Updated 15 July 2006
Chris' pages
~ Sept 11, 2001 ~
Visit the kids' pages:
I've had trouble figuring out how to use Yahoo's PageBuilder online software with my new computer.  Seems I have to momentarily turn off my firewall to get the software to launch.  I really need to take a course in html, so I can code all this myself and not rely on PageBuilder. 

But don't you love this polka dot webset??!!  Pat's Web Graphics has the nicest themed sets.  See the link below. 

Okay, by the time I figured this all out, I got to tired to put any real content on.  Check back tomorrow and see if I got it done.
The May 24, 2006, news: 

Wow, the end of the school year has been much busier than I would have expected, and much busier than any other time this year.  During the last pay period, I worked 9 1/2 days out of 10!  I've never gotten that close to working the entire pay period before.  Two of the  days were pretty easy, too, like at the Babeck library on Friday.  One class was on a field trip and the fifth graders were on their annual bike ride, so I had only three classes all day, and their only lesson plan was to watch a video.  It's too late in the year to let them check out any more books, so there was nothing else to do.  In my spare time I organized some of the shelves, because a lot of the books were out of order.  I have three days in the Bloomfield library coming up this week, and the kids will watch videos there, too.   In my spare time there, I'll get to "weed" books, taking out old, outdated or damaged books. 

Saturday I had to go down to UC and take Jenny shopping for some art supplies for her last project of the school year.  Hard to believe her freshman year is just about over!  She got good grades and passed her end-of-the-year portfolio review, so all is well.  She said that about 30 of the 130 freshmen did NOT pass their reviews, which seems like an awfully large number, doesn't it? 

The trip to Phoenix for Spring Break, was so nice and relaxing.  We enjoyed Sallie's birthday party, and she, Kris and I went to Las Vegas for a day and a night.  Stayed at the cool Excalibur Casino, and visited many of the others, like the Luxor, and New York New York.  I quit gambling after I lost $100, but Sallie lost about $1000!  I could never feel OK with throwing away that much money!  Even the 5-hour drive up and back wasn't too bad - we stopped to take pictures at the Hoover Dam, which was certainly not what I expected.  And you had to pass through security checkpoints, to make sure you weren't going to blow the place up!  See additional photos on
my page.

Patty had a potentially dangerous bicycle accident a couple weeks ago.  Read about it on
her page
The March 24, 2006, news:

The most exciting news for me this week is that Jeff got on the Dell website and bought me a new computer!  Sometime after it arrives, we will get Road Runner internet service, which will be so nice.  Everything on this nearly-six-year-old computer takes forever, and it barely has enough RAM to handle the PageBuilder software that lets me create this website.  Updating will be so much easier and faster once we have the new comp.  Jeff also intends to get a wireless router and buy himself a minimal CPU for his workshop - and that will make six computers in the family!  Besides my soon-to-arrive Dell and the other planned purchase, Jeff and Jenny each have a laptop; we'll keep my old computer for Patty; and Kerry has been using a friend's computer that they're letting her keep since they bought a new one.

Jenny is home for Spring Break, working back at Bob Evans, and cluttering up the house with all her laundry and art supplies.  Not that that's entirely her fault: she has no space of her own here any more, especially with Jeff taking over the old "family room/spare bedroom/office" which he is remodeling into a workshop for his motorcycles.  And everything that was in the old family room is scattered throughout the house so it would be out of the way until the room is finished.  The old carpet, panelling, drop ceiling and fireplace are gone; the drywall is patched and all the painting done, and the new carpet was installed two weeks ago.