On January 7th and 8th we decided to head for the coast. The weather was beautiful! It was sunny and clear, and actually warmer than it was at home. Torin really enjoyed it this time, and Adriana loved playing in the water. On the first day we got there pretty late, about 4pm. We only had an hour on the beach but the sunset was amazing. We grabbed a hotel room (with a pool and a hot tub!) and spent the night. The next morning we got out early for more fun in the sand and water. After lunch (and a nap in the car for both kids) we found a great beach for flying kites and did that until it got too cold. We had a really great time, and we can't wait to go again. Jason says maybe next time we'll head for the mountains and play in the snow.
You can click on each picture to see a larger version.

Torin loved the view from the backpack. Sticking his cold fingers into Daddy's ears was fun too!!

Adriana and I had a lot of fun chasing sea foam. We got a bit too wet, but that's okay.


See what I mean about the sunset?!

The kids loved wrestling around on the pillows and on the Mom.
Adriana wants to be just like her Daddy when she grows up =).

Torin liked playing in the sand. He didn't even mind getting it in his mouth. Goofy kid!

The Yaquina Head Lighthouse from Agate Beach, and Adriana watching the kite.

The beginning of sunset our last evening there. Can you see the prism?