Hi,my name is Linda and this site is going to be about my country, CANADA !! I will have information regarding each of our different provinces, things that Canadians are famous for, and trivia information that you may not be aware of. I will be starting at the East Coast with Newfoundland and working my way to the west coast to British Columbia and then up North to the Yukon and NorthWest Territories.
The content of these pages will be continually updated as I receive further information during my search. Some of the provinces will contain alot of information, therefore you may want to bookmark this Canadian site and return to it often. I am sure you will find the information very informative, educational and if you are ever planning a trip to any of these provinces this will be the place to look.
As a Canadian I am very proud of this country, and have lived in three different provinces, and have travelled to every province in Canada. The one item that unites the people of Canada is our pride in being Canadian. Each province has their own unique character, their own flavour if you want. But each person is proud to be a part of this vast country.

The Canadian Map below is actually a navigational map, click on it and it will bring you to my Table of Content Pages

I hope that you enjoy your visit to Canada and return to visit us again. Please take the time to sign my guestbook as I would certainly enjoy visiting your home on the web. Thank You for coming.

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