What is Pack 811 ?
Pack 811 is an active Cub Scout Pack made up of boys (ages 6 through 11) and serving the West Kendall area. Our Pack is sponsored by Calusa Elementary, which provides us with a meeting place for our monthly Pack meetings. Pack 811 strives to instill positive values upon our Cub Scouts, increasing their self-reliance, and preparing them to grow-up to be good citizens.
What Does Pack 811 Do ?
Our Cub Scouts are involved in many service projects to benefit the community such as:
- cleaning polluted parks,
- providing first-aid at school/PTA functions,
- participating in community crime-prevention projects,
- and helping the needy through the "scouting for books" project.
As a result of community involvement, many of our Cub Scouts have received the World Conservation and Crime Prevention awards.