I was an only child and my early years were spent with adults almost entirely. There were occasional visits with families with children but not many. My first real contact with kids my own age was when I started to school. I was astonished at how little attention they paid to what I said. They would rarely ever do what I said and were rowdy and loud. It took about two years for me to learn how to get along with them.
I learned a lot of valuable lessons those two years.
I didn't go to college. At that time a high school education was considered adequate for girls and even if it had been available there was no money for me to go to school. I graduated top in my class with three scholarships but no way to accept any of them. I had married by then (early marriages were also common) and that added to the roadblocks to keep me out of college.
In 1961 a special tax to support a County Health Department was voted in place and I went to work there. I have worked in the Department of Health in some capacity since then until my retirement three years ago.
I moved away from my home and a bad marriage and with my son, came to the State Capitol in 1966. I met my husband here and we were married in 1972.
My health had always been good. I was strong and energetic. I had started smoking as a teen ager and had a two pack a day habit and sometimes more when I finally became ill and stopped smoking.
Emphysema is not a glamorous disease. Doctors don't like to treat it because the outcome is not good. I found it almost impossible to get medical care. I finally found a physician who is caring and understands that I need help to get through the end phases.
It has been so interesting to me that when I would see Doctors they would never tell me that I had Emphysema. I would be given antibiotics to treat the bronchitis that I had as a result of the Emphysema but no one would diagnose the disease. I, of course, did not want to admit that I had it so it lived there and got out of control while we all played games.
The day I saw my present Family Doctor was the first time in many years that I felt like anyone heard what I said. He diagnosed me that morning, sent me home with inhalers and medications and an appointment to see a chest man. He has been a big blessing in my life.
The moral of this is that if you suspect that you have this disease please ask the question. Don't wait for someone to tell you. Treatment does make you more comfortable and at times will slow down the progress of the disease. It isn't curable but you can be comfortable enough to enjoy life.
Life has been very good to me. I've been fortunate enough to have a healthy son. I've had a job that kept us well fed and a roof over our heads when we were alone. I have a wonderful step daughter and grandsons who are a special joy to me. Many people have been very kind to me along the way.
Ralph and I have been able to travel a bit and do some of the things we enjoy. And, we still do. Maybe not the same things we did but we always have a good time. There's always something funny going on if you look for it and take the time to enjoy it.
Maybe this will give you an idea of where I started this life and came to be where I am now.
I hope you enjoy the ride.
Peaceable Kingdom
The Journey
Here and Now
Who's Going With Me
Where I'm Going
Emphysema: A Roadblock
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