Welcome to Nettie's Place
A Genealogy Web Site
The City of San Francisco as seen from Treasure Island -  Dec. 2001
Welcome to the end product of my obsession!

Knowing who your ancestors are has always fascinated me. However, like a lot of people, I didn't get into genealogy until a couple of years ago and missed the opportunity to record the memories and stories of older family members.  So I search and I search and forget to update this site with my new findings.

I am currently adding new material and will try to be good about updating this site more often.

Please sign my guestbook, take a look around and enjoy yourself.
My Surname List

    Bernussou      Caldwell       Cochran      Cook

     Grahek   Kapuniai    Kremesec Lavergne  Malrieu  Marquet  Maruejouls

    Raanes      Scott     Toma     Zastrow
History & Stories
William A. F. Caldwell, M.D. History of Webster Co., MS
Photo Gallery
There isn't much here yet, but I will be posting old family photos.

Bernussou/Maruejouls   Caldwell Glampe   Grahek/Kremesec
Helpful Links for Researching Your Family Tree
I will add more links as I have time. Please e-mail me if a link does not work or if you have one that you think should be placed on this site.
Genealogy Online - An archive of names people are currently searching. A good source for contacting other genealogists.
- Federation of East European Family History Societies
-Surname Query Site.
A Listing of Search Engines That Can Find Genealogy Stuff

America's First Families
- The name speaks for itself.
Distant Cousins
Genealogy Index-
Cyndi's List
- A Great Site! With many, many helpful links for genealogists.
Genealogy America

Geographic Name Server
- Use this site to look up county names for cities within the US.
- A Good search site.
Links to the Past

Family Tree Maker
- This software company's site has lots of info and search features that are helpful.
Kindred Konnections

The Surname Web

Ellis Island Foundation

Genealogy Forms
- Free downloadable pedigree charts and other genealogy charts.
U.S. GenWeb Archives
- Search the U.S. GenWeb Archives.
Alabama Sites
Alabama FTP site
Alabama GenWeb Site.
California Sites
Museum of the City of San Francisco - Go to Index and then to Genealogy
California GenWeb Project

California Obituary Links

San Joaquin County, California
Sites for Georgia
US GenWeb Project site for Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia
Index for the Georgia site listed above
- This index has a listing of Confederate Units in Georgia
Sites for Hawaii
US GenWeb Archives - Hawaii Table of Contents
Hawaii State GenWeb Project
Sites for Norway
Ancestors from Norway
Sites for Slovenia
Genealogy and Heraldry in Slovenia
Sites for Slovakia
Slovak Republic GenWeb
Slovak Surname Location Reference Project
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