All For One
Howdy Folks!!
These pages are dedicated to my family,
Friends, Teammates, & anyone who has spirit
in themselves! I think making friends is
important & I want to show you that there
is a lot of people out there
just waiting to be your friend!!!!
These are from the Cherub Champions
when I was on their team

Thank you Bluebell!! |
Thank you Angel Whispers!
April 17th, 2000 |
Vote for our site on WEEKLY TOP SPIRIT PAGES!

Well, I know that you can only join one Team at a time,
but when I found out that I could have all of these wonderful
things, I started visiting the other sites and finding
everything that needed a home. I just couldn't help myself and
maybe I got a little carried away, or maybe not??! LoL
I have shared my heart with my best friend,
who use to be in the Site Fights,
& she was with "The Cherished Teddies".
As you will notice,
Some of these Teams no longer exist,
so there may be no links to them anymore,
I am just lucky I had a chance to be here
when they were playin for the Site Fights! :)
This little guy was named after my cat Toughy. Toughy died a few
years ago, So I thought I would keep his name going in
our family!!


This one is for my father

I have adopted this beautiful angel
for my Grandma Clarissa!
Who I know is my Guardian Angel & just a beautiful!!