Jason & Jennifer's Page


Welcome to our page.  I guess we should tell you a little about us. We met in 1990 in our high school algebra class.  I was a freshman, and Jason was a sophomore.  Jason joined the Marine Corps in '92 and we married after I graduated in '93.  He was stationed at USMCAS El Toro in southern California.  We had a great life down there and really miss it.  We met many wonderful people, most of whom are scattered all over the US now. We moved back up to Oregon when he got out in '96 and here we are.  We love it up here because it's so beautiful, and it doesn't hurt that most of our family is here too.
Update ~ July 2000 ~ We have started a family of our own with the addition of a little girl. Adriana has enriched our life and the lives of all her Grandparents. :)
Update ~ July 2001 ~ Our daughter turned a year old and she has been the best little girl we could have hoped for. We recently found out our family is growing again. Adriana is going to be a big sister! The new baby is due in early March of 2002.
Update ~ March 2002 ~ Torin is here!!!! He was born March 1st and we are so thrilled! Please check out his new page for his birth info and a few pictures.
Update ~ January 2003 ~ Lots of new stuff has been added to the site. Torin and Adriana each have a new pictures page, we added our first family photo, and another beach vacation. There has been an addition to our family as well. Our third child will be arriving sometime in early June of 2003. Check out the ultrasound pictures and updates!!

Update ~ November 2003 ~ Logan is here!!!! Logan was born June 6, 2003. He has his very own page (of course!) with info and pictures. Final score - Boys 3, Girls 2.  =Þ

Misc. Pictures


Family Photos

Meet Our Cats

Yellowstone Vacation Page




Beach Vacation - June 2002

Our First Family Photo

Beach Vacation - January 2003

We went to the zoo!!!! February 2003

Hoop-Dee-Doo. We went to a Wiggles concert!!!!


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There is only ONE photo I love of my big preggo belly,
and Ashni is the person who made it beautiful!!
Check out her work.