© Welcome to the
Located in the New London area of
Southeastern Connecticut, U.S.A,
a "Not-for-Profit" Club which operates
all 4 principal scales of Model Railroading.
~ Visitors welcome ~
Photo Gallery
Links to other
Train Sites.
Introduction to the M - P Club.
Gives a "History" and "Membership Application" form.

Shows featuring the
M - P Club.
Lists the Shows we attend and the Scales we exhibit.

Photo Gallery.
    ~  "There are 4 Galleries"  ~
G - Scale,
O - Scale, HO - Scale, N - Scale.

Links Page.
Follow the links to here other Great Model Railroad Sites......
A Main Line Scene on Our 'N' Scale Layout
Main Line Scene on
Our 'N' Scale Layout.
Just one of Our Magnificent Locos on Our 'G' Scale Layout
A Railcar in Action on
Our 'O' Scale Layout.
Diesel Railcar in Action on 'O' Scale Layout
One of the Locos in Action on
Our 'G' Scale Layout.
One end of the Passenger Station
on Our 'HO' Scale Layout.
Shows Links to other
Train Sites.
Photo Gallery
You are Passenger Number email the M - P Club.