Hello There!

My Name is Marie. Welcome to my World! On the following Pages I would like to share some of my favorite things.

I live in Los Angeles, California with my husband Richard, 2 Cocker Spaniels Eden & Cody and 3 cats. I work in a wonderful Grooming Shop/Pet Boutique. I have worked in the pet industry for 8 years. Check out my Pet Page.

I am an avid collector of various vintage items. My current collection in progress is spaghetti poodles (you know - those funky pink ceramic things your grandmother had on her coffeetable in the 50's). I now have over 50 pieces and My Collection is still growing.

My Hobby (besides amassing large kitslhy collections that drive my hubby nuts) is Quiltmaking.

Last, but not least, I love Holidays.

Thanks for visiting, Please drop by often. I have lots of ideas to show you but it will take me a while to put it all together. Please take a moment to sign my guestbook and visit my Cyber Adoptions, Lucky Charms, and Fairy Spirit pages. Any comments or suggestions would be gretly appreciated.

Meet Sprinkles

Our good luck fairy and Ambassador of Goodwill.

Thank you Kate for this wonderful Award.


There have been visitors since Nov. 25, 1998
Last updated 11-25-98