Danielle's Homepage
"Something Special"
Enjoy these Homepages:
Stephen's Homepage
Mom's Homepage
Patti & Lynns Homepage
Mary's Homepage
Jean-Paul's Baby Page.
(Pictures of Danielle and Stephen pregnant)
Welcome to The Scarbrough Homepage!
George and Torri Hawk's Homepage
Sonya's Homepage
"Like Daisy petals the fairy tears came....landing on the grass and breaking into colored crystals. And she spoke as they fell... alternating in turn.... he loves me...he loves me not...he loves me... But of course
                                                        HE LOVES ME!!!"
May 29, 2003
Jean-Paul's First Birthday
August 16 2002   2 years old
August 16, 2001    1 year old
My Dad, Neice Taylor-Rae, Jean-Paul and I
My Aunt Debbie has passed on Food for Thought...Genetically Engineered Foods. Can you imagine drinking milk and then relizing that the milk you just drank carries a hormone that increases the production of breast and prostate cancer Cells? How about knowing you have allergic reaction to some foods although you eat soybeans that have been genetically altered and now carry genes from a food you cant have...You now have an allergic reaction which can then turn to something life threatening. Well I have attached some URL's that I hope you will take the time to research and Read. It could do us ALL a Favor.
Food for Thought

Pure Food Partners
Here is our Webshots sites. It has Many MANY Pictures that are Thumbnails. Click on the picture to view. Has
Stephen's Mini
Mommy and Jean-Paul
        May 2003
Pictures of Halloween 2002, Ohio and Family!!!
2003 3yrs old
Daddy and Jean-Paul  
        Aug 2003
Jean-Paul's Homepage