On this page are forms that you can download to your computer and then print out at home. They are files known as ".pdf" or Portable Document Format. It's a really good document format created by Adobe Systems, Inc., that can be understood by both Mac and Windows computers. In order to view them (or print them) you need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader® installed on your machine. DON'T PANIC! This is NOT tough to do, it's a very small program (because it's NOT a Microsoft product) and it doesn't cost you a dime. In fact, you may already HAVE Acrobat® on your computer now. Many computer manufacturers install the Acrobat Reader® on your machine before you buy it. (If you don't have a clue whether or not you already have this little gem on your box, click on one of the forms listed below and see what happens. If Acrobat is there, the .pdf call will wake it up.) If you don't have it, you certainly should. Most on-line documents that are worth anything are published in this rather universal and very clear-printing format.
In order to get the Acrobat Reader®, click here.
Don't worry about their request for you to "register" your download. You
won't be getting any spam from this outfit. Adobe is a very legitimate
company. When you've saved the reader to your hard drive, install it following
the simple instructions included and then you can get all the forms below
at your leisure and not make quite so many silly trips to Miami Lakes.
Now, aren't you glad you found this page? :-)
Some of these forms were taken from the Hurricane District's
Webpage. Others were created by our Pack. We thank the Hurricane
District for providing these forms as valuable resources.