Family Vacation
Williamsburg, Virginia
November 1999

The Millers took their Fall 1999 vacation to Williamsburg, Virginia, home of Colonial Williamsburg and The College of William and Mary. Bob is a graduate of William and Mary (Class of 1974), and this was his first return to campus in 25 years! It was with particular pride that he shared his college memories with his family as they walked over his old stomping grounds.

Powhatan Plantation Resort
Here was our home for the week at Powhatan Plantation.
The resort is nicely landscaped and houses a lot of local wildlife.
Ah, here is one of the local residents now!!
Erica and Laura take time to get acquainted.

The College of William and Mary in Virginia
You can just feel the tears welling up in Bob's eyes as he gazes upon the famous Wren Building! Bob had his English classes on the second floor while the tourists were roaming the first floor.
One of the more scenic spots on campus is Crim Dell
Erica strikes a pose in front of the campus landmark.
Erica and Laura take a break to soak up the college atmosphere.
Hey, this college stuff is cool!
Erica dons her Willam and Mary sweatshirt as she ponders what her college major will be.

Colonial Williamsburg
Duke of Gloucester Street Looking towards the colonial Capital Building.
Bruton Parrish Church
The Governor's Palace
Authentic colonial carriage ride
Ye Olde Colonial Windmill