Terra's Adoption Homepage

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Hello! My name is Terra Welcome to my on going search for my Birthparents. I started this quest over 3 yrs ago now with no luck, but have met many people that are in the same situation I am in. Some ask me why I want to find my parents...Its not because I'm unhappy with my life. Basically the two main reasons I feel its important to find them is to get my family's medical history, not for only my sake but for my precious children. Also I would like to Thank you for Everything you did and have done for me.

My Birth Info:

I was born at 12:35am on January 16,1974 in Spohn Hospital,Corpus Christi, Texas. The delivery was normal. I weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces and was 21 and a half inches long. I was a well developed baby with blue eyes, a fair complexion, and a moderate amount of reddish brown hair which was alittle curly. I was removed from the hospital nursery and placed in a foster home on January 18, 1974.

Maternal Relatives:
My Mom was sixteen when she gave birth to me. She was 5 feet tall, blue eyes, silvery blonde hair, and a fair porcelin complexion. She was enrolled as a Junior in high school. She has two older sisters, a younger sister, and a younger brother.

Paternal Relatives:
My Father was sixteen when I was born. He was 5'4 and weighed 130 lbs. He was Anglo-American ethnic background, quit school in the eleventh grade, and was employeed as a gas station attendant. He did not know that he had conceived a child. Only a younger brother is known of but could be more.

Adoption Plans:
The natural mother appeared to be a fairly mature, sixteen year old girl, who at the time did not see herself as being ready for the responsibilty of rearing a child. She decided on adoption because she wanted her baby to have a mother and a father who were ready and able to assume the responsibility of parenthood. She talked over her decision with her parents who were supportive of her plans. She chose to leave her small hometown community and not reveal her pregnancy to her siblings, friends, or neighbors.

Some additional information:
I was placed with my Parents through the State Department of Public Welfare Nueces County Unit, on July 18, 1974. The attorney that handled the adoption was Pedro P. Garcia. My birth Mother's last name could have been Carls(name on hospital id) or Wright(name on Decree of Adoption).
So If you're out there PLEASE contact me!
Email me at adoptee74@yahoo.com

Links to some Adoption Registry's on the Web

TX Care Registry
The Long Lost Family Bulletin Board
The Reunion Registry

Links to other sites relating to Adoption

Judy's Adoption Site

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This site was updated December 8, 2000

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