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![]() TO KOREY'S POETRY PAGE! ![]() When Somebody Dies When somebody dies, a cloud turns into an angel, and flies up to tell God to put another flower on a pillow. A bird gives the message back to the world, and sings a silent prayer that makes the rain cry. People disappear, but they never relly go away. The spirits up there put the sun to bed, wake up grass, and spin the earth in dizzy circles. sometimes you can see them dancing in a cloud during the day-time, when they're supposed to be sleeping. They paint the rainbows and also the sunsets and make waves splash and tug at the tide. They toss shooting stars and listen to wishes. And when they sing windsongs, they whisper to us, don't miss me too much. The view is nice and I'm doing just fine. --Ashley
I carried you in hope, the long nine months of my term, remembered that close hour when we made you, often felt you kick and move as slowly you grew within me, wondered what you would look like when your wet head emerged, girl or boy, and at what glad moment I should hear your birth cry, and I welcoming you with all you needed of warmth and food; we had a home waiting for you. After my strong labourings, seat cold on my limbs, my small cries merging with the summer air, you came. You did not cry. You did not breathe. We had not expected this; it seems you birth had no meaning, or had you rejected us? They will say that you did not live, register you as stillborn. But you lived for me all that time in the dark chamber of my womb, and when I think of you now, perfect in your little death, I kow that for me you are born still; I shall carry you with me forever, my child, you were always mine, you are mine now. Death and life are the same mysteries. --Leonard Clark ![]() IF I COULD TAKE A MINUTE If I could take a minute out of each and every day, To hold my child close to my heart and kiss his fears away. If I could take a minute out of each and every week, To play with blocks and peek-a-boo, tag or hide and seek. If I could take a minute of any span of time, I'd never waste a second of the pleasures that were mine. If he could crawl upon my knee and lay his sleepy head, upon my shoulder tenderly and dream of gingerbread. I'd spend my time in total bliss and watch my small son grow, from babyhood to childhood, knowing all there is to know. If I could stop my aching heart and put my mind asleep, If I could stop the flow of tears that are always on my cheek. I only need a minute, Lord, I know he's safe with you, But there's something real important that I had no time to do. If you could do it for me, Lord, here's a message he should know, tell him that I Love Him, and then I'll let him go. Unknown ![]() |