Welcome to the Hyatt Family Home Page !






Information about the Hyatt Family:

As of Oct 2003


Robert currently works for the US Treasury as a computer specialist in Northern Virginia. His hobbies and interest include camping, playing the trumpet, and religious studies. For the past 20 years Robert has been active in the scouting program. He also enjoys writing books and doctrinal essays about many teachings of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (LDS or Mormom Church). If you are interested in reading any Books or Essays Robert has written, just click on the link.


Susan works for a local community center as a computer receptionist which is part of the Parks and Recreation Dept. for the County we live in. She has many talents which include, teaching, arts and crafts, and leadership. Her current LDS Church calling is Achievement Day Girl leader of our Ward. This includes all girls ages 8 - 11. She enjoys making flower arrangements, doing arts and crafts, and placing them around the house or giving them to friends.


Lauren is currently a student at Utah State University. She is married to Brett Crowther and is expecting a baby in Dec. Her talents and hobbies include playing the trumpet, religious studies, and leadership. Lauren has been asked to be president of a University service organization.


Marie is currently a student at Brigham Young Univerity Idaho. Her talents include playing the piano, listening to music, drawing, leadership, and dating of course. She enjoys physical fitness and loves to run and exercise.


Natalie is a Junior in High School now and loves all her friends and teachers. She loves to play the Piano. Natalie is active in many endeavors. She loves working for a local Resuce Squad two nights a week. Her church responsibilities include being 1st Councilor of her Laurels class. She loves watching old movies with her mom.



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