Let Me Tell You About Florida

If I thought the move from Brooklyn was a horror, the one from Long Island was a real eye opener. My daughter Laura and I took Amtrak here. A trip that she claims I owe her big time for. The train took over 27 hours to get to Florida, because it broke down 4 times. Jim and my son George drove the truck down, loaded down with all the furniture, towing our car, which held cat carriers, one for Mandy the cat, and the other held Pebbles, the Yorkie. Lucky Boy, the Golden Retriver sat on their laps the whole way. Believe me when I say, after this adventure, it took weeks to recuperate.
The guys arrived here before the train. How they managed that trip is beyond me, but they beat out Amtrak. When we arrived, the temperture was already in the 80s. If your a northerner, air-conditioning in April is not normal. I made the sign of the cross, and said "Give me strength Lord, Cause I'm to old for this stuff".
All I could see was furniture and boxes from a large house, trying to fit into this tiny house. We definately could use a wall stretcher. After two years, we still have unopened boxes in the garage. But we managed to settle in, and try to adjust to an all together new way of life.

Small House, big pool. Freightening Storms! Thunder! Lightning that shoots straight down from the clouds. Hurricanes! Tornado watchs and worce still warnings, this Brooklyn girl was definately out of her element.
Then Mother Nature gives you fantastic sunrises.
Breathtaking Sunsets, balmy evenings, and sunshine all day.(except for the storms that hit the same time every afternoon, they last 20 minutes and are gone until tomorrow.)

Another thing I had to grow accustomed to was Floridas bugs. Yuck, BIG Bugs! Spiders, large, hairy and they come in assorted colors. Scorpions, I try not to get close enough to see their color. Snakes fall into the same catorgory as Scorpions. Red Ants, by the millions, that bite and itch for days, and no- seeums, lol you can't see them, but where ever they bite, they itch for a long time. This old Brooklyn girl would rather face down a mugger, then some of these critters. So I rarely go anywhere without my six gun. lol A can of bug spray.

I am glad Jim and I have the chance to spend whats left of our lives together. We did pick a paradise to settle in, if you can by-pass the wild life. The pictures above were taken on Pine Island, which sits in the Gulf of Mexico.
Since I stay indoors alot (hmmm, wonder why?). I got my first computer and found another world. The Internet. The world of chat. Where I met my best friends, Lioness_45, Llamapopa, and _NCman. Another beginning. As long as Jim keeps his health, and I have my computer, I will never complain again.(well, not much, lol lol lol )

To show how well Jim is feeling here in Florida, I had to include this picture of him.
He does what he loves the most. He plays baseball.
He goes out on that field, almost every day, with men that range in age from 55 to 76.
Old you say?? Hell, No!! The way you can't take toys from the boys, you can't take their baseball either.
They just never outgrow it.
So heres Jim.

and heres Me, LOL LOL LOL

This background was made by me in Paint Shop Pro 5. It was made from tubes.

Graphicscreated with Paint Shop Pro 5

<bgsound src="hrcomsun.mid" loop="infinate">