5514 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla, CA
Julie Ann Borst, Master Groomer, All breeds
Grooming professionally since 1974
What sets THE DAPPER DOG BY TIARA apart:
1) Experience. Unequaled in the beach area for the number of years competing
and winning at dogs shows. Attended and participated in over 500 AKC shows.
Developed better grooming techniques at every show!
1974 to 1985 - Owned and operated Tiara Kennels in Newville, PA (near Carlisle).
1985 to 1992 - Veterinary hospital technician and office manager; maintained
independent contractor’s license in grooming during those years.
1992 to mid-1999 - Purchased The Dapper Dog by Tiara and renovated studio.
1999 to present - Newly remodeled salon at the current location.
1996 Cadillac, #1 Poodle USA was bred by Julie Borst and Kay Palade. Shown though
out career by Kay.
1998 Lovey, #1 Standard Poodle in Agility competitions in So. Cal., owned/bred.
At shows, top people in canine husbandry are out competing. You must learn at
every show how to get the most from your dogs and breeding program. Innovative
shampoos and foods are the first considerations. These "tricks-of-the-trade"
are passed on to you. Tiara, is the kennel name used by Julie Borst, much as
a stable name is used in horses.
2) Holistic Care. As you and your pet enter The Dapper Dog by Tiara,
you will notice the uniqueness. Feng Shui (Chinese art of decorating) has been
used to create a harmonious atmosphere. A dechlorinator is used on the water
supply in the luxurious slate-tiled walk-in shower. All pets appreciate not
being hoisted into a raised tub. Warm shampoo is used. Warm towels are provided
for drying. Towels are washed between each pet’s use in laundry (Maytag Neptunes)
on the premises. There are no noisy dryers to upset dogs. A grooming "noose,"
you see at other grooming establishments, is never used. The dogs are trained
to remain on the table, never tied or hung up on it. The table is covered with
a thick quality towel so the rubber-grooved mat is not irritating to the dog’s
paws. Large dogs are further accommodated with large pens and are never put
into crates.
Monthly professional anesthesia-free teeth cleaning and polishing is provided
as a community service through Canine Care.
Professional pet supplies, fully endorsed by Julie, are available for sale for the client's convenience.
Current information on training, feeding and vaccinating from top USA experts is passed on to the clients at
The Dapper Dog by Tiara.
3) Consistency. Only well-kept dogs are invited. If an owner can not keep the grooming maintenance of
their pet with a routine frequency, Julie must refuse them. It is unfair to the pet to have to endure the
painful process of dematting tangles each grooming session. Thus a set grooming schedule is required.
The result is that all the dogs and cats in Julie’s care are very pampered and look forward to their groomings.
The frequency will be determined after working with your pet. The usual time span is 4 weeks, although over
half the pets come in more often just for bathing. Julie is the ONLY person to work with your pet each visit.
This is very reassuring to your animal as they develop a bond with their caring groomer. Treats, fresh
filtered water and ribbons on the collars are optional at no additional cost.
Prices |
Trims: |
Haircuts usually an additional $10 to $15 for overgrowth past the 4 week requested trim visit. |
Bathing: |
Restoration work contracted on individual basis, most are recommended to be stripped so to start with a fresh coat. |
Tiara Standard Poodles Home Page