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Providing a central exchange of photos, news, and contacts.

Welcome aboard! This site will serve as a bulletin board of sorts for our own family and all the wonderful branches as far as they'll go. Current events, news, pictures galore, e-mail contacts, information, it's all here. Please feel free to browse and to send in news items of note: birthday's, anniversaries, special awards, etc. Stop back often to be sure you don't miss anything. It'll be updated often. Take care!

This Site created by: Jeffrey W. Ibach, November 1998

NEW! Latest Photos Page to be updated monthly!

Special Announcement! Phyllis & Dick Hawkins HAVE MOVED! Read their letter here.

SUBMISSIONS: The pictures you currently see on this page are taken with our digital camera. So submissions of photos can come one of three ways. We'll take your picture with the digital camera, or we'll use the color scanner to add paper photos you send us, or if you have a scanner, scan your own and send them via e-mail as an attachment! Note: the pictures show up with varying degrees of clarity depending on the type of monitor you have and it's resolution.

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