My Incredible Journey

An Educational Experience

This time in my life is one of retrospect.
I have achieved much of what I hoped
to and learned more than I ever dreamed I would.

I have been diagnosed Far Advanced Emphysema.
That means that I am living in my final days.
While this was difficult to accept, it is truly a
gift. I have the opportunity to leave this world
with my life in order. Amends can be made, old friendships
renewed, new friends met and enjoyed. These days, weeks,
months or maybe even years will be the best of my life.

In addition to the respiratory disease I have osteoporosis with compression fractures in my upper back. This presents more daily problems because I can no longer hold my body upright without support. We have learned how to live with this problem by using a walker and other things to assure I always have something to lean on. Pain control is the most difficult part of this part of my life.

During this time I would like to share with you the wonderful
way my life has evolved and the peace of mind I now have.

I will tell you of the beginning so you will understand me better,
the present, so you can share the joy of every day with me,
what I see in the future so you can help me dream,
and the people who take this journey with me
so you can meet the people I love and who love me in return.

I hope you will decide to spend some time with me on these pages.

I promise you that there will be no whining,
only the effort to see the best life offers us.

Life has sent me sadness and happiness, good times and bad just
as it has to everyone of us. I firmly believe that life is what
you make of it. We can't always control the things that affect
our lives but we can control how we react to them. We must
learn to appreciate the beauty around us and enjoy what we can of
every day. The journey can be happy or sad, it all depends on us.

I choose to be a Happy Traveler.

Links to other sites on the Web

Peaceable Kingdom

Where I've Been

Who's Going With Me

Here and Now

Emphysema: A Roadblock

Computer Information

Please go to the HERE AND NOW page to join me on the adventures of this trip.

We're leaving on our Journey. It may be a bumpy ride at times so
Hang On Tight

© 1997

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