Building Our New Home

In the spring of 2000, we decided to put our old house on the market and to build a new home. Watch as our new house gets built... step by step!

May 21, 2000
We pick out the location for our new home: Lot 46, Section 14!
June 17, 2000
Our old house has a buyer (Hurray!!) ... so let's mark the new lot SOLD!!
June 30, 2000
The lot gets cleared...
July 15, 2000
... and a path of gravel marks the future driveway.
July 29, 2000
The digging begins for the foundation...
(Notice the other new house going up in the background.)
July 29, 2000
... and the concrete portion gets poured.
August 4, 2000
The brick and block work begins.
August 7, 2000
The foundation work is just about done!
August 11, 2000
The surrounding area has been graded. The foundation is complete!
August 25, 2000
Let the framing begin!
August 25, 2000
Here's the view from the kitchen area looking through the living room and dining room towards the front of the house.
September 2, 2000
The second floor is going up.
September 11, 2000
What a difference a week makes! We have a roof, a front porch, a door, and some windows!!
September 30, 2000
On the outside, the remaining windows have been installed, and we have shingles on the roof. On the inside, we now have plumbing, heating/air conditioning, and electrical work completed.
October 13, 2000
Let there be BRICK!!!
October 21, 2000
The brick work is complete.
November 4, 2000
Next comes the vinyl siding. Meanwhile, inside the house, the wallboard is being put up.
November 4, 2000
Here's a view from the back of the house, showing the siding that has gone up, as well as the beginnings of a screened-in porch.
November 4, 2000
Here's what it looks like from an upstairs window looking out over the budding neighborhood.
November 11, 2000
The siding is complete. Inside, the wallboard work is nearing completion, and the kitchen and bathroom cabinets have been installed.
November 18, 2000
With the addition of a garage door and the beginnings of a driveway and front walk, the house is really taking shape.
November 26, 2000
The driveway has been completed. Inside, the vinyl and ceramic flooring has been installed.
December 9, 2000
The house is really starting to take final form now! Inside, the hardwood floor has been installed.
December 13, 2000
Instant grass!!! Inside, carpeting has been added to the bedrooms and most of the light fixtures and bathroom fixtures have been installed.
December 20, 2000
It's now only eight days until closing! Here is a picture taken early in the morning as the sun was coming up revealing a dusting of snow. Pretty close to a White Christmas!!

  On December 28, 2000, we moved into our new home! It had been a long process, but one well worth undertaking. A few days after we moved in, a photographer showed up at the door wanting to take a picture for Homes & Land, a local real estate magazine. It turns out that our builder wanted the house featured on the cover!! A few weeks later, the magazine came out, as shown below. Click on the picture to see a larger version.