Jean and Hugh's Hideaway

Happy 2000


We are Jean Whitman and Hugh Doherty

Hugh was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, a long time ago,
and has since lived in quite a few different communities.
  • Sherbrooke, Que.
  • Christchurch, N.Z.
  • Montreal (again)
  • Sherbrooke (again)
  • Victoria, B.C.
  • Toronto, Ont.
  • Edmonton, Alta.
  • St. John's, Nfld.
  • Toronto (again)
  • Halifax, N.S.
  • Port George, N.S.
  • Middleton, N.S.

Jean was born in Kentville, Nova Scotia, (not as long ago as Hugh) and since we
were married, has lived in all the same places, except for Christchurch, N.Z.

Here is what Jean and Hugh look like: July 2005

Jean and Hugh
(Photo by Margaret Kelk)


Jean used to be a nurse, but now paints full-time in her own studio.

Hugh used to be a print and tv journalist, but is now retired and since he got a new computer and an Internet account, does very little else. He E-mails a lot with relatives and other people all over the world. To meet some of Hugh's E-mailers from Everywhere, just click here.

We live in the small rural town of Middleton, N.S. in Nova Scotia's beautiful Annapolis Valley. For 16 years, in the summertime, we used to live in our cottage on the shore of the Bay of Fundy at Port George, until we sold it (Oct. 15, 1999).

Here is the Family Candid Snapshot Gallery

Pat, Margaret, Dave Margaret

Left, eldest daughter Patricia, grand-daughter Margaret and David Kelk in a September 2004 family group picture taken by Dave's father. Right, Margaret's 2008 school picture.

MARGARET HAS HER OWN WEB PAGE. To see it, click here.

Maddie Dree and Larry Chris

Grand-daughter Madeline Cameron in her 2008 school picture, daughter Andrea and son-in-law Larry Cameron, and step-grandson, Chris.

MADELINE HAS HER OWN WEB PAGE, TOO. To see it, click here.

Tara Jen and Joe

The Melindy family: grand-daughter Tara in her 2008 school picture, son-in-law Joe, daughter Jenny.

TARA ALSO HAS HER OWN WEB PAGE. To see it, click here.

Three sisters and their daughters

Back row, from left, Andrea, Jenny, Tara, Pat. In front, Madeline and Margaret

David and Wendy

This is our son, David Doherty and his partner, Wendy McKim.

SEE OUR family connections back to 1463 here.

Jean and Hugh like opera and we often go to THIS SITE for interesting opera information, and even sound clips of opera singers. And we are members of CARP, the Canadian Asssociation of Retired Persons.

Hugh also has two other web sites. One is a virtual museum of Canadian newspaper history. It contains the story of the first newspapers on Canada's west coast. It also has a section about his early years working for the Sherbrooke, Quebec, Daily Record, from 1953 to 1968, for the Montreal Gazette from 1957 to 1959, and for the Victoria Daily Colonist from 1968 to 1973. And there are pages about his maternal grandfather, George MacDonald, who was a pioneer journalist with the Canadian Press. The other web site contains pages about his other grandfather, Albert Doherty.

All comments welcome; to e-mail Jean, click here; to e-mail Hugh, click here.

Our thanks to Marco de Muinck of London, Ont. for some of the original photo scanning on this page

Our family site received this award of excellence
in February, 1999, from the Lane community of
Geocities, our Hideaway's home on the web


You are visitor Number Counter since February, 1997.

Last updated Jan. 4, 2009

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