The Ministry of Dance

Dance as a VISUAL AID to the sermon.

The non-verbal benefit of dance has the power to move the affective parts of our souls and stir to life areas lying dormant within us.

Dance adds a greater demension to our WORSHIP.

God longs for us to bless Him in praise and worship using what He has given us - our breath, words, voices, bodies, hands, arms, feet, faces and above all our hearts.  This frees us to receive blessings from Him.  This is the fulfillment of our worship.

Dance heralds a NEW MOVE of God.

Whenever dance is noted in the scripture, it is associated with significant NEW MOVES of God.  For example, when Miriam lead the women in dance, Israel was birthed as a nation.  David danced before the Lord ushering in the establishment of the Davidic Kingdom and a new order of worship.

Dance reaches beyond CULTURAL barriers and can be used as a means for EVANGELISM.

Nations that do not allow the Gospel to be preached in more standard forms (missionaries or Bibles)  will allow dance and drama to go forth. In our own society, an effective way to reach non-believers is by going to where the people congregate such as parks, shopping malls or the streets.  Non-traditional modes of worship dispel pre-conceived ideas that the Church is "stiff and rigid" when people see a new and true concept of God.  We serve a God of life, color, beauty, joy, hope and love.  People will be drawn to the local church to see what is happening there again to be exposed to the Gospel.

A dancing Church says to the Lord,

"You have transformed us, sanctified us and blessed us.
We are Your bride and we rejoice!
It says to the world,
A new move of God is coming -- get ready!"