head <1841> Irel Caer
- WALKER, Robert Head <1841> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Robert Head <1841> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Sophia MothL <1841> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Stewart Head <1841> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1841> Irel Linl
- WALKER, William Head <1841> Irel Stir
- WALKER, William T. Head <1841> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Bridget Lodg <1842> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Catherine Bord <1842> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Charles Lodg <1842> Irel Shro
- WALKER, Edward Head <1842> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Eliza Inmt <1842> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Elizabeth S. Wife <1842> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, James B. <1842> Irel Navy
- WALKER, John Bord <1842> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1842> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1842> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1842> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1842> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1842> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1842> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1842> Irel York
- WALKER, Mary Jane Wife <1842> Irel Caer
- WALKER, Walter G. Head <1842> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ann F. Wife <1843> Irel Linl
- WALKER, Anne Wife Head <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Annie Wife <1843> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Bridget Wife <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Cath. Wife <1843> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Caroline Wife <1843> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Charles Lodg <1843> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ellen Bord <1843> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Henry Head <1843> Irel York
- WALKER, James Head <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Jane Serv <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, John Head <1843> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Head Lodg <1843> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Head <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Margret Wife <1843> Irel Stir
- WALKER, Margt. Serv <1843> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1843> Irel York
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1843> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1843> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Sarah Head <1843> Irel Lana
- WALKER, William Head Bord <1843> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Alex Head <1844> Irel Stir
- WALKER, Charlotte Wife <1844> Irel Aber
- WALKER, Elizabeth M. Sis <1844> Irel York
- WALKER, Francis Head <1844> Irel Dunb
- WALKER, Francis Head <1844> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Francis Son <1844> Irel Lond
- WALKER, James Head <1844> Irel Esse
- WALKER, James Head <1844> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Joseph W. Head <1844> Irel Linc
- WALKER, Kyran Head <1844> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1844> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary BordWife <1844> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Lodg <1844> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Mary A. Wife <1844> Irel York
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1844> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Alice C. Wife <1845> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Andrew Head <1845> Irel Glam
- WALKER, Ann Head Serv <1845> Irel Buck
- WALKER, Ann Jane Wife <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Anne Wife <1845> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Annie Wife <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Cath Dau <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1845> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Charles Head <1845> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head Lodg <1845> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1845> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1845> Irel Leic
- WALKER, Ellen Serv <1845> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Ellen Head <1845> Irel York
- WALKER, George Bord <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Hellen Wife <1845> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Henry Head <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Henry Head <1845> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Henry Head <1845> Irel Renf
- WALKER, James Head <1845> Irel Durh
- WALKER, James Head <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Head <1845> Irel Renf
- WALKER, John D. Head <1845> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1845> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1845> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Dau <1845> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary A. Wife <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary A. Wife <1845> Irel Suff
- WALKER, Mary Jane Wife <1845> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Jane Wife <1845> Irel Stir
- WALKER, Richard Head <1845> Irel Forf
- WALKER, Robert Lodg <1845> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Robt. Head <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Robt. Head <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Rosannah Wife <1845> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Susannah Wife <1845> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1845> Irel Edin
- WALKER, Thomas Inmt <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1845> Irel Warw
- WALKER, William Head <1845> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1846> Irel Stir
- WALKER, Annie Wife <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Bridget Wife <1846> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Kate Wife <1846> Irel Ches
- WALKER, David Head <1846> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Dora Cham. Wife <1846> Irel Kent
- WALKER, Edward Head <1846> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Eliza Wife <1846> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Eliza Vist <1846> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Fanny Head <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Fred A. Head <1846> Irel Surr
- WALKER, George Lodg <1846> Irel Surr
- WALKER, J. Ptnt <1846> Irel Lond
- WALKER, James F. Head <1846> Irel Berk
- WALKER, Johana Wife <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Johanna SisL <1846> Irel Ches
- WALKER, John Head <1846> Irel Ches
- WALKER, John Lodg <1846> Irel Hamp
- WALKER, John Head <1846> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1846> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1846> Irel Worc
- WALKER, Margret Wife <1846> Irel Bute
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1846> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary SisL <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Rosina Wife <1846> Irel Kent
- WALKER, Susanna U. Wife <1846> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Thomas ((...)) Bord <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Head <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Head <1846> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Vist <1846> Irel York
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1847> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1847> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth Head <1847> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Isabella Wife <1847> Irel Lana
- WALKER, James Head <1847> Irel Esse
- WALKER, James Head <1847> Irel Lana
- WALKER, James Head <1847> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Jane Head <1847> Irel Renf
- WALKER, John Head <1847> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, June SisL <1847> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1847> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Margaret Dau <1847> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Maria M. Dau <1847> Irel Flin
- WALKER, Maryaretta Wife <1847> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Sarah R.T. Wife <1847> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William Head <1847> Irel Staf
- WALKER, Willm. Head <1847> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Anne Wife <1848> Irel York
- WALKER, Annie Wife <1848> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Bridget Head <1848> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, C. Head <1848> Irel Esse
- WALKER, Charles Head <1848> Irel York
- WALKER, George Head <1848> Irel Renf
- WALKER, James Head <1848> Irel Ches
- WALKER, John Head <1848> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Margaret Head <1848> Irel Cumb
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1848> Irel Kent
- WALKER, Margarett Head <1848> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Maria Bord <1848> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Matilda Wife <1848> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Rose Frances Head <1848> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Sarah Wife <1848> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1848> Irel Lana
- WALKER, William Head <1848> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Alexander Head <1849> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Alexander Head <1849> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Andrew Head <1849> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1849> Irel York
- WALKER, C.A. Wife <1849> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Catherine Wife <1849> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Catherine Head <1849> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Charles <1849> Irel Berk
- WALKER, Ellenor Wife <1849> Irel York
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1849> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Emily Wife <1849> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Esther Wife <1849> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, George Lodg <1849> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Helen Wife <1849> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Jane Wife <1849> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Joseph Head <1849> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Louise Bord <1849> Irel Stir
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1849> Irel Derb
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1849> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary A. Wife <1849> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Matthew Head <1849> Irel York
- WALKER, Michael Head <1849> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Robert Head <1849> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Robert Head <1849> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Robert Bord <1849> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Susannah Wife <1849> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1849> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Thomas Head <1849> Irel Lond
- WALKER, William Head <1849> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1850> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Bridget Wife <1850> Irel Lana
- WALKER, David Head <1850> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Isabella Head <1850> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Head <1850> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Vist <1850> Irel Wigt
- WALKER, Margaret SisL <1850> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Wife <1850> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Martha Nurs <1850> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Mary Grace Wife <1850> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Mary Jane Wife <1850> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Meta Sophia Head <1850> Irel Devo
- WALKER, Robert Head <1850> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Saml. Lodg <1850> Irel Suss
- WALKER, Sarah <1850> Irel Devo
- WALKER, William Head <1850> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ann Wife <1851> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Anne Serv <1851> Irel Suss
- WALKER, Bridget Inmt <1851> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Bridget Wife <1851> Irel York
- WALKER, Eliza SisL <1851> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Eliza J. Head <1851> Irel Norf
- WALKER, Elizabeth Bord <1851> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1851> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1851> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1851> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Elizth. A. Wife <1851> Irel Lond
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1851> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Harriet Wife <1851> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Isabella Wife <1851> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, James Head Lodg <1851> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John BroL <1851> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Joseph Head <1851> Irel Ches
- WALKER, Joshua Head <1851> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1851> Irel Dunb
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1851> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Sis <1851> Irel York
- WALKER, Mary J. Wife <1851> Irel Surr
- WALKER, Rebecca Wife <1851> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Robert Head <1851> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Samuel Head <1851> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Sarah Wife <1851> Irel Warw
- WALKER, Sarah A. Wife <1851> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Susan Wife <1851> Irel Derb
- WALKER, William Bord <1851> Irel Durh
- WALKER, William Head <1851> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, William J. Head <1851> Irel Lana
- WALKER, William R. Head <1851> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Agnes Wife <1852> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Alice Mary Bord <1852> Irel Hert
- WALKER, C. Inmt <1852> Irel Glou
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1852> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth Wife <1852> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Elizabeth J. Wife <1852> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1852> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, George Son <1852> Irel Lana
- WALKER, George Head <1852> Irel Renf
- WALKER, George Head <1852> Irel York
- WALKER, J.S. Head <1852> Irel Linc
- WALKER, James Head <1852> Irel Lana
- WALKER, James Head <1852> Irel York
- WALKER, Jane Wife <1852> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Joanna Wife <1852> Irel Ches
- WALKER, John Head <1852> Irel Lana
- WALKER, John Bord <1852> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Margt. Wife <1852> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Sarah Dau <1852> Irel York
- WALKER, William Lodg <1852> Irel York
- WALKER, Agnes Wife <1853> Irel Ayr
- WALKER, Annie Wife <1853> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Annie Wife <1853> Irel Renf
- WALKER, Eliza Wife <1853> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Lizzie E. Lodg <1853> Irel Warw
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1853> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Ellen Wife <1853> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Francis Bord <1853> Irel Caer
- WALKER, Harriet Serv <1853> Irel Hamp
- WALKER, Helen Dau <1853> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Henry Bournes Offr <1853> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, James BroL <1853> Irel Monm
- WALKER, Jane Wife <1853> Irel Durh
- WALKER, Janet Wife <1853> Irel Edin
- WALKER, John Bord <1853> Irel York
- WALKER, John Head Lodg <1853> Irel York
- WALKER, Jono BroL <1853> Irel Glou
- WALKER, Joseph Head <1853> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Margaret Serv <1853> Irel Lanc
- WALKER, Martha Wife <1853> Irel Lana
- WALKER, Mary Wife <1853> Irel Lana
- WALKER, William Bord <1854> Irel Lana
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