<BGSOUND SRC="JamesTaylor-YourSmilingFace.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Vicki and Haley Carwile
About Us:
We're from Statesboro!  The rest is just a template because this page is under construction!
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Meet Patti and Bernie
Meet Chip and Linda
Meet Lauren and Jon
Meet Leslieann and Rodrick
Meet Caden Henry O'Neal
Meet Henry
Meet Lulu
Meet Earl
Meet Other Family/  Friends
My hobbies and interests include fly-fishing, solving algebraic equations, traveling in foreign countries, singing karaoke on Yahoo! chat, catching butterflies, pushing pixels, building sandcastles, playing online games, daytrading, building mosaic tables, bowling, fingerpainting, and people-watching.
My best friend is Tim. My girlfriend is Alison. They're the best. My closest college friends are Aaron, David, Lianne and Eric. You can visit their sites below.

I have a mom, dad, and two sisters. One is older, one is younger. I'm the middle child. I'm also the only boy. I also have relatives in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

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