Mary's Peaceable Kingdom


An Incredible Journey

Welcome to my Peaceable Kingdom

Come in, sit down and rest a while.

We will be talking about computers, cooking, family and friends, not necessarily in that order, and I want to tell you about my incredible journey

Just click on the pages listed below to learn more about me, my friends and the journey.


 Where I've Been

 Who's Going With Me

 Where I'm Going

 Here And Now

Emphysema: A Roadblock

 Computer Information

The focus of my page is:


I like to start my day with a good cup of coffee, my newspaper and the
view out my dining room window.

It's hard to be sad for very long when you have such beauty to look at.
The hummingbirds love to come and eat their fill. We keep a feeder
for them to supplement the flowers.

Later in the day you may find me in my favorite chair. We have two recliners
that we refer to as our Archie and Edith chairs. Here you will see me with
Ralph sitting on the arm of my chair.

In my Peaceable Kingdom everyone helps everyone else and they always
get thanked for it. Now it is time for me to thank some people who have
helped me get this page going.

Thanks to Janey for being the best Gif Detective in the business. She sends
me places to find backgrounds and gifs. The dreamcatcher background on
the Journey page is one she located for me. It takes an enormous amount of
time to look for things to use. And she knows what I like. Thank You Janey.

Thanks to Virginia for being such a good surfer. She also finds things she
knows I like. She found the background music for this page. All I could tell her
was the first line of the song and I didn't even have the words right.
But, she found it right away and now we have music. Thank You Virginia.

Thanks to Janice for super sleuthing for me. She could find ladybugs
long before they moved in on us. And, she sends me places to find more
useful things. Thank You Janice.

A Huge Heartfelt Thanks to Jeanne. When I get things so messed up that I
can't fix them, she comes to my rescue and "puts things to right".
In addition to being my Cybernurse, she's become my homepage guru.
She's really doing a great job. Be sure and visit her page.

And to all of you who have signed my Guest Book, a special big THANKS.
I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your kind words. I will do
my best to make this a place you like to visit.

Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

CrazyHorse Monument
Kansas City Star
Jeanne's Sundae
Karen's Page
Janie's Home
Kenna's Kozy Komforts

A friend is a person with a sneaky knack
of saying good things about you behind your back.

Sign Guestbook

View Guestbook

Take time to stop and smell the flowers.

Music from Rosco's Midi Page

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