A Genealogy Resource Center for the Blackmore Surname


This site includes:

  • Extracts from Irish birth and marriage records,
  • Extract from the 1871 Canadian Census,
  • Extract from the U.S. Social Security Death Index (1937 to 1979),
  • Extract of Blackmore records (5,912) from the 1881 British Census,
  • Extract of Blackmore birth and marriage records from the LDS Vital Records--British Isles CD's (By Permission),
  • Complete text from Blackmore Families of Ireland (1968 & 2000) by Dr. Joseph L. Druse,
  • A link to the Blackmore Genealogy Forums at GenForum and Rootsweb,
  • A search tool to find Blackmore family tree pages with possible links to your family,
  • Maps of Blackmore distributions in the U.K. (Origin page),
  • A list of contacts also researching the Blackmore name,
  • A list of non-genealogy background information, and
  • A guestbook full of research postings.

Genealogy Resource Center registered with
The SurnameWeb


Cyndi's List of Genealogy 
	Sites on the Internet
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

Contact the author at blackmoresite@yahoo.com | Blackmore Site Home
