Welcome to my Guestbook!

Elsha Ulberg - 10/05/00 04:08:03
My URL:http://www.foxcreekfarm.com
My Email:elshau@hotmail.com
Smail: 1584 W. 11910 S., Riverton, Ut 84065
Phone: 801-446-3741

Hi Uncle Dan! Love ya! Elsha

Larry Gaston - 02/18/00 15:13:54
My Email:LWGAS@aol.com
Phone: 8174892632

Thanks for the invitation.

Marjorie Wills - 02/05/00 23:11:54
My Email:Marjorie.wills@worldnet.att.net
Smail: Treas. Landings Lag
Phone: 651-766-9147

Very nice, have you ever looked up Landings web page? if not I can send it to you, Have a good day

cannon - 02/05/00 14:17:08
My Email:cannon@compuwise.net
Phone: 627-3985


Randall W Ulberg - 01/14/00 04:42:35
My Email:PamNRandy9@aol.com
Smail: 8008 North Normandie Spokane, WA 99208
Phone: (509) 467-7972

I'm the son of Carrol Randolph Ulberg who is the second son of Christian Emil Amos Ulberg and Synneva Askeland. My father passed away 11-21-96 and my sister Debra Kelley has a lot of old pictures. Some have notations, others don't. It would be great to ee if we can add some to the family tree. I've been searching the Internet for some background on the Ulberg name. In fact I was in Des Moines on business last April and looked up my cousin Barry. He said someone in our family was putting something tog ther. Barry gave me your URL in his Christmas card this year. Keep up the great work! Randall Ulberg

Marianne G.Kultom - 12/23/99 10:45:48
My URL:http://home.sol,no/^kultom/
My Email:kultom@online.no

God Jul og Godt Nytt Aar. Hilsen fra Mairanne i Torpa, Norway

Barry Ulberg - 12/15/99 01:54:42
My Email:bu@therapist.net
Smail: 3650 Waterworks Pkwy Des Moines, IA 50312

Nice job Dan! I'll try to put together a brief history of my family (I'm Norman's son) and send it off to you. One of these days anyway. I really appreciate all the work you went through to put this together. What a story. Thanks again.

M.TOWNSEND - 10/22/99 03:08:47
My Email:mtownsend@softcom.net
Phone: 1800-1612685


M.TOWNSEND - 10/22/99 03:08:46
My Email:mtownsend@softcom.net
Phone: 1800-1612685


M.TOWNSEND - 10/22/99 03:08:46
My Email:mtownsend@softcom.net
Phone: 1800-1612685


M.TOWNSEND - 10/22/99 03:07:22


Mark Ulberg - 09/25/99 18:26:49
My Email:frieslander@gateway.net
Smail: 4628 Red Rock Dr. Larkspur, Co 80118
Phone: 303-681-2712

Just found your, page great job. Will drop you a line as well. Was very excited when I first saw Christian's name thinking it was the Christian Ulberg that started the Ulberg family in Samoa until I read further.

- 09/25/99 04:28:52


Judy Smerud - 08/23/99 22:51:53
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/n2i1855/index.html
My Email:Jsmerud@aol.com

Hi from another Norway Lister--good to see a fellow Norwegian genealogist in my own back yard. (The Springtown Porcupines used to beat up on the Decatur Eagles in football until we moved up to 4A--it was great rivalry.) My husband's ancestors are all Nor egian and I have been researching their history for the past couple of years. Am researching Sor-Trondelag, Oppland, Buskerud and Hedemark.

dawn frymark - 08/23/99 01:30:23
My Email:dodgeman1975@eartthlink.net

hello there pappa, love ya lots!

Derwood Holloway - 05/01/99 20:00:01
My Email:derwood@wf.net


Nancy Welty - 03/25/99 03:38:57
My Email:nancyw@hughes.net
Phone: 661-940-7265


Kelley Ulberg-Duffy - 03/11/99 01:23:26
My Email:duffymail@aol.com

This is such a great thing you are doing. I never had a chance to talk with my Dad (Calvin Nelson Ulberg) about the Ulberg family tree before he passed away so I am most grateful for your work on this site.

Dennis Krett - 02/28/99 23:52:53
My Email:krett@citrus.infi.net
Smail: Inverness FL

Though not related, enjoyed the photos of Trempeleau County, where my ancestors started in this country from Silesia.

Larry Goplen - 02/22/99 18:56:26
My URL:http://members.aol.com/LGopper/
My Email:LGopper@aol.com

Interesting site Dan, I hop we can get a link to it on the Landings Laget home page.

- 02/15/99 10:09:07


Marianne Gjerdbakken Kultom - 02/13/99 16:36:31
My Email:kultom@online.no
Smail: Norway

My family com from Urberg/Ulberg in Etnedal in Valdres to Torpa in Nordre Land. I must see more on your side soon. I am not good in english, sorry. Can I help you wid family in Land/Valdres ?? I have more in to my books.

cal ulberg - 02/12/99 22:25:32
My Email:captcal2@yahoo.com


Dan Ulberg - 02/08/99 12:57:39
My Email:ulberg@wf.net
Smail: 1002 S. College St, Decatur, TX 76234
Phone: (940) 627-4779

I would hope that everyone that visits my site, finds it informative and exciting. If I can do anything more let me know. I know there are still some mistakes like Amos' partner, now that I think of it the name doesn't sound right. If anyone can help m in anyway let me know.

Brad Ough - 02/04/99 19:20:26
My Email:bradough@wf.net
Phone: 940-627-6102

You are a blessing to so many people

Dan Ulberg - 02/04/99 00:16:38
My Email:ulberg@wf.net
Smail: 1002 S. College, Decatur, TX 76234
Phone: (940) 627-4779

Just testing the guestbook. I lost the comments when I gave it some color.

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