Hello all,
My bmother's name is Edna Durelle Dixon Cheshire, Dixon is her maiden name. Cheshire is probably my bfather's last name. I Don't remember all that much about my bmom, after all, I only recall seeing her 3 times in my life! She seemed very big to me, but who wouldn't to a child. Turns out she was 5'11" tall! That's a big woman, I wonder if she ever played basketball, or if kids made fun of her, when she was growing up? Look at the jolly green giant. Look out, it's the amazon from hell, run for cover before she steps on us! Enough of that nonsense! Well The state records say: She was Scotish, Irish, Dutch, English, Finnish, and American Indian(tribe not specified), regular Heinz 57! That must make me a Heinz 58 then! She was born in California, and was 23 years old when I was born. She was a high school graduate, a Baptist, can't tell you if she was a practicing Baptist. I doubt it seriously! I just thank the Lord that she didn't abort me! Ohhh!, it just hit me, how eerily similar those words are, "Abort" and "Adopt", the fine line between life and death. That gave me the creeps, like one of Steven Kings novels. I thank You Sweet Jesus and my birth mom for at least granting me the opportunity of life! Where was I, Oh yeah! She was unemployed and on Food Stamps. How do I know that, you might ask? I'll get Now then, she was married, that's how I deduced the name part earlier in my story. Whether Cheshire is my bfather or not is another story, or if he even knew about me? Back to my bmom. Her mother and father were both alive when I was born, but I never saw my grandfather. He was 47 at the time of my birth, was a longshoreman, and had completed the 8th grade. His health status was not reported. I remember living with my grandmother. I called her Nanny. She was 46, a housewife, and finished high school. My mother's sister, Paula, who was 30 years old, also stayed there. I remember them the most, because I lived in their home for six years. I also know my grandmother was ill, and in the hospital, when I left. I think that was the reason why baunt Paula drove me up to San Francisco, to live with my mother. Because Nanny wasn't able to care for little David anymore, after her psychotic episode. I didn't mean to drive her over the edge! Shoot, I don't know maybe I was to blame? I was a little shyster, after all! But more than likely, it was my bmom that gave poor Nanny a nevous breakdown! Well, I know Paula worked full-time, I can't blame her, I was only her nephew, not her responsibility. At least she gave me a lift north, she could have made me, a six year old, hitch hike to San Francisco you know! Heck, lots of people were hitch hiking to SF in those days! Flower power, peace, love, and all that wild Hippie stuff! Getting back to the subject of marriage. My bmother was married twice. She married her second husband, who is believed to be my bfather, without divorcing her first husband. My bparents were separated prior to my birth. During their separation, my bfather married another woman. This sounds more like a soap opera, with low ratings, than real life! But, then again, where do the writers get their stories from? One more thing about my bmother. Reportedly, she was in good health, except for a touch of syphilis. Thank goodness we are talking about the 1960's here, and not today. God only knows what she may have contracted, with, what sounds like, a very promiscuous lifestyle?
This is the part we've all been waiting for. The part where I attempt to spill my guts all over this web page. Sounds frightening doesn't it. Let me warn you, that I interject a bit of dry humor throughout. But the story is true. OK, let's get started! My birth name was David Lee Cheshire. I was born in Torrance, CA at Los Angeles County Harbor General Hospital, at 12:36PM, on October 30, 1959. Lucky for me the doctor wasn't out to lunch at the time. That really could have gotten messy! Any way, the doctor was not on break, and everything popped out nicely! Man, I wonder if my mother even bothered to hold me after birth, or whether there were any complications. I can't tell you, only my bmom, doctor, and nurses know for sure. The delivering doctor's name was P.Thompson MD., but this is from my amended birth certificate. I haven't looked him/her up yet. I'll put that on my list of things to do though!
to that later. Anyway, she was 5'11" as I said a big woman, weighed 180lbs.,
had green eyes, and brown hair. Sound familiar at all? If it does, do me
a favor and E-mail me! You don't have to now. I know where she is! Made contact too!
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