Sarah Renee Miller

February 22, 2001
8:42 am
6 pounds, 10 ounces
19.5" long

On a snowy February day, Sarah Renee joined the Miller household.  The pictures below were taken during her first 3 days of life.

Here is Sarah, just minutes after birth, being cleaned up by the delivery room nurse.
Here Judy is presented with her new daughter!
And here is Bob, the proud father, holding his third daughter.
Still in the delivery room, Sarah is bundled up in order to keep warm.
Shortly after leaving the delivery room, Judy and Sarah have a few minutes to get acquainted.
Grandma Miller gets acquainted with her newest granddaughter and her seventh grandchild.
Pop Pop Miller does the same.
Erica is anxious to hold her new sister!
Laura considers the awesome responsibility of now being an older sister.
Bob now gets some "quality time" with Sarah.
Sarah contemplates the life that lies before her!